PM Flow v0.2 - 12-08-2008Bug fix
Downloadv1.6 - 20-07-2008:Changelog: minor tweaks, updated lastfm compatibility, automatically display lastfm cover when empty
PM Flow v0.1 - 07-02-2008:First release of this full-screen mod.
Known bugs:
- album name is centered under Firefox but not IE
- data grabber works under IE but not Firefox

- covers are too big in windowed mode
Anyone knows how to build a basic VIS with a blue "onbeat" oscilloscope?
Downloadv1.5 - 07-02-2008:Small update. Better web links display.
New layout preview.- 03-02-2008:give me your opinion (look at the end of this thread)

v1.3 - 06-01-2008:added clean "artist picture"
added "album info" + "album cover" from
DownloadTry Deivit's great template
v1.2 - 04-12-2007:quick & dirty update, just to get some feedback:
lytebox to open links within MC
added "artist image" auto-download script
added some web links (thanks to Deivit)
more cover links to come
v1.1 - 07-11-2007:small update:
added bio from last fm
fixed minor bugs
fine tuning in css
v1.0 - 30-10-2007:fixed a bug with accentued characters
fixed a bug that appears when number of results was under the given limit
image sizes can now be set with the css
links open in a popup window
hover effect on album art
sometimes data are not correctly refreshed (timeout problem ) -> need to fix that
parse audioscrobbler page to get bio info
Everything you need to know and download is
v0.5 28-10-2007:
I need suggestions regarding how data is displayed and organized. If you have any html knowledge you can customize it easily.
v0.0 - 17-10-2007I've started a Trackinfo template that retrieves data from audioscrobbler and shows information related to the current track. Since it's an html page I had to write everything in javascript. I tried to provide something versatile and customisable. For the moment the user need to click to display info but I've in mind an "onload" version.

You'll want to enable scrollbar: right-click on the track info and select "Enable Scroll Bar"...
Everything is still in a very early beta stage (including main ideas, javascript and css).
Functions are detailed in pm.js please take a look and send me comments.
If you get an error check:
Tools > Internet Options > Security > Custom Level > Micsellaneous >Access Data Sources across Domains > Prompt
PS: Extract the folder in "C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\Visualizations\Track Info" PS2: Thanks to Hieu Nguyen for his template.
PS3: I would like to have audioscrobbler data interact with MC, for example when showing similar artist, display if the user has those artists in his library. Or query for toptracks to build a "mainstream" playlist. I think that the C##/VB PLugin from Mr Chriz will allow me coding this. But if you have any idea or time ... :p
PS4: I think I'll add automatic cover download in the trackinfo template, I can manage that in javascript. I was thinking about a coverflow display using
that too.