Do you have to run the commands from a command prompt or is there some other way?
You can create a macro with your iMON software (iMON Manager>Settings>Macro Command). It provides a little onscreen keyboard that you have to use to enter the commands. I named my first macro "Audio" and then pressed the (WindowsKey+Rmc12.exe /mcc 22001, 3) on the onscreen keyboard. I mapped the macro to the My Music button on the iMON remote. When I had Theaterview open, the macro worked. However, when I went to Video and then pressed the key again, the Run command started but then it didn't finish. I think I need to add a delay after WindowsKey+R. By the way, WindowsKey+R is a shortcut for the Run console.
The Media Center Core Commands is great information. I can now use them to program macros for buttons to control MC no matter what other program is running. I'll probably just use it so that I have play/pause functionality even if MC does not have focus.