I like the podcast section of MC. But, as a big consumer of podcasts, I find it could be even better and easy to use.
Suggestion 1: insert a refresh function to actualize all the feeds or only one of them.
Suggestion 2: give the ability to filter feeds. In many feeds, I am intersed by only few titles and they have always some similar words in their name. It would be great if I could have only these titles in my feed.
Suggestion 3: make the feeds exportable in an OPML file (this is really indispensable)
Suggestion 4: give the ability to group feeds in folders.
Suggestion 5: when connected with an MP3 player, give the ability to 'fully synchronize' ONLY podcasts (and not music). By 'fully synchronize' I mean to delete on the player the titles wich do not figure in MC.