I've started tagging my photos with date, events, genre, people, and places tags. So far this is going well, but I've found one annoyance that I'm hoping to work around. Any tips would be welcome.
The way I'm working now, since I have quite a few old photos to tag, is to work through the backlog one date period (day, month, etc) at a time. So, in tagging mode I filter down to a date period that hasn't been tagged yet. The problem is that as soon as I do this the list of existing tags I've used in previous date periods are no longer listed (actually, sometimes they are, but usually not, I don't know why). I know that I can still choose an existing tag via the "New <tag type>" option, but it would be much more conventient if the existing tags were listed so I could just check the relevant ones.
So, is there any way I can make all of the tags I've used so far show in the list?