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Author Topic: Can't play Apple DRM content on Vista 64, updated iTunes [solved]  (Read 2141 times)


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I just took the iTunes update and protected content will no longer play back in MC 12 on Vista 64-bit.  It looks like it is playing, but no sound.  Non-DRM content works fine.  Any thoughts?




QT 7.3


Media Center Registered 12.0.365 -- C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 12\

Microsoft Windows Vista 6.0  (Build 6000)
AMD Unknown 1005 MHz MMX / Memory: Total - 4193 MB, Free - 2809 MB

Internet Explorer: 7.0.6000.16546 / ComCtl32.dll: 5.82.6000 / Shlwapi.dll: 6.0.6000 / Shell32.dll: 6.0.6000 / wnaspi32.dll: N/A
Ripping /   Drive D: HP      DVD Writer 840b   Mode:ModeSecure  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Digital playback: Yes /  Use YADB: Yes /  Get cover art: Yes /  Calc replay gain: Yes /  Copy volume: 32767
  Eject after ripping: Yes /  Play sound after ripping: No 

Burning /  Drive D: HP       DVD Writer 840b    Addr: 1:0:0  Speed:48  MaxSpeed:48  BurnProof:Yes
  Test mode: No /  Eject after writing: Yes /  Direct decoding: Yes /  Write CD-Text: Yes
  Use playback settings: No /

Interface Plugins: (Active)
  Library Server (Active)
  TiVo Server (Active)
  UPnP Server (Active)


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Code: [Select]
Media Center; Version: 12.0.365; Types: 16383
0000000: 3840: General: Starting logging: Date: 11/11/2007 9:55:18 AM
0000000: 3840: General: Log Reset: Logging reset
0004797: 3840: General: CMCResourceHelper::GetIsModalPopupShowing: Main window disabled
0007218: 3840: Database: CThumbnailsDatabase::GetThumbnails: Creating object
0007218: 3840: Reader: CLocalReader::OpenInternal: Opening: C:\Users\john\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 12\Library\field (episode url).jmd
0008234: 3840: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Start
0008234: 3840: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Handling exclusive playback zones
0008234: 3840: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Getting actual playback track
0008234: 3840: Service: CServicesPlugins::AllowAction (single file): Start
0008234: 3840: Service: CServicesPlugins::AllowAction (multiple files): Start
0008234: 3840: Reader: CLocalReader::OpenInternal: Opening: C:\Users\john\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 12\Library\field (service_ name).jmd
0008234: 3840: SDK: CMJFilesAutomation::CMJFilesAutomation: Global Count: 1
0008234: 3840: SDK: CMJFilesAutomation::OnFinalRelease: All objects released
0008234: 3840: SDK: CMJFilesAutomation::~CMJFilesAutomation: Global Count: 0
0008234: 3840: Service: CServicesPlugins::AllowAction (multiple files): Finish (0 ms)
0008234: 3840: Service: CServicesPlugins::AllowAction (single file): AllowAction(Action: Play Prepare) single file results: '1'
0008234: 3840: Service: CServicesPlugins::AllowAction (single file): Finish (0 ms)
0008234: 3840: Service: CServicesPlugins::AllowAction (single file): Start
0008234: 3840: Service: CServicesPlugins::AllowAction (multiple files): Start
0008250: 3840: SDK: CMJFilesAutomation::CMJFilesAutomation: Global Count: 1
0008250: 3840: SDK: CMJFilesAutomation::OnFinalRelease: All objects released
0008250: 3840: SDK: CMJFilesAutomation::~CMJFilesAutomation: Global Count: 0
0008250: 3840: Service: CServicesPlugins::AllowAction (multiple files): Finish (16 ms)
0008250: 3840: Service: CServicesPlugins::AllowAction (single file): AllowAction(Action: Play) single file results: '1'
0008250: 3840: Service: CServicesPlugins::AllowAction (single file): Finish (16 ms)
0008250: 3840: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Processing play for 'F:\iTunes\iTunes-media\Long John Baldry\Rhino Hi-Five - Long John Baldry - EP\02 Don't Try to Lay No Boogie-Woogie.m4p'
0008250: 3840: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Updating internal track info
0008250: 3840: Reader: CLocalReader::OpenInternal: Opening: C:\Users\john\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 12\Library\field (replay gain).jmd
0008250: 3840: Reader: CLocalReader::Close: Closing: C:\Users\john\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 12\Library\field (replay gain).jmd
0008250: 3840: Reader: CLocalReader::OpenInternal: Opening: C:\Users\john\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 12\Library\field (peak level).jmd
0008250: 3840: Reader: CLocalReader::Close: Closing: C:\Users\john\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 12\Library\field (peak level).jmd
0008250: 3840: Reader: CLocalReader::OpenInternal: Opening: C:\Users\john\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 12\Library\field (album gain).jmd
0008250: 3840: Reader: CLocalReader::Close: Closing: C:\Users\john\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 12\Library\field (album gain).jmd
0008250: 3840: Reader: CLocalReader::OpenInternal: Opening: C:\Users\john\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 12\Library\field (bookmark).jmd
0008250: 3840: Reader: CLocalReader::Close: Closing: C:\Users\john\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 12\Library\field (bookmark).jmd
0008265: 3840: Reader: CLocalReader::OpenInternal: Opening: C:\Users\john\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 12\Library\field (playback range).jmd
0008265: 3840: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Playing: <XMLFN version="1.0"><Item Name="Filename">F:\iTunes\iTunes-media\Long John Baldry\Rhino Hi-Five - Long John Baldry - EP\02 Don't Try to Lay No Boogie-Woogie.m4p</Item><Item Name="ReplayGainTrackAutoPreamp">0</Item><Item Name="FileType">m4p</Item><Item Name="ReplayGainTrack">0</Item><Item Name="ReplayGainAlbumAutoPreamp">0</Item><Item Name="ReplayGainAlbum">0</Item><Item Name="MediaType">Audio</Item><Item Name="DatabaseKey">89789</Item><Item Name="PlaylistIndex">0</Item></XMLFN> / m4p
0008265: 3840: Playback: CPlaybackEngImpl::Play: Start
0008265: 3840: Reader: CLocalReader::OpenInternal: Opening: C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 12\Data\Default Resources\FileAssociations.xml
0008265: 3840: Reader: CLocalReader::Close: Closing: C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 12\Data\Default Resources\FileAssociations.xml
0008265: 3840: Reader: CLocalReader::OpenInternal: Opening: C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 12\Data\Default Resources\FileAssociations.xml
0008265: 3840: Reader: CLocalReader::Close: Closing: C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 12\Data\Default Resources\FileAssociations.xml
0008281: 3840: Playback: CPlaybackEngImpl::Play: Playing F:\iTunes\iTunes-media\Long John Baldry\Rhino Hi-Five - Long John Baldry - EP\02 Don't Try to Lay No Boogie-Woogie.m4p with type m4p
0009187: 3840: Playback: CPlaybackEngImpl::StartPlayFile: Start
0009187: 3840: Playback: CQTPlaybackType::Play: Start
0009265: 3840: Playback: CDisplayPlugin::LoadPlugin: Start
0009265: 3840: Playback: CDisplayPlugin::LoadPlugin: Plugin: Current Playback Display
0009265: 3840: Playback: CDisplayPlugin::LoadPlugin: Finish (0 ms)
0009281: 3840: Playback: CQuickTime::OpenMovie(F:\iTunes\iTunes-media\Long John Baldry\Rhino Hi-Five - Long John Baldry - EP\02 Don't Try to Lay No Boogie-Woogie.m4p): Start
0009281: 3840: Playback: CQuickTime::OpenMovie(F:\iTunes\iTunes-media\Long John Baldry\Rhino Hi-Five - Long John Baldry - EP\02 Don't Try to Lay No Boogie-Woogie.m4p): SetGWorld called with HWND 0xa0460
0009281: 3840: Playback: CQuickTime::OpenLocalMovie: Start
0010015: 3840: Playback: CQuickTime::OpenLocalMovie: Finish (734 ms)
0010015: 3840: Playback: CQuickTime::CreateNewMovieCOntroller: Start
0010015: 3840: Playback: CQuickTime::CreateNewMovieCOntroller: theHwnd=a04ce, clientRect=(0, 0, 1498, 363)
0010031: 3840: Playback: CQuickTime::CreateNewMovieCOntroller: NewMovieCOntroller returned 990000
0010031: 3840: Playback: CQuickTime::CreateNewMovieCOntroller: MCGetControllerBoundsRect returned 0
0010031: 3840: Playback: CQuickTime::CreateNewMovieCOntroller: MCEnableEditing returned 0
0010031: 3840: Playback: CQuickTime::CreateNewMovieCOntroller: MCDoAction (GetFlags) returned 0
0010031: 3840: Playback: CQuickTime::CreateNewMovieCOntroller: MCDoAction(SetFlags) returned 0
0010031: 3840: Playback: CQuickTime::CreateNewMovieCOntroller: MCDoAction(SetKeysEnabled) returned 0
0010031: 3840: Playback: CQuickTime::CreateNewMovieCOntroller: MCSetActionFilterWithRefCon returned 0
0010031: 3840: Playback: CQuickTime::CreateNewMovieCOntroller: MCDoAction (mcActionSetGrowBoxBounds) returned 0
0010031: 3840: Playback: CQuickTime::ResizeWindow: Start
0010031: 3840: Playback: CQuickTime::ResizeWindow: cx=1498, cy=363, m_lWidth=0, m_lHeight=0
0010031: 3840: Playback: CQuickTime::ResizeWindow: Finish (0 ms)
0010031: 3840: Playback: CQuickTime::CreateNewMovieCOntroller: Finish (16 ms)
0010031: 3840: Playback: CQuickTime::OpenMovie(F:\iTunes\iTunes-media\Long John Baldry\Rhino Hi-Five - Long John Baldry - EP\02 Don't Try to Lay No Boogie-Woogie.m4p): Finish (750 ms)
0010031: 3840: Playback: CQTPlaybackType::Play: OpenMovie returned 1
0010156: 3840: Playback: CQTPlaybackType::Play: Finish (969 ms)
0010156: 3840: Playback: CPlaybackEngImpl::StartPlayFile: Play returned: 1
0010156: 3840: Playback: CPlaybackEngImpl::StartPlayFile: Finish (969 ms)
0010156: 3840: Playback: CPlaybackEngImpl::Play: StartPlayFile returned 1
0010156: 3840: Playback: CPlaybackEngImpl::Play: Finish (1891 ms)
0010156: 3840: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Play succeeded
0010156: 3840: Reader: CLocalReader::OpenInternal: Opening: C:\Users\john\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 12\Library\field (service_ stream metadata).jmd
0010156: 3840: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Finish (1922 ms)
0010156: 2324: Reader: CLocalReader::OpenInternal: Opening: C:\Users\john\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 12\Library\field (image file).jmd
0010156: 2324: Reader: CLocalReader::Close: Closing: C:\Users\john\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 12\Library\field (image file).jmd
0010187: 3840: Reader: CLocalReader::OpenInternal: Opening: C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 12\MegaSkins\ThunderStorm\PlayerBar_PauseButton.png
0010187: 3840: Reader: CLocalReader::Close: Closing: C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 12\MegaSkins\ThunderStorm\PlayerBar_PauseButton.png
0015359: 3840: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::Update: Start
0015359: 3840: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::Update: Processing completed work threads
0015359: 3840: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::Update: Purging files
0015359: 3840: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::Update: Scheduling downloads
0015359: 3840: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::ScheduleDownload: Start
0015359: 3840: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::ScheduleDownload: No work found
0015359: 3840: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::ScheduleDownload: Finish (0 ms)
0015359: 3840: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::Update: Finish (0 ms)
0017875: 3840: Playback: CPlayerZone::Stop: Start
0017875: 3840: Playback: CPlayerZone::Stop: Checking for not loaded playback engine
0017875: 3840: Playback: CPlayerZone::Stop: Firing stop to playback engine
0018031: 3840: Playback: CPlayerZone::Stop: Processing internal previous / next
0018031: 3840: Playback: CPlayerZone::Stop: Clearing display info
0018031: 3840: Playback: CPlayerZone::Stop: Updating statistics
0018031: 3840: Reader: CLocalReader::OpenInternal: Opening: C:\Users\john\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 12\Library\field (skip count).jmd
0018031: 3840: Reader: CLocalReader::Close: Closing: C:\Users\john\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 12\Library\field (skip count).jmd
0018031: 3840: Reader: CLocalReader::OpenInternal: Opening: C:\Users\john\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 12\Library\field (last skipped).jmd
0018047: 3840: Reader: CLocalReader::Close: Closing: C:\Users\john\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 12\Library\field (last skipped).jmd
0018047: 3840: SDK: CMJFilesAutomation::CMJFilesAutomation: Global Count: 1
0018047: 3840: SDK: CMJFilesAutomation::OnFinalRelease: All objects released
0018047: 3840: SDK: CMJFilesAutomation::~CMJFilesAutomation: Global Count: 0
0018047: 3840: Playback: CPlayerZone::Stop: Updating playback state
0018047: 3840: Playback: CPlayerZone::Stop: Updating UI
0018047: 3840: Playback: CPlayerZone::Stop: Applying database changes
0018047: 3840: Playback: CPlayerZone::Stop: Finish (172 ms)
0019250: 3840: General: CMCResourceHelper::GetIsModalPopupShowing: Menu showing
0022828: 3840: General: CMCResourceHelper::GetIsModalPopupShowing: Menu showing
0025359: 3840: General: CMCResourceHelper::GetIsModalPopupShowing: Menu showing
0027172: 3840: General: CMCResourceHelper::GetIsModalPopupShowing: Main window disabled
0027172: 3840: General: RunProgram: Start
0027172: 3840: General: RunProgram: Filename: C:\Users\john\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 12\Log.txt / Parameters:
0027250: 3840: General: RunProgram: Running...
0027250: 3840: General: RunProgram: Finish (78 ms)


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Code: [Select]
00000003 2.06353164 [1148] DllMain
00000004 6.63638544 [4856] 0454250: 3840: General: CMCResourceHelper::GetIsModalPopupShowing: Main window disabled
00000005 8.70927143 [1148] DllMain
00000006 10.86724854 [4856] 0458484: 3840: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Start
00000007 10.86767483 [4856] 0458484: 3840: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Handling exclusive playback zones
00000008 10.86829948 [4856] 0458484: 3840: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Getting actual playback track
00000009 10.86866093 [4856] 0458484: 3840: Service: CServicesPlugins::AllowAction (single file): Start
00000010 10.86900234 [4856] 0458484: 3840: Service: CServicesPlugins::AllowAction (multiple files): Start
00000011 10.87043858 [4856] 0458484: 3840: SDK: CMJFilesAutomation::CMJFilesAutomation: Global Count: 1
00000012 10.87083721 [4856] 0458484: 3840: SDK: CMJFilesAutomation::OnFinalRelease: All objects released
00000013 10.87117577 [4856] 0458484: 3840: SDK: CMJFilesAutomation::~CMJFilesAutomation: Global Count: 0
00000014 10.87157154 [4856] 0458484: 3840: Service: CServicesPlugins::AllowAction (multiple files): Finish (0 ms)
00000015 10.87192917 [4856] 0458484: 3840: Service: CServicesPlugins::AllowAction (single file): AllowAction(Action: Play Prepare) single file results: '1'
00000016 10.87227154 [4856] 0458484: 3840: Service: CServicesPlugins::AllowAction (single file): Finish (0 ms)
00000017 10.87265873 [4856] 0458484: 3840: Service: CServicesPlugins::AllowAction (single file): Start
00000018 10.87300014 [4856] 0458484: 3840: Service: CServicesPlugins::AllowAction (multiple files): Start
00000019 10.87441254 [4856] 0458484: 3840: SDK: CMJFilesAutomation::CMJFilesAutomation: Global Count: 1
00000020 10.87481117 [4856] 0458484: 3840: SDK: CMJFilesAutomation::OnFinalRelease: All objects released
00000021 10.87516117 [4856] 0458484: 3840: SDK: CMJFilesAutomation::~CMJFilesAutomation: Global Count: 0
00000022 10.87552643 [4856] 0458500: 3840: Service: CServicesPlugins::AllowAction (multiple files): Finish (16 ms)
00000023 10.87587166 [4856] 0458500: 3840: Service: CServicesPlugins::AllowAction (single file): AllowAction(Action: Play) single file results: '1'
00000024 10.87646198 [4856] 0458500: 3840: Service: CServicesPlugins::AllowAction (single file): Finish (16 ms)
00000025 10.87684822 [4856] 0458500: 3840: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Processing play for 'F:\iTunes\iTunes-media\Long John Baldry\Rhino Hi-Five - Long John Baldry - EP\02 Don't Try to Lay No Boogie-Woogie.m4p'
00000026 10.87731171 [4856] 0458500: 3840: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Updating internal track info
00000027 10.87818718 [4856] 0458500: 3840: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Playing: <XMLFN version="1.0"><Item Name="Filename">F:\iTunes\iTunes-media\Long John Baldry\Rhino Hi-Five - Long John Baldry - EP\02 Don't Try to Lay No Boogie-Woogie.m4p</Item><Item Name="ReplayGainTrackAutoPreamp">0</Item><Item Name="FileType">m4p</Item><Item Name="ReplayGainTrack">0</Item><Item Name="ReplayGainAlbumAutoPreamp">0</Item><Item Name="ReplayGainAlbum">0</Item><Item Name="MediaType">Audio</Item><Item Name="DatabaseKey">89789</Item><Item Name="PlaylistIndex">0</Item></XMLFN> / m4p
00000028 10.87858105 [4856] 0458500: 3840: Playback: CPlaybackEngImpl::Play: Start
00000029 10.88179016 [4856] 0458500: 3840: Reader: CLocalReader::OpenInternal: Opening: C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 12\Data\Default Resources\FileAssociations.xml
00000030 10.88306618 [4856] 0458500: 3840: Reader: CLocalReader::Close: Closing: C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 12\Data\Default Resources\FileAssociations.xml
00000031 10.88463688 [4856] 0458500: 3840: Playback: CPlaybackEngImpl::Play: Playing F:\iTunes\iTunes-media\Long John Baldry\Rhino Hi-Five - Long John Baldry - EP\02 Don't Try to Lay No Boogie-Woogie.m4p with type m4p
00000032 10.88507938 [4856] 0458500: 3840: Playback: CPlaybackEngImpl::StartPlayFile: Start
00000033 10.88572121 [4856] 0458500: 3840: Playback: CQTPlaybackType::Play: Start
00000034 10.92820835 [4856] 0458547: 3840: Playback: CQuickTime::OpenMovie(F:\iTunes\iTunes-media\Long John Baldry\Rhino Hi-Five - Long John Baldry - EP\02 Don't Try to Lay No Boogie-Woogie.m4p): Start
00000035 10.92935753 [4856] 0458547: 3840: Playback: CQuickTime::OpenMovie(F:\iTunes\iTunes-media\Long John Baldry\Rhino Hi-Five - Long John Baldry - EP\02 Don't Try to Lay No Boogie-Woogie.m4p): SetGWorld called with HWND 0x16048e
00000036 10.92973518 [4856] 0458547: 3840: Playback: CQuickTime::OpenLocalMovie: Start
00000037 11.53602505 [4856] 0459156: 3840: Playback: CQuickTime::OpenLocalMovie: Finish (609 ms)
00000038 11.53635311 [4856] 0459156: 3840: Playback: CQuickTime::CreateNewMovieCOntroller: Start
00000039 11.53868008 [4856] 0459156: 3840: Playback: CQuickTime::CreateNewMovieCOntroller: theHwnd=a04ce, clientRect=(0, 0, 1498, 363)
00000040 11.55580902 [4856] 0459172: 3840: Playback: CQuickTime::CreateNewMovieCOntroller: NewMovieCOntroller returned a70000
00000041 11.55611229 [4856] 0459172: 3840: Playback: CQuickTime::CreateNewMovieCOntroller: MCGetControllerBoundsRect returned 0
00000042 11.55635071 [4856] 0459172: 3840: Playback: CQuickTime::CreateNewMovieCOntroller: MCEnableEditing returned 0
00000043 11.55658627 [4856] 0459172: 3840: Playback: CQuickTime::CreateNewMovieCOntroller: MCDoAction (GetFlags) returned 0
00000044 11.55680084 [4856] 0459172: 3840: Playback: CQuickTime::CreateNewMovieCOntroller: MCDoAction(SetFlags) returned 0
00000045 11.55703068 [4856] 0459172: 3840: Playback: CQuickTime::CreateNewMovieCOntroller: MCDoAction(SetKeysEnabled) returned 0
00000046 11.55731583 [4856] 0459172: 3840: Playback: CQuickTime::CreateNewMovieCOntroller: MCSetActionFilterWithRefCon returned 0
00000047 11.55753517 [4856] 0459172: 3840: Playback: CQuickTime::CreateNewMovieCOntroller: MCDoAction (mcActionSetGrowBoxBounds) returned 0
00000048 11.55773830 [4856] 0459172: 3840: Playback: CQuickTime::ResizeWindow: Start
00000049 11.55794239 [4856] 0459172: 3840: Playback: CQuickTime::ResizeWindow: cx=1498, cy=363, m_lWidth=0, m_lHeight=0
00000050 11.55816269 [4856] 0459172: 3840: Playback: CQuickTime::ResizeWindow: Finish (0 ms)
00000051 11.55845547 [4856] 0459172: 3840: Playback: CQuickTime::CreateNewMovieCOntroller: Finish (16 ms)
00000052 11.55867386 [4856] 0459172: 3840: Playback: CQuickTime::OpenMovie(F:\iTunes\iTunes-media\Long John Baldry\Rhino Hi-Five - Long John Baldry - EP\02 Don't Try to Lay No Boogie-Woogie.m4p): Finish (625 ms)
00000053 11.55909348 [4856] 0459172: 3840: Playback: CQTPlaybackType::Play: OpenMovie returned 1
00000054 11.64543056 [4856] 0459265: 3840: Playback: CQTPlaybackType::Play: Finish (765 ms)
00000055 11.64564323 [4856] 0459265: 3840: Playback: CPlaybackEngImpl::StartPlayFile: Play returned: 1
00000056 11.64583588 [4856] 0459265: 3840: Playback: CPlaybackEngImpl::StartPlayFile: Finish (765 ms)
00000057 11.64600945 [4856] 0459265: 3840: Playback: CPlaybackEngImpl::Play: StartPlayFile returned 1
00000058 11.64623737 [4856] 0459265: 3840: Playback: CPlaybackEngImpl::Play: Finish (765 ms)
00000059 11.64644623 [4856] 0459265: 3840: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Play succeeded
00000060 11.64761639 [4856] 0459265: 3840: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Finish (781 ms)
00000061 19.53654861 [4856] 0467156: 3840: Playback: CPlayerZone::Stop: Start
00000062 19.53684807 [4856] 0467156: 3840: Playback: CPlayerZone::Stop: Checking for not loaded playback engine
00000063 19.53709602 [4856] 0467156: 3840: Playback: CPlayerZone::Stop: Firing stop to playback engine
00000064 19.70748520 [4856] 0467328: 3840: Playback: CPlayerZone::Stop: Processing internal previous / next
00000065 19.70774460 [4856] 0467328: 3840: Playback: CPlayerZone::Stop: Clearing display info
00000066 19.70831490 [4856] 0467328: 3840: Playback: CPlayerZone::Stop: Updating statistics
00000067 19.70946312 [4856] 0467328: 3840: SDK: CMJFilesAutomation::CMJFilesAutomation: Global Count: 1
00000068 19.70973015 [4856] 0467328: 3840: SDK: CMJFilesAutomation::OnFinalRelease: All objects released
00000069 19.70992088 [4856] 0467328: 3840: SDK: CMJFilesAutomation::~CMJFilesAutomation: Global Count: 0
00000070 19.71018028 [4856] 0467328: 3840: Playback: CPlayerZone::Stop: Updating playback state
00000071 19.71051407 [4856] 0467328: 3840: Playback: CPlayerZone::Stop: Updating UI
00000072 19.71069336 [4856] 0467328: 3840: Playback: CPlayerZone::Stop: Applying database changes
00000073 19.71134186 [4856] 0467328: 3840: Playback: CPlayerZone::Stop: Finish (172 ms)
00000074 19.88283730 [1148] DllMain


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Sorry... No idea.  However, if you post a log it's best to wrap it in a CODE block so it doesn't look so ugly.  You can do this by selecting the text (after pasting it) and then hitting the button that looks like a Pound Symbol (#) in the post editor.
"Some cultures are defined by their relationship to cheese."

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As far as MC is concerned, playback has succeeded:

00000053   11.55909348   [4856] 0459172: 3840: Playback: CQTPlaybackType::Play: OpenMovie returned 1   
00000054   11.64543056   [4856] 0459265: 3840: Playback: CQTPlaybackType::Play: Finish (765 ms)   
00000055   11.64564323   [4856] 0459265: 3840: Playback: CPlaybackEngImpl::StartPlayFile: Play returned: 1   
00000056   11.64583588   [4856] 0459265: 3840: Playback: CPlaybackEngImpl::StartPlayFile: Finish (765 ms)   
00000057   11.64600945   [4856] 0459265: 3840: Playback: CPlaybackEngImpl::Play: StartPlayFile returned 1   
00000058   11.64623737   [4856] 0459265: 3840: Playback: CPlaybackEngImpl::Play: Finish (765 ms)   
00000059   11.64644623   [4856] 0459265: 3840: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Play succeeded   

The above lines suggest that there was no error in playing the file.  I would guess that QT has determined that the file is not playable and quit immediately. Could the license on your computer been messed up? Are you able to play the file in iTunes?
Yaobing Deng, JRiver Media Center


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Yah, it plays fine in iTunes.



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So is there anyone successfully using iTunes 7.5 with MC on Vista 64-bit?




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Hmm.  I narrowed down the problem and found a workaround.

I had this exact same symptom after a previous iTunes/QTime install and part of the debug suggestions that time was to verify the content played back in QTime player.  That time it did.

However, when I tried it in QT player this time, to my surprise, no sound, just like in MC.

Searching the net to try to get QT player to work, I found others with the same problem, but no luck.  But some were suggesting to run in compatibility mode (which does NOT work), and this led me to think about their ongoing battle to protect the DRM content and it occurred to me that maybe they set it up so that the application needed special access...

So I ran QT player as administrator and... sound!

I leave QT player running and launch MC and try...  no sound.

So I try launching MC as administrator...  SOUND!


In my particular case, this meant browsing to:

C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 12

Right clicking on Media Center 12.exe and select "Properties".  Click on the "Compatibility" tab, then select the "Run this program as an administrator" checkbox.  Click "OK".

Now my iTunes DRM content works under MC again. 




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Thanks for reporting the solution.
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