I realized I can use file path with a base path. This is EXACTLY what I have been looking for and I just stumbled across it. I think I knew of file path but didn't see base path before--which is key.
So now if only these items were true:
1. DVDs should be imported with [Name]= their folder. I don't even use the VIDEO_TS folder yet MC still calls them that. Technically, VIDEO_TS doesn't exist anywhere. Is there a way I can set this up?
2. When viewing, I'd like to avoid the last click to play a file in theater view. Now, I have to click Movies, *Movie Title*, then *Movie Title* again to play it. Can I skip the last step?
3. Lastly, is there a way to reduce the pages where a double click is needed? Basically, reduce the popup menu (that has more options) to be shown less often or never? It would simplify things (while reducing functionality).