I have a new version of PM Lyrics (12) almost ready for prime time. This version will feature the new lytebox pop-up internal sub-browser recently added by neFAST. I'm going to wait to release it though, until I can get the artist image to move from the "Similar Artists" section to the "Biography" section

After a few days using the new lytebox pop-up, I have found a couple of drawbacks that I would like to share with you, neFAST:
1.- If you have a litebox open and there's a track change, your litebox will vanish. If you're in the middle of an interesting read, this can be annoying. Is that a limitation of the script or can it be changed, so that the litebox remains open until you manually close it?
2.- The litebox does not inherit the right-click options of a regular browser page, but the right-click options of a Media Center Playing Now Template. This means, for instance, that you don't have the ability to right click-> copy a cover art image or a text, as you can do with a regular page. I understand that this could be a limitation of how the Playing Now Templates are accomodated inside Media Center. Is there no solution to that? Perhaps we can ask the MC developers?
Also, I don't like the template to download anything to my computer hard disk without me specifically telling it to do so. I'm referring to the artist image downloading to the path folder when you click on it. I would rather change that behaviour and probably PM Lyrics 12 will have that ability disabled if I can figure out how to do that without messing up with other things.
Otherwise, great job neFAST! Thank you very much for having developed an excellent tool for enhancing the whole Media Center experience.