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Author Topic: ID3 - Tagging system of JRiver Media Center 12  (Read 1952 times)


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ID3 - Tagging system of JRiver Media Center 12
« on: January 03, 2008, 07:40:14 am »

I've been user of you software for many years, since Media Jukebox, now in Media Center 12 and eagerly waiting for Media Center 13.

I sincerely think that is the best software available to manage a huge collection of media as it is mine, with 54.397 files today strictly tagged and ordered, most of them with Cover Art and some of them with Lyrics. 75% online, 25% off line. Nothing of this would have been possible without MC.

Lately I've dealing with some MP4 players I own, like Cowon D2, Meizu M3, Onda VX858, Teclast C260 and some others.
To deal with all this devices is one of my activities or hobby, beside of my passion for music.

Related with this I want to get more information about your tagging system.
I've read that you program adhere with ID3v1 and ID3v2. This last in v03 as I've seen in resulting files tagged by MC.
But I've noticed too that your program manage differently some information, or adds information in tags which is only managed by your software. Many corrections I've done in my files in MC weren't reflected in some well known tag managers like mp3tag, Tag&Rename, Abander Tag Control and another program 3, which I've used to check some minor faults I have in my Portables, specially with non-MP3 files.

For instances, today I change the name of an Artist and as result of this the files were located in a different folder coincident with the new Artist name, which is the way I usually keep my collection. Change in folder was recognized by mentioned programs but not the change in Artist name, so I will have to change them using one of them.

This is not a complaint :). I just want to know what are the differences among your tagging system and the one of those I've mentioned. If there is some publication made by you concerning this or if there is some tag program which follows exactly your tagging system (of course JRMS have all the info, but I talk of a more light program), in order to check why some MC tagged files do not function properly in my portables.

I will appreciate a lot you clues.

Thanks in advance.

Alex B

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Re: ID3 - Tagging system of JRiver Media Center 12
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2008, 09:52:53 am »

... Lately I've dealing with some MP4 I own, like Cowon D2, Meizu M3, Onda VX858, Teclast C260 and some others.
To deal with all this devices is one of my activities or hobby, beside of my passion for music.

Related with this I want to get more information about your tagging system.
I've read that you program adhere with ID3v1 and ID3v2. This last in v03 as I've seen in resulting files tagged by MC.
But I've noticed too that your program manage differently some information, or adds information in tags which is only managed by your software. Many corrections I've done in my files in MC weren't reflected in some well known tag managers like mp3tag, Tag&Rename, Abander Tag Control and another program 3, which I've used to check some minor faults I have in my Portables, specially with non-MP3 files.

For instances, today I change the name of an Artist and as result of this the files were located in a different folder coincident with the new Artist name, which is the way I usually keep my collection. Change in folder was recognized by mentioned programs but not the change in Artist name, so I will have to change them using one of them.

This is not a complaint :). I just want to know what are the differences among your tagging system and the one of those I've mentioned. If there is some publication made by you concerning this or if there is some tag program which follows exactly your tagging system (of course JRMS have all the info, but I talk of a more light program), in order to check why some MC tagged files do not function properly in my portables. ...

The Artist field is tagged in a standard way to MP3 files. All usual programs should be able to read it.

Some special library fields are save as multi-line ID3v2 comment frames. Of the mentioned programs only Mp3tag fully supports this system. (I mean the original, German, Mp3tag. The other, Russian, Mp3tag is a different and obviously inferior program).

Lately I've dealing with some MP4 I own, like Cowon D2, Meizu M3, Onda VX858, Teclast C260 and some others.

I am not quite sure what you mean by this. If you mean the .mp4 file type, MC does not currently write tags to MP4 files (.mp4 or .m4a) at all. The tag changes are kept only in the library.

For instances, today I change the name of an Artist and as result of this the files were located in a different folder coincident with the new Artist name, which is the way I usually keep my collection. Change in folder was recognized by mentioned programs but not the change in Artist name, so I will have to change them using one of them.

Tagging and file renaming (e.g. moving with the "Rename Files From Properties" tool or directly writing the new path in the "Filename (path)" field) are separate operations in MC. Could you explain what you did exactly? Step by step.
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Lossless Dave

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Re: ID3 - Tagging system of JRiver Media Center 12
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2008, 02:19:30 am »

Hi DaremoS,

Welcome to the waiting list for MP4 tagging support.

Please add your requirements to the wishlist for future development.



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Re: ID3 - Tagging system of JRiver Media Center 12
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2008, 06:58:32 am »

I am not quite sure what you mean by this. If you mean the .mp4 file type, MC does not currently write tags to MP4 files (.mp4 or .m4a) at all. The tag changes are kept only in the library.

Sorry I mean mp4 player... you know... that small devices which brands I mentioned.  ;D

This players manage lots of audio formats ie: MP3, FLAC, OGG, APE, WMA... beside of the "superb" iPod formats AAC, M4A (sorry for the irony... indeed aren't bad formats at all). All of them managed pretty well by MC (including iPod stuff).

My problem is to discover what are the differences among the programs mentioned and MC, and your clues help me... thanks!

BTW... i do use mp3tag( and I strongly recommend it in the forums I participate, of course beside MC.


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Re: ID3 - Tagging system of JRiver Media Center 12
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2008, 08:26:14 am »

Tagging and file renaming (e.g. moving with the "Rename Files From Properties" tool or directly writing the new path in the "Filename (path)" field) are separate operations in MC. Could you explain what you did exactly? Step by step.

Let's say that I've some expertise in this matter, so I've have a complete routine. ::)

All my new material are stored in a "to process" folder . In this folder is all what I've downloaded from the net or receive from friends. My collection of music is comprised only of entire albums, I do not pick single files of different sources. Albums from spurious sources are discarded.

I access that folder within MC in "drives & devices" > "my Computer" where the useful yellow flag show me what's new and ready to be processed.
If there is some form of validation (.PAR, .PAR2, .svf) is run in the same folder within MC.
In this stage I can see what is properly tagged, partially tagged or doesn't have tags at all.
The tagging process can be done by using MC function "Library Tools" > "Fill properties from filename" according with my rules and based on what comes in tags (ie.: one rule is to use "The" in front of artist names)
In doubt I use a net database which I recommend to any music fan ( (RYM)) from where I set an standard for names, titles and year of release. Rarely I search the net for missed information, but happens.
When year of release differs from RYM, year stated in RYM is used.
The tagging process includes set of genre which in doubt is stated by listening and following my own standards. simple genre like "rock" is not used and changed to something more specific like "progressive hard rock".
Then from RYM is picked cover art which have to be of 300x300 (RYM standard), corrected using MC image tools specially "resize image". Cover art is embedded in tag.
Sometimes I renumber some albums, specially those comprised of several discs which I use as one album (ie.: 101, 102... etc, 201, 202... etc.)... this is done manually :( ... (MediaMonkey3 have a more flexible tool for this... a script). 
When the whole tagging process is completed I put my own mark in "comment" tag field.
This tagging process is for all type of formats. MP3, FLAC, OGG, etc. etc.

Then the album is moved to one of the 6 directories that I manage with MC (3 in my own computer and 3 in a net computer) using function "Library Tools" > "Rename Files from Properties" in a fixed structure which is:
- Directories > Base Path: x:\Musica\Completos\ ... > Rule: [Artist]\[Date (year)] [Album]\
- Filename > Rule: [track #] - [Name]
x can be set manually among C, D, E or J, K, L.

Copy of cover art is kept in a special folder for the purpose.

Any time a name is changed this is done using the same function "Library Tools" > "Rename Files from Properties" keeping the fixed structure.

An additional detail... lots of album are stored, catalogued and maintained externally in CDs or DVDs using the excellent capabilities of MC for the purpose, maintaining the same structure.

more or less that's all. :)

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