How do you want to get to the other file versions? Global stack/unstack? New view of just the images in the stack in question?
I'll have to think about your other questions some more, but for this I'd definitely say
BOTH. Some way to globally "unstack" all files, so that you can browse around (in thumbnail mode OR details mode) with them all stacked or with them all unstacked. I'd say
View --> View Settings --> Show Stacks (or maybe "Stack Related Versions" or some similar terminology) would be a perfect place to stick it. We'd need a Toolbar button, Automation Command, and it plunked under the Pane Header dropdown as well, of course.
Plus, I'd want a way to select a file and
right click --> Show Versions (or Show Stacked Files or something like that). This command should open a new "view" showing only those files. So, for example:
If you were in a Images View Scheme, with Year/Month/Day Panes and you had drilled down to show all pictures from September 2007, the "file area" would be showing all of the images from that month. However, if you right click and choose show versions on one of those pictures, the "file area" should be replaced with a view of
just that picture with it's different associated versions. MC could then hide the panes (like when you browse in the tree) and replace it with a Playlist-header style bar that shows what file stack you are viewing and has some stack-related utility buttons as well (maybe an "Edit Stack" button that opens the Action Window item I mention below). It should also have some easy way to "go back" to the previous list... Maybe just the regular Back button is all that's needed actually!
You could, of course, gray out that right-click selection if the user has more than one picture selected, or a picture with no stack.
How should things you might like to have "auto stacked" work? Things like flac/mp3 and cr2/jpg?
There'd definitely need to be some sort of autostacking. I'd say it could be simple, really. On import, files with identical file names, in the same path (same folder), with different extensions should auto-stack. I wouldn't get into allowing or disallowing different kinds of files (by file type) unless really needed. That way people can do weird stuff like stack subtitle files with the associated videos, artist bio MHT files with their associated songs (or maybe even URL links to IMDB for video files -- that could solve long-standing "get info" issues maybe with some creative thinking). I don't see any reason to limit what file types people can stack at all. We'll surely come up with some crazy and useful things not immediately apparent.
As long as you give us a way to: (1) manually "un-stack" auto-stacked files and have it remember that on a per-file basis, and (2) completely disable auto-stacking altogether (perhaps on a per-folder basis in the Auto-Import dialog), we should be cool.
I'd definitely need the ability to manually stack files that might seem otherwise unrelated (even ones on separate disks and paths and stuff). It'd be really nice if a particular file could be in more than one stack (though this wouldn't be absolutely needed if it'd make the UI weird). Some ideas for manual stacking:
- If the user drag-drops a file (or files) on-top of an existing file in the library, it should pop-up a Yes/No dialog and say "Stack Files?" or something to that effect.
- An additional Action Window based method would be good as well. Perhaps, right-click on a file and choose Open Stack Editor (or something) which pops-up an Action Window Playlist Editor style window that lets you drag-drop files from wherever in MC and adds them to the stack for that originally selected file.
- It'd also be slick to be able to "stack" all of the files in a "standard" playlist by right-clicking on the Playlist in the tree and choosing "Stack Files". This'd be nice for audio files that are really all part of a "set" (maybe chapters in an Audiobook that are separate MP3s but you want them to all work as a single "file" in the MC database). It could either use the first file in the list to be the "parent" of the stack, or maybe pop up a dialog to ask which file to use.
This is actually so darn exciting... I'm sure I'll have more later.