This would be great, I know others in this forum operate something like this using a main PC and all the other PC's are "clients" but have to run scripts etc to keep it all in sync.
I've been hacking through ways to make the same occur using my W2k3 server the main library and also running the Media server only.
Then have all the other PC's in the house sync the library and play the content from a shared or NFS drive on the server.
Unless I'm missing something (there are so many features I've still yet to discover in MC12) I would like to see the following: -
MC have an option to install the Media Server as a Service and not have the main program install or any of the codec support. i.e. no content will be played on the server.
Then on a Client machine I want to be able to map a drive and then add all my content and manage the remote library and also the view schemes. (Library sync does not see to bring my view schemes over like a connected library)
I would like an option that allows a client MC to always open the library in Read Only mode. With an option for me to enable RW after entering a password and then switch back to RO when I'm done. (Kinda like switching to superuser in unix or checking out / locking web content while editing)
The client need to be able to "sync" the library and modify the filename and album art paths without actually copying it to the local disk (except maybe caching for speed)
Ideally many of MC's configuration options should be stored on the server so clients are consistant in how they operate. (Some may need to be specific to local machines, not really dug too deep on this one)
The above is very much like the Library server function today, but using a mapped drive for the content to avoid the delay of a download before playing. (or maybe I'm doing something wrong)
This would allow even the DVD iso images to work using the tricks posted elsewhere in the forum.
I was working on a fully featured uPnP client (Hardware based) but then after the improvements in Theaterview, I'm thinking to stay with a PC and use MC as the front end, just need a client server model :-)
BTW what is unique about WHS that doesn't allow MC to install, is it just the installer doesn't support the OS type?