J River Team,
How difficult would it be, under Tools>Options>Theater view To Split the jump on play from 1 setting to 3, one for audio , 1 for Video, and 1 for images. This would alow for a great deal more freedom in theater view skinning. For instance I currently have a skin that If jump on play is set to none, will let me view my images exactly as i want, with a now playing pane integrated right into the browse page. But my Video page only shows a grid of the DVD cover art for my movies. So clicking on them, since jump on play is set to none, does nothing but start the movie in the background. if i set jump on play to any other setting, the movie now visually plays on the screen but my image pages are wrecked. If you could set for each type individually my skin would be perfect, and i imagine others would be able to do more with theirs. Thoughts?
Will H.