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Author Topic: MC lagging (log file)  (Read 1046 times)


  • Guest
MC lagging (log file)
« on: July 27, 2007, 09:48:03 am »

Using my laptop on the road and I thought MC wasn't playing nice with NOD32, so I killed the A/V realtime monitor and I am getting big hangs and lags when switching tracks, start/stop, close display.

I can sometimes switch tracks quickly but MC locks up for a LONG time; the track time will start to count then lockup as MC locks up for an average of 15 seconds. I have PlayingNow disabled and my AV as I mentioned.

Yesterday the same behavior occurred as I showed my wife the pictures I took during the day.

The log is showing some strange behavior when I selected one audio file to playback:

964202: 3256: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Start
2964212: 3256: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Handling exclusive playback zones
2964222: 3256: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Getting actual playback track
2964222: 3256: Service: CServicesPlugins::AllowAction (single file): Start
2964222: 3256: Service: CServicesPlugins::AllowAction (multiple files): Start
2964222: 3256: SDK: CMJFilesAutomation::CMJFilesAutomation: Global Count: 2
2964222: 3256: SDK: CMJFilesAutomation::OnFinalRelease: All objects released
2964222: 3256: SDK: CMJFilesAutomation::~CMJFilesAutomation: Global Count: 1
2964222: 3256: Service: CServicesPlugins::AllowAction (multiple files): Finish (0 ms)
2964222: 3256: Service: CServicesPlugins::AllowAction (single file): AllowAction(Action: Play Prepare) single file results: '1'
2964222: 3256: Service: CServicesPlugins::AllowAction (single file): Finish (0 ms)
2964232: 3256: Service: CServicesPlugins::AllowAction (single file): Start
2964232: 3256: Service: CServicesPlugins::AllowAction (multiple files): Start
2964232: 3256: SDK: CMJFilesAutomation::CMJFilesAutomation: Global Count: 2
2964232: 3256: SDK: CMJFilesAutomation::OnFinalRelease: All objects released
2964232: 3256: SDK: CMJFilesAutomation::~CMJFilesAutomation: Global Count: 1
2964232: 3256: Service: CServicesPlugins::AllowAction (multiple files): Finish (0 ms)
2964232: 3256: Service: CServicesPlugins::AllowAction (single file): AllowAction(Action: Play) single file results: '1'
2964232: 3256: Service: CServicesPlugins::AllowAction (single file): Finish (0 ms)
2964232: 3256: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Processing play for 'P:\New Folder\45s\45 RPM 7 INCH\Ronnie Davis - Neville Sounds (45rpm 7_) - Take Heed.mp3'
2964232: 3256: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Updating internal track info
2964232: 3256: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Playing: <XMLFN version="1.0"><Item Name="Filename">P:\New Folder\45s\45 RPM 7 INCH\Ronnie Davis - Neville Sounds (45rpm 7_) - Take Heed.mp3</Item><Item Name="ReplayGainTrackAutoPreamp">9472</Item><Item Name="FileType">mp3</Item><Item Name="ReplayGainTrack">-9472</Item><Item Name="ReplayGainAlbumAutoPreamp">9472</Item><Item Name="ReplayGainAlbum">-9472</Item><Item Name="MediaType">Audio</Item><Item Name="DatabaseKey">1173</Item><Item Name="PlaylistIndex">0</Item></XMLFN> / mp3
2964232: 3256: Playback: CPlaybackEngImpl::Play: Start
2964232: 3256: Reader: CLocalReader::OpenInternal: Opening: C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Data\Default Resources\FileAssociations.xml
2964232: 3256: Reader: CLocalReader::Close: Closing: C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Data\Default Resources\FileAssociations.xml
2964232: 3256: Playback: CPlaybackEngImpl::Play: Playing P:\New Folder\45s\45 RPM 7 INCH\Ronnie Davis - Neville Sounds (45rpm 7_) - Take Heed.mp3 with type mp3
2964232: 3256: Playback: CPlaybackEngImpl::StartPlayFile: Start
2964242: 3256: Playback: CWaveFeederHelper::GetForceDirectShow: Returning FALSE for file P:\New Folder\45s\45 RPM 7 INCH\Ronnie Davis - Neville Sounds (45rpm 7_) - Take Heed.mp3
2964242: 3256: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::Play: Start
2964272: 3256: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::Play: bRadio = 0, m_strFilename = P:\New Folder\45s\45 RPM 7 INCH\Ronnie Davis - Neville Sounds (45rpm 7_) - Take Heed.mp3, setting MJ_INPUT_SOURCE_INFO_CACHE_ALL_METADATA
2964272: 3256: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::Play: Finish (30 ms)
2964272: 2404: Reader: CLocalReader::OpenInternal: Opening: P:\New Folder\45s\45 RPM 7 INCH\Ronnie Davis - Neville Sounds (45rpm 7_) - Take Heed.mp3
2964272: 3256: Playback: CPlaybackEngImpl::StartPlayFile: Play returned: 1
2964272: 3256: Playback: CPlaybackEngImpl::StartPlayFile: Finish (40 ms)
2964292: 2404: Playback: CPlayerZone::OnNewStream: Start
2964292: 3256: Playback: CPlaybackEngImpl::Play: StartPlayFile returned 1
2964292: 2404: Playback: CPlayerZone::OnNewStream: Finish (0 ms)
2964292: 3256: Playback: CPlaybackEngImpl::Play: Finish (60 ms)
2964302: 2808: Playback: CWaveOutBinPlayThread::Thread: Start
2964352: 3256: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Play succeeded
2964362: 3256: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Finish (160 ms)
2964362: 3256: General: CMJFileListCtrl::OnPaint: Start
2964362: 3256: General: CMJFileListCtrl::OnPaint: Updating view port
2964362: 3256: General: CMJFileListCtrl::OnPaint: Drawing non item area
2964362: 3256: General: CMJFileListCtrl::OnPaint: Analyzing viewport
2964362: 3256: General: CMJFileListCtrl::OnPaint: Drawing (1 items)
2964392: 3256: General: CMJFileListCtrl::OnPaint: Finish (30 ms)
2964423: 3256: General: CMJFileListCtrl::OnPaint: Start
2964423: 3256: General: CMJFileListCtrl::OnPaint: Updating view port
2964423: 3256: General: CMJFileListCtrl::OnPaint: Drawing non item area
2964423: 3256: General: CMJFileListCtrl::OnPaint: Analyzing viewport
2964433: 3256: General: CMJFileListCtrl::OnPaint: Drawing (1 items)
2964443: 3256: General: CMJFileListCtrl::OnPaint: Finish (20 ms)
2964443: 3256: Reader: CLocalReader::OpenInternal: Opening: C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Data\Default Art\ActionWindowNavigation.png
2964443: 3256: Reader: CLocalReader::Close: Closing: C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Data\Default Art\ActionWindowNavigation.png
2964453: 3256: General: CMainUIWnd::Resize: Start
2964483: 3256: General: CMainUIWnd::Resize: Finish (30 ms)
2964593: 3256: General: CMJFileListCtrl::OnPaint: Start
2964593: 3256: General: CMJFileListCtrl::OnPaint: Updating view port
2964593: 3256: General: CMJFileListCtrl::OnPaint: Drawing non item area
2964603: 3256: General: CMJFileListCtrl::OnPaint: Analyzing viewport
2964603: 3256: General: CMJFileListCtrl::OnPaint: Drawing (1 items)
2964613: 3256: General: CMJFileListCtrl::OnPaint: Finish (20 ms)
2964633: 3256: General: CMJFileListCtrl::OnPaint: Start
2964633: 3256: General: CMJFileListCtrl::OnPaint: Updating view port
2964643: 3256: General: CMJFileListCtrl::OnPaint: Drawing non item area
2964643: 3256: General: CMJFileListCtrl::OnPaint: Analyzing viewport
2964643: 3256: General: CMJFileListCtrl::OnPaint: Drawing (1 items)
2964663: 3256: General: CMJFileListCtrl::OnPaint: Finish (30 ms)
2988958: 3256: General: CMJFileListCtrl::OnPaint: Start
2988958: 3256: General: CMJFileListCtrl::OnPaint: Updating view port
2988958: 3256: General: CMJFileListCtrl::OnPaint: Drawing non item area
2988958: 3256: General: CMJFileListCtrl::OnPaint: Analyzing viewport
2988958: 3256: General: CMJFileListCtrl::OnPaint: Drawing (1 items)
2988968: 3256: General: CMJFileListCtrl::OnPaint: Finish (10 ms)

(this is then repeated about 20 times)


  • Guest
Re: MC lagging (log file)
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2007, 09:48:30 am »

2984942: 3256: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::Update: Start
2984942: 3256: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::Update: Processing completed work threads
2984942: 3256: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::Update: Purging files
2984942: 3256: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::Update: Scheduling downloads
2984942: 3256: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::ScheduleDownload: Start
2984942: 3256: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::ScheduleDownload: No work found
2984942: 3256: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::ScheduleDownload: Finish (0 ms)
2984942: 3256: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::Update: Finish (0 ms)
2988958: 3256: General: CMJFileListCtrl::OnPaint: Start
2988958: 3256: General: CMJFileListCtrl::OnPaint: Updating view port
2988958: 3256: General: CMJFileListCtrl::OnPaint: Drawing non item area
2988958: 3256: General: CMJFileListCtrl::OnPaint: Analyzing viewport
2988958: 3256: General: CMJFileListCtrl::OnPaint: Drawing (1 items)
2988968: 3256: General: CMJFileListCtrl::OnPaint: Finish (10 ms)

(this is then repeated about 70 times)
2990410: 3256: Reader: CLocalReader::OpenInternal: Opening: C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\MegaSkins\Backlight\Frame_CloseButton.png


Media Center Registered 12.0.278 -- C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\

Microsoft Windows XP  Workstation 5.1 Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
Intel Pentium 4 1785 MHz MMX / Memory: Total - 523 MB, Free - 99 MB

Internet Explorer: 6.0.2900.2180 / ComCtl32.dll: 5.82.2900 / Shlwapi.dll: 6.0.2900 / Shell32.dll: 6.0.2900 / wnaspi32.dll: N/A
Ripping /   Drive D: HL-DT-STRW/DVD GCC-4240N  Mode:ModeSecure  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Drive N:   Mode:Normal  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Digital playback: Yes /  Use YADB: Yes /  Get cover art: No /  Calc replay gain: Yes /  Copy volume: 32767
  Eject after ripping: Yes /  Play sound after ripping: No 

Burning /  Drive D: HL-DT-ST RW/DVD GCC-4240N   Addr: 1:0:0  Speed:24  MaxSpeed:24  BurnProof:Yes
  Test mode: No /  Eject after writing: Yes /  Direct decoding: Yes /  Write CD-Text: Yes
  Use playback settings: No /

Portable Device Info
  Removed devices:

Interface Plugins:
  Library Server (Active)
  TiVo Server (Active)
  UPnP Server (Active)
  Playing Now


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Re: MC lagging (log file)
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2007, 09:49:48 am »

Using my laptop on the road and I thought MC wasn't playing nice with NOD32, so I killed the A/V realtime monitor and I am getting big hangs and lags when switching tracks, start/stop, close display.
Try uninstalling NOD and rebooting.


  • Guest
Re: MC lagging (log file)
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2007, 09:58:48 am »

I have used NOD on this PC and my other with no problems with MC10-12.

Take a look at this please:

4272153: 3256: Playback: CPlaybackEngImpl::Play: Playing P:\Our Photos\2006\9\IMG_1310.jpg with type jpg
4273765: 732: Reader: CLocalReader::OpenInternal: Opening: P:\Our Photos\2006\9\IMG_1310.jpg
4274106: 3256: Playback: CPlaybackEngImpl::StartPlayFile: Start
4275988: 732: Reader: CLocalReader::Close: Closing: P:\Our Photos\2006\9\IMG_1310.jpg
4277801: 3256: Playback: CPlaybackEngImpl::StartPlayFile: Play returned: 1
4277801: 3256: Playback: CPlaybackEngImpl::StartPlayFile: Finish (3695 ms)
4277801: 3256: Playback: CPlaybackEngImpl::Play: StartPlayFile returned 1
4277801: 3256: Playback: CPlaybackEngImpl::Play: Finish (7671 ms)
4277801: 3256: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Play succeeded
4277801: 3256: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Finish (7671 ms)
4277801: 3256: Playback: CPlayerZone::Next: Applying database changes
4277801: 3256: Playback: CPlayerZone::Next: Finish (7681 ms)
4277811: 3256: General: CHotKeyHelper::ProcessMCC: Finish (7691 ms)

4277841: 3256: General: CHotKeyHelper::ProcessMCC: Start
4277841: 3256: General: CHotKeyHelper::ProcessMCC: Hot key type: Application command; Command: 10003, 0
4277841: 3256: General: CHotKeyHelper::ProcessMCC: Elapsed time since last hot key: 30 ms
4277841: 3256: General: CHotKeyHelper::ProcessMCC: Ignoring because anti-repeat time has not elapsed
4277841: 3256: General: CHotKeyHelper::ProcessMCC: Finish (0 ms)
4277961: 3256: SDK: CMJCurPlaylistAutomation::CMJCurPlaylistAutomation: Global Count: 1
4277961: 3256: SDK: CMJCurPlaylistAutomation::OnFinalRelease: All objects released
4277961: 3256: SDK: CMJCurPlaylistAutomation::~CMJCurPlaylistAutomation: Global Count: 0
4277961: 3256: SDK: CMJCurPlaylistAutomation::CMJCurPlaylistAutomation: Global Count: 1
4277961: 3256: SDK: CMJCurPlaylistAutomation::OnFinalRelease: All objects released
4277961: 3256: SDK: CMJCurPlaylistAutomation::~CMJCurPlaylistAutomation: Global Count: 0
4278031: 1624: Reader: CLocalReader::OpenInternal: Opening: P:\Our Photos\2006\9\IMG_1311.jpg
4278102: 1624: Reader: CLocalReader::Close: Closing: P:\Our Photos\2006\9\IMG_1311.jpg
4287325: 3256: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::Update: Start
4287325: 3256: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::Update: Processing completed work threads
4287325: 3256: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::Update: Purging files
4287325: 3256: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::Update: Scheduling downloads
4287325: 3256: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::ScheduleDownload: Start
4287325: 3256: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::ScheduleDownload: No work found
4287325: 3256: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::ScheduleDownload: Finish (0 ms)
4287325: 3256: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::Update: Finish (0 ms)

NOD is disabled with no background process running. The above log is viewing Photo library of resized 300kb   or less 1024x768 photos.

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