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Author Topic: Is there an ETA for a MC12 that supports both iPod Classic and Windows Vista?  (Read 2219 times)


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I just purchased a brand new 80 GB iPod Classic, and want to do everything I can to avoid iTunes.  Jim posted a thread over at iLounge ( stating that version 12.0.329 of MC12 supports newer iPods, including iPod Classics.  Well, I installed NC12 and imported my entire library.  At the suggested of a help file within the program, I tried a manual sync to make sure everything was going to work.  Well, MC12 showed an entire album being synced, and showed that space was being take up on my ipod.  After it was done syncing, I ejected my iPod, upluged the USB cable and tried to browse the music on my iPod.  To my surprise the iPod still appeared to be empty.  I tried to browse through my music, and the screen just showed "No Music."  I plugged my iPod back in just to check to make sure I didn't fool myself into thinking I synced it.  I resynced again, and MC12 still shows that there are two full albums on my iPod (I synced a second different album).  I repeated all the steps above, and still after ejecting and disconnecting, music does not show up on my iPod Classic,

Am I doing something wrong?  Any information/assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Zach ?

EDIT (9/21/07):  Apparently my problem lies with the fact that I'm running MC12 on a Windows Vista computer.  Is there any estimate on when we might expect both iPod Classic and Windows Vista support in MC12?


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That's the behavior if you used previous versions of MC12.  Are you sure you have 12.0.329?  It's under MC Help/About.

Thanks for trying MC.  We'll get it sorted out for you if you stay with it.

There is an iPod board here where you'll find other information.


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Are you running Vista, Zach? It appears MC12 works under XP but if you are using Vista you may still get the 0 songs you describe.  In some other posts they said that Vista "may not" work", but I haven't seen any posting saying MC12, Vista, and the new iPods work together.



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Indeed I am using Vista.  The thing is, I have absolutely no problems syncing photos and viewing them on my iPod Classic, but synced songs still do not show up.  Also, to answer Jim's question, yes, I am 100% sure I have the most up to date version.  I downloaded and installed MC12 not even 24 hours ago.

EDIT:  I really don't want to sound impatient, because I know people are hard at work fixing bugs and making updates to the program, but is there planned Vista support in the future?  Also, I really like the entire UI/layout of the program, and hope to be able to use it a whole lot in the future!


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I can confirm that I have the exact issues that you described using Vista.


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Vista Users,

We are seeing some problems related to Vista's security layer (UAC) and our device management system. We are currently working on it. In the meantime, please run MC as an administrator. Right click on the MC icon and select "Run as Administrator".

This will better identify your iPod and it will allow you to use MC to manage the new iPod nanos and classics.



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Thank you for the continued updates!   :)


EDIT:  YES!!  The "Run as administrator" temp fix works!  This will definitely tie me over until full Vista support emerges.  Thank you so much!


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Vista Users,

We are seeing some problems related to Vista's security layer (UAC) and our device management system. We are currently working on it. In the meantime, please run MC as an administrator. Right click on the MC icon and select "Run as Administrator".

This will better identify your iPod and it will allow you to use MC to manage the new iPod nanos and classics.


Thanks for the tip.

 If you want to set MC to always run as adminstrator, right click on the program icon and select Properties. Click on the "Compatibility" tab. Check the bottom box that says "Run this Program As an Administrator". Everytime you launch MC it will be running as the admin. Depending on your security settings you may get a warning that asks you if it's alright to run the program.



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Thanks for the tip.

 If you want to set MC to always run as adminstrator, right click on the program icon and select Properties. Click on the "Compatibility" tab. Check the bottom box that says "Run this Program As an Administrator". Everytime you launch MC it will be running as the admin. Depending on your security settings you may get a warning that asks you if it's alright to run the program.

Thanks! :)
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