Thanks for the reply, but that didn't work.
Here's an extract from the MC12 format field:
TENC (Encoded by): |Rock|Eclectic|
TPE3 (Conductor): |Oingo Boingo|Boingo|Danny Elfman|
The Conductor tag shows up when I select this file and list the tags (it also shows up under format). It shows up the way I'd hope, including the | surrounding each entry. I checked the Standard Library Fields, and Conductor is listed as Data Type: String, Edit Type: Standard and with Store in file tags: checked. I've tried using the same settings (as well as with Data Type: "List (semi colon delimited)" as you suggested), but with either setting, the Encoded by tag (which shows up whether it is a User Library Field or not), is simply blank.
So it seems like no matter what I try for library fields, the tag simply won't import.
If it helps, here's the full format tag:
MPEG-1 Layer 3
235 Kbit VBR
44.1 Khz Joint stereo
Copyrighted: No
Original: Yes
Protected by CRC: No
Encoder: LAME3.96r
Gapless: Yes (576 start, 1848 end)
ID3v1 Tag: (128 bytes)
Name: Who Do You Want To Be
Artist: Oingo Boingo
Album: Boingo Alive (Disc 2)
Year: 1988
Track #: 9
Genre: Rock (17)
ID3v2.3 Tag: (48532 bytes)
TPE2 (Band): |Oingo Boingo|Boingo|Danny Elfman|
TIT2 (Title): Who Do You Want To Be
TALB (Album): Boingo Alive (Disc 2)
TPE1 (Lead performer(s)): Oingo Boingo
TCON (Content type): Rock
TYER (Year): 1988
TRCK (Track number): 9/16
TSSE (Software): Audiograbber 1.83.01, LAME dll 3.96, VBR 1 (Default method), Joint Stereo, Normal quality
TOPE (Original artist(s)): |Oingo Boingo|Boingo|Danny Elfman|
TCOM (Composer): Boingo Alive
TENC (Encoded by): |Rock|Eclectic|
TPOS (Part of a set): 2
TPE3 (Conductor): |Oingo Boingo|Boingo|Danny Elfman|
TEXT (Lyricist): Album
COMM (Comments):
APIC: <unknown data type>