Help needed to backup coverart to movies.
I have an external hard disk that have 2 folders, one contain Coverart and the other contain all the movies.
I used MC12 to playback these movies and have Manually add cover at to each individual movies folder.
Now i decided to reformat my hard-disk. I wanted to backup those movies folders (with Coverart) so that i could recover them again after i reformat my system hardisk and reinstall MC12.
I used the method LIBRARY > BACK UP LIBRARY and save the backup folder/file in my External HDD.
I then went to reformat my system HDD and reinstall XP and MC 12 again.
I then use LIBRARY > RESTORE LIBRARY, Click on that "restore file" from my external hdd to restore those movies.
Was dissappointed that i was unable to restore those folders with the coverart.
What went wrong and what should i do to avoid such issues from happening again?
Pls advice me how i can backup the video library with coverart and recover them again, especially after reformatting my system HDD.
plS HELP....
I started to do manual coverart attachement again(100+ FOLDERS) and hope would not lose them if i have to reformat my hdd again.