Ok thanks. But I have edit the xml-file to get the black bar smaller.
<Data InternalMarginLeft="8" InternalMarginRight="8" InternalMarginTop="0" InternalMarginBottom="0" />
<Colors text="000000"/>
<Entry Name="Background" Bitmap="OSD_Background.png" NumberImages="1" Margins="15,14,15,14" />
If you set InternalMarginTop and InternalMarginBottom to 0 the black bar is very small (like the text).
oh that is nice, if i remember well, that did not work at the time i changed the skin for ben.
bigger did but smaller not.
Could you post the link to the skin here, please?
i have no problem with posting it. but it feels like posting a bit cripled version of noire, wich works for certain instances. and secondly, i called it BennsNoire. i dont know if he cares about that, and most of all. i just rebuild my machine but have to reinstall the ftp programm still, and first have to find the passwords etc, so i can not change that.
but here you go, ill take it away later.
www.gappie.nl/fotos/BennsNoire.zipi suggest to change it according to what daniel suggested in the previous post.