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Author Topic: Version 9  (Read 8439 times)


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RE:Version 9
« Reply #50 on: August 23, 2002, 03:19:51 pm »

I would also like to add a 'me too' to the Winamp visualisation vote.

The MJ visualisations are great - but they would be even better if we could use the Winamp ones.




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RE:Version 9
« Reply #51 on: August 23, 2002, 08:21:53 pm »

I am new to Media Jukebox.  My biggest complaint is reports.  How about the ability to print better reports or the ability to create your own reports with either Access or Crystal Reports.

Thanks----Great product!


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RE:Version 9
« Reply #52 on: August 24, 2002, 12:35:28 pm »

Here's a BIG wish for v9 for me:

Multi-threaded ripping and encoding, the way it used to be done in v7 and early v8 and still in EAC. ie:

Rip a track, start encoding, rip next track (without waiting for encoding to finish)

I don't like the way the latest v8 rip/encode works, and it's useless for people like me who use external encoders.

Why was that feature removed from v8, anyway?



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RE:Version 9
« Reply #53 on: August 24, 2002, 01:15:06 pm »

Just one thing. Would it be possible to link to lyrics rather than have them embedded, like the cover art?


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RE:Version 9
« Reply #54 on: August 30, 2002, 07:15:02 pm »

Here are some of my suggestions for version 9:

General Suggestions:
1. Try to work out a deal to use EAC's ripping engine.

2. Add support for iPod.

3. Add an option for jumping to “Playing Now” with single songs instead of just albums.

4. Add option for displaying track info for currently playing song in taskbar.

5. Add support for controlling basic functions when MJ is minimized in the system tray, and via right-clicking in taskbar.

6. Add tool to help find duplicate songs in media library.

7. Move, or allow moving, search bar to toolbar or other location on the main window.

8. Add option to hide “Seq” column in the “Playing Now” and "Playlist" windows.

9.  Enable more customization of the left tree panel, including being able to hide and/or delete certain parts.

10. Add ability to completely cache a song or even album in the background while playing.

11. Add option to auto collapse open left tree directories when MJ jumps to “Playing Now” to play a song.

12. Add support for MP3Pro and HDCD.

13. Add ability to view foreign language characters (Unicode) in playlists, media tree, and elsewhere.

14. Make new better quality icons throughout MJ.

Skinning Engine Suggestions:
1. Mega-Me and Mini-Me should have the same skinning features/abilities.

2. Skinning engine should have all the features that Winamp 3.0 has.

3. Mini-me skins should be able to display the left media tree pane, instead of just the playlist pane.

4. Instead of having to use standard fonts, include support for skinned fonts. This is where, with .bmps, you can map out a alphabet, and numbers that the player would use instead of a regular font. Quintessential, Coolplayer, and Winamp 3 already support this with their skinning engines and it's one of the coolest features I've ever seen.

5. With the mute function, I'd like a way to keep the mute button displaying the down .bmp while the player is muted.

6. With playlists in mini-me mode, there should be the ability to customize what info in displayed. The default seems to be Track # - Artist - Song Name - Song Length. This may be possible already, but I haven't been able to find out how. Personally I'd just like to display Track # - Song Name - Song Length.

7. When displaying the elapsed or remaining time, allow skin authors to specify how many digits are displayed at any one time. Right now from what I can see, MJ displays only as many digits as is needed (with most songs usually m:ss), but for instance in one of my skins I'd like to specify that the elapsed time be displayed like hh:mm:ss always even is the unused digits only display 0's when not being used.

8. Add support for Windows XP features like ClearType font smoothing and Alpha Blending Window edges.

9. Include ability to specify the background color of the currently playing song.

10. Include ability to change the icons throughout MJ.


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RE:Version 9
« Reply #55 on: August 31, 2002, 06:29:57 am »

And how about toolbar transport controls?  Please add PLAY/STOP and NEXT PREV buttons to the optional toolbar buttons.

And I still don't know what the STOP NEXT PREV buttons on the toolbar do in v8.


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RE:Version 9
« Reply #56 on: August 31, 2002, 02:32:38 pm »

How do I put the Custom 1,2,3 tags back into the Tree views ?


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RE:Version 9
« Reply #57 on: August 31, 2002, 03:11:55 pm »

Also,  Can you put the "registration check" that is necessary for Plugins to confirm registration into version 9 ? (I believe it was recently implemented into version 8) ...


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RE:Version 9
« Reply #58 on: August 31, 2002, 03:15:10 pm »

While I'm on a run .. I might as well ask for a way to RANDOM ADD songs once the playlist has ended ... example: I put 10 songs on the playlist .. and once they are finished, it starts adding songs at random from the library ...

Also, I would like to be able to turn ON a feature to REMOVE SONGS FROM PLAYLIST WHEN PLAYED ...



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RE:Version 9
« Reply #59 on: August 31, 2002, 03:21:09 pm »

>>> I would like to be able to turn ON a feature to
tht might not be a bad option, this way if for some reason you need to stop the playlist you dont play the songs over again when you start playing.
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
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RE:Version 9
« Reply #60 on: September 01, 2002, 06:39:23 am »

1. I would like the album cover artwork to automatically be saved at 200 x 200 as "Folder.jpg" for us XP users.  I would also like to see the image before it is saved, in case it is the wrong one.
2. I'd like a CD's info saved as "Artist - Album Title" (in the "CD and DVD media" section of the media library), not just as "album Title".  How can I tell ten discs apart that area all labelled as "Greatest Hits"?  DVD's should be labelled as "DVD - DVD Title"
3. Different icons for different file types


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RE:Version 9
« Reply #61 on: September 01, 2002, 08:08:07 am »

I fully agree, Winamp's visuals are awesome...would be nice ;)

One more vote. Please,please,please ...


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RE:Version 9
« Reply #62 on: September 01, 2002, 12:08:37 pm »

Again,i sing the same song:PLUG-IN

Here an exemple;there is only 2 free programs to check songs in double or more.
One is very primitive,the other is primitive.With the same problem for both:they just tell you the songs in double.You cannot play them,export and so on.

A MJ plug-in would let us do it inside MJ.Send to...,move to,send to playlist,play the songs.
Again the plug-in do not have to be included in the basic price,but to buy like Slide Show

Each plug-in in the $5-10 range and a "bonus pack" at $? with all the plug-in


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RE:Version 9
« Reply #63 on: September 02, 2002, 03:49:37 am »


Got myself hold of a copy of v9. Just tested it.
First thing that comes to mind that needs to be changed is all the different options on the left. Firstly I'd like to be able to rename the parent nodes from say web media to radio stations or whatever else I felt like.
Secondly, there are so man options there that I'd like to be able to choose to hide some of the nodes.

Also, I'm using the my computer node to browse images and it's just showing me the details. No thumbnails of the images.
I checked most of the file/edit/tools etc menu's and couldn't see one labeled icons or view mode. I would have expected to have found it under 'view'.
I think this is the same thing as the other thread going on about how complex, it's not how complex that's the problem, just how easy it is to find options. Changing from file details to thumbnails should be ssuper easy if you want it to be an image browser.


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RE:Version 9
« Reply #64 on: September 02, 2002, 04:21:58 am »

Try the instructions I wrote in the thread where you got V9.

Jim Hillegass
JRiver Media Center / Media Jukebox


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RE:Version 9
« Reply #65 on: September 02, 2002, 06:37:19 am »

Hiya Jim,
I finally worked it out but it was said more just to indicate that for the first time user it's not going to be self explanatory. I'm a pretty competant computer user, have a degree in comp. sci and it took me over 10 mins to work it out.
The average user will take far longer and get fed up trying if that's what they're after.

I also found it too eventually in the menu's but the name it was given was not at all clear.


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RE:Version 9
« Reply #66 on: September 02, 2002, 06:45:17 am »

Oh yeah, and another feature that would be really nice. is a drop down list say on the toolbar (able to add or remove via customise toolbar) it would have pre-configured layout options that we could simply choose a different option from the list and it would change the layout.
By layout I mean which columns are showing and the order they are in.
The reason this is useful is sometimes I want to see all the info. at other times I'll just want to see some, when I'm organising my mp3's I might care more about the location, when simply using I only care about artist, album, track number and song name, etc. It'd be REALLY nice to have an easy option to jump between different setups for the colums etc. One of the entries in the drop down list, pinned to the bottom of it should be: ...create new view mode.
Just another way of making the feature easy to use for beginners I reckon :).


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RE:Version 9
« Reply #67 on: September 02, 2002, 06:49:41 am »

Hmm, another feature,
the dockable properties is nice, but the left and right arrows for moving between areas isn't the nicest way of doing it (in my opinion).
When I go past the playlist field for instance it freezes a bit as it gets the info and I dont need this as I dont want this option.
I think a drop down list would be far more useful as I could jump straight from one option to the next without having to go through any others. Also, it would allow all the options to be seen easily.
I could click the list and be able to see all the different areas that I could work on. Far nicer and more informative than clicking through each one.


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RE:Version 9
« Reply #68 on: September 02, 2002, 07:29:44 am »

It'd be REALLY nice to have an easy option to jump between different setups for the colums etc. One of the entries in the drop down list, pinned to the bottom of it should be: ...create new view mode.


Excellent idea. Noticed that you can right click on the column headers and uncheck whatever you didn't want to see. But a list of customised list views would really work good. Defaults could be included, but I think most would like the idea of only seeing what they wanted to when using MJ. Example, if messing around with images you wouldn't necessarily need to know bitrate info. And right now this is shown when I select some of the included jpgs from XPs sample images. So, unless a default for images were included, the customise feature would make more sense.


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RE:Version 9
« Reply #69 on: September 02, 2002, 03:47:13 pm »

My Top Hits and Recently Played lists are empty ... Has anyone got these to work in version 9 ? (It could be my database .. I want to find out if this is the problem across the board)


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RE:Version 9
« Reply #70 on: September 02, 2002, 03:49:18 pm »

One more:

During the RIP CD process, I have the CALCULATE REPLAY GAIN ANALYSIS box checked .. but this step is NOT being performed ..

Also, the default MJ Plugin shows an error when trying to load and I have to cancel it ... Therefore, I cannot use the Replay gain calculations during playback ... Is everyone having this problem ?


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RE:Version 9
« Reply #71 on: September 02, 2002, 03:52:45 pm »

RFE:  #1  -- Would it be possible to set the default Columns and the default VIEW (ie, Ctrl-U Toggle List Style) for EACH category (playlist, Decade, etc ... each branch of the tree) ...

That way, I could set the ALBUM view to show the Cover Art ... but the Genre View, to show the Columns of info ...

And, to be able to set which columns show for each branch of the tree would be SWEET !!!


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RE:Version 9
« Reply #72 on: September 02, 2002, 04:00:30 pm »

This version is for preview only.  It still has lots of bugs we'll need to chase.  We're just giving people who have contributed a lot to the development process a very early look.

Hope you'll understand.

Jim Hillegass
JRiver Media Center / Media Jukebox


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RE:Version 9
« Reply #73 on: September 02, 2002, 04:19:48 pm »

One big problem I'm having is with the SAVING TAG CHANGES dialog box ...
I never know where it's at, if its locked up, etc ..

Can you put some sort of PROGRESS BAR, % Completed, or even perhaps the FILENAME that is currently being saved ... that way I know if there was some sort of LOCK UP During tag changes, I know what file is causing the error (ie, File is Read-Only, too large, etc) ...



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RE:Version 9
« Reply #74 on: September 02, 2002, 05:47:08 pm »

Will CDDB be in the future releases ? YADB is VERY limited ...
Also, there seems to be a loop problem in the CD RIP Process ... If the YADB database fails, it tries over and over to loop up the CD information .. When the CD, DVD, And Handheld tab is selected ...


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RE:Version 9
« Reply #75 on: September 03, 2002, 05:29:36 am »

all the playlists are still just in one big sub menu item for send to- like to see them cascaded as they are set up. Also like to see the number of last destinations sent to to be configurable instead of just 1.


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RE:Version 9
« Reply #76 on: September 03, 2002, 05:57:30 am »

>> Will CDDB be in the future releases ? YADB is VERY limited ...
i think the answer is NO and that is because of the license requirements in CDDB.

basicly tells the company you can only use our service not FreeDB etc... with CDDB.

It will take sometime for YADB to list all the cd-roms but i think they have a good start.
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
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