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Author Topic: Help with encoded by tag  (Read 1834 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Help with encoded by tag
« on: July 06, 2007, 09:48:06 pm »

I'm trying the trial of MC, after having read many great reviews from HTPC users.  However, I have a problem.

I've spent a lot of time tagging "rarely used" mp3 tags to store extra information for Meedio to use.  When I import the files directly into Meedio, it using the "Encoded by" tag to store multiple genres.  Meedio can use | to separate multiple tags, so |Folk|Female Vocalist| will show up under multiple sorts using Meedio.  However, this seems to be a field not imported by JRMC12, at least according to these threads: [reading mp3 tags] [Tagging Standards (AlexB and other gurus come in)]

I have no problem if this goes to a separate tag, but so far the only place I see it is under the Format tag, and I can't extract it.  I tried various search criteria (TENC, ENCODEDBY, EncodedBy) under User Library Fields, but I can't get anything to work.

Is this possible, and I haven't set it up correctly, or am I out of luck with MC?  Any help would be appreciated.



  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Help with encoded by tag
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2007, 08:33:13 pm »

If MC12 isn't able to get this tag, is there some other program that will let me move the field to another tag used by MC12?

I originally used Tag & Rename to manually tag all of my music over a year ago.  I haven't kept up with new music.  I'd love to use MC12 update my new music but I need some tag that I can store my "extra" genre's in (any recommendation?).  And some tool that will automatically move the encoded by tag to whatever other tag I should use. 

I'm obviously not up to speed on tags, but I did try Tag & Rename again, but the best I could do was get it to move the Encoded by value to other tags that still only show up in the format tag in MC12.

I can't be the first one to run into this problem.  Anyone have advice?



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Re: Help with encoded by tag
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2007, 09:04:15 pm »

1. tools > options > library and folders.
2. select user fields, then add field.
3. name it "Encoded by" (exactly as you see it in the format window), set it's data type to "List (semi colon delimited)", click OK.
4. select a file that has an "encoded by" tag and right click on it (the file) and choose: library tools > update library from tags. this should import your tag data.
5. with the same file still selected, right click again, choose: library tools > find/replace.
6. click on the select none button, then scroll the list to find and select 'encoded by'. Find | and replace with ;
7. if this has worked, select all files and repeat the steps above.

After you have your Encoded By tags imported, you can move the tag contents to any other existing tag, or create another user field of your own and move the data into that. Once you have the data in your library, it's almost putty inyour hands!



  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Help with encoded by tag
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2007, 10:34:27 pm »


Thanks for the reply, but that didn't work.

Here's an extract from the MC12 format field:
Code: [Select]
  TENC (Encoded by): |Rock|Eclectic|
  TPE3 (Conductor): |Oingo Boingo|Boingo|Danny Elfman|

The Conductor tag shows up when I select this file and list the tags (it also shows up under format).  It shows up the way I'd hope, including the | surrounding each entry.  I checked the Standard Library Fields, and Conductor is listed as Data Type: String, Edit Type: Standard and with Store in file tags: checked.  I've tried using the same settings (as well as with Data Type: "List (semi colon delimited)" as you suggested), but with either setting, the Encoded by tag (which shows up whether it is a User Library Field or not), is simply blank.

So it seems like no matter what I try for library fields, the tag simply won't import. 

If it helps, here's the full format tag:
Code: [Select]
MPEG-1 Layer 3
235 Kbit VBR
44.1 Khz Joint stereo

Copyrighted: No
Original: Yes
Protected by CRC: No
Encoder: LAME3.96r
Gapless: Yes (576 start, 1848 end)

ID3v1 Tag: (128 bytes)
   Name: Who Do You Want To Be
   Artist: Oingo Boingo
   Album: Boingo Alive (Disc 2)
   Year: 1988
   Track #: 9
   Genre: Rock (17)

ID3v2.3 Tag: (48532 bytes)
  TPE2 (Band): |Oingo Boingo|Boingo|Danny Elfman|
  TIT2 (Title): Who Do You Want To Be
  TALB (Album): Boingo Alive (Disc 2)
  TPE1 (Lead performer(s)): Oingo Boingo
  TCON (Content type): Rock
  TYER (Year): 1988
  TRCK (Track number): 9/16
  TSSE (Software): Audiograbber 1.83.01, LAME dll 3.96, VBR 1 (Default method), Joint Stereo, Normal quality
  TOPE (Original artist(s)): |Oingo Boingo|Boingo|Danny Elfman|
  TCOM (Composer): Boingo Alive
  TENC (Encoded by): |Rock|Eclectic|
  TPOS (Part of a set): 2
  TPE3 (Conductor): |Oingo Boingo|Boingo|Danny Elfman|
  TEXT (Lyricist): Album
  COMM (Comments):
   APIC: <unknown data type>



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Re: Help with encoded by tag
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2007, 11:34:33 pm »

I'm all ears on this one.  Still haven't figured out how to import TENC (or others) into my user defined fields so I'm copy and pasting.  It works but ... seems that there should be a better way. 

Marco, Tried your suggestion and didn't have any luck either.  I've only used MC for a couple of months so maybe I've got some other option set that blocks the import. 

Any and all suggestions are sincerely appreciated.



MPEG-1 Layer 3
128 Kbit CBR
44.1 Khz Joint stereo

Copyrighted: No
Original: No
Protected by CRC: No
Encoder: <unknown>
Gapless: No

ID3v1 Tag: (128 bytes)
   Name: Black Cadillac
   Artist: Lightnin' Hopkins
   Album: In The Key Lightnin' Hopkins
   Year: 2002
   Track #: 0
   Genre: Blues (0)

ID3v2.3 Tag: (24284 bytes)
  TENC (Encoded by): Radiotracker - Netrock101.Com Delta Blues Electric Blues Classic Blues
   APIC: <unknown data type>
  TCON (Content type): Blues
  TYER (Year): 2002
  TPE2 (Band): Lightnin' Hopkins
  TIT2 (Title): Black Cadillac
  TPE1 (Lead performer(s)): Lightnin' Hopkins
  TALB (Album): In The Key Lightnin' Hopkins
  COMM (Comments):
  COMM (Tool Name): Media Center
  COMM (Tool Version): 12.0.226
  COMM (Date): 37257.000011574077

Alex B

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Re: Help with encoded by tag
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2007, 05:50:03 am »

Marko's solution is good for creating a new field, but he didn't know that the ID3v2 tags are handled in a special way. The support for specific ID3 fields must be build-in in the MP3 input plug-in. It is not possible to just add a tag that would use a certain ID3 tag if the tag is not already present in the input plug-in code.

I have posted this workaround:
Apple uses the ID3v2 frame "TIT1 / Content group description" for its Grouping field. This ID3v2 field is not often used outside iTunes. I don't think it is supported in MC yet.

It is quite possible that JRiver adds support for TIT1. iTunes doesn't allow custom fields and often people use this "Grouping" field for additional information. Recently JRiver added support for several proprietary Music Match tags after that was requested here.

I see you have made a couple of excellent program choices - MC and Mp3tag. The freeware MP3tag editor is a good companion for MC because it can convert foreign tags to MC's native format.

For now, you can use the following procedure as a workaround. Mp3tag v. 2.36 or newer is needed.

1. Import the files to MC.

2. Make this new library field in "Options > Library > Library Fields > Add...":

Remember to enable the "Store in file tags (when possible)" option.

3. Add this new field to a view scheme:

4. Fill something in the "Content Group" column. This will make MC to write the tag to the files.

5. Close MC and open Mp3tag. Go to its options and configure MP3 tag writing as follows (the ISO-8859-1 tag format is needed for compatibility with MC) :

6. Load the MP3 files to Mp3tag and check that it can see both tags (iTunes' CONTENTGROUP and MC's COMMENT MEDIA JUKEBOX: CONTENT GROUP).

7. Make a new Action for copying the CONTENTGROUP tag values to the COMMENT MEDIA JUKEBOX: CONTENT GROUP tag:

8. Run the action on the files

9. Close Mp3tag and open MC. Use the library tool "Update Library (from tags)" for getting the info inside MC's library.

This example was for the "TIT1" tag, but you can use the same system for any ID3v2 tag that is supported in Mp3Tag.

I used MC11 back then and the place for user library fields has changed slightly in MC12 (check marko's reply for the current place).
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Re: Help with encoded by tag
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2007, 09:40:04 pm »

Got it to work! 

Thank you very much. 

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