It's definately possible, I have it working exactly as you desire, right now.
Careful with that copy/paste action. I'm assuming that the missing opening square bracket in your [code ] sections above are typos as if not, the string simply wouldn't work at all.
Secondly, I feel it's very important that you open the "Customise Current View" dialogue a ensure that the "sorting" options are blank... empty...

Next, we should look at what each search is actually doing...
You say that this works, [media type]="audio" ~limit=10,-1,[album],[album artist (auto)]
in that it excludes tracks from the ipod. apart from that, it's not going to give you what you want.
The instructions given are, from all audio, return all tracks from 10 random albums.
This gives me ten full albums, as expected, but they're jumbled all over the place, not even grouped into albums, never mind correct track order, and again, from the given string, this is what I'd expect.
This..: [media type]="audio" ~limit=10,1,[album],[album artist (auto)] ~a
works perfectly for me. No ipod tracks, 10 random albums grouped correctly in track order.
It say, from all audio, pick 1 track from 10 random albums, then expand each of those to include all tracks from each album. It works.
The problem you have is that for some reason, your ipod tracks are being listed in the results, and they shouldn't be.
You have either found a bug, or there's something rather unique about your setup that's causing this to happen.
The orange note icons you see beside your ipod tracks indicate that they have not been imported into your main library. As a test, could you try the string below and see if it helps any. It specifically tells MC to only use files from the main library database:
[Media Type]="audio" ~d=m ~limit=10,1,[album],[album artist (auto)] ~a
Use the Import/Export button on the smart list editor to replace existing text with the string above.
Also, which version of MC are you using (help > about)?
I can't help wondering if those square brackets around the Genres and albums are anything to with your ipod anomally. Do you have any regularly labelled genres you can search on to rule that out?