We have never owned a Mac but it's tough to ignore the incredibility of the Mac after watching a Keynote. Everything looks so nifty. We are strongly considering buying the new 24" iMac with dot mac, iwork, and wireless keyboard/mouse...at around $2,000.
I have to admit that my biggest concern all around is simply our media collection--which is based mainly in Media Center. The fundamental issue relates to FLAC audio and DVD video folders. I don't think iTunes, which handles all the media, has any chance of handling any of this stuff. Yes, I could manage a synced duplicate of everything on my server just for iTunes but yuck!
Simply put, I think VLC runs on the Mac so that would handle all my media through the barebones playback method but I still need some way for utilizing MC without going crazy. I'm not exactly sure what who will use this computer but I'm sure it will be more of a wide spread usage pattern as everyone flocks to try it out.