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Author Topic: Media Center 12.0.476  (Read 3581 times)


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Media Center 12.0.476
« on: April 15, 2008, 08:25:26 am »

This is the latest version of MC 12.0.  Any MC12.0 license will work with it.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted or moved.

This latest build (usually safe) of MC12.0 is here:

12.0.476 (4/14/2008)

1. Changed: If all files in a view are deleted after entering a search, the search will be cleared.
2. Fixed: When searching at a library root, the list could incorrectly say "no results -- double-click here to search entire library".
3. Changed: In an edit control, a triple-click will select all of the text.
4. Fixed: Internal view state database could work incorrectly in highly-threaded scenarios.
5. Changed: When resizing video window, the video position relative to window (video scrolling) is maintained (instead of being reset to "center").
6. Fixed: The search box could lose focus when a view was updated while typing.
7. Changed: "Cover Art" and "Locate" tools are shown in the main "Tools" menu, instead of only in the right-click menu.
8. Changed: Background auto-import will more slowly gather missing cover art to reduce system load.
9. Changed: Revised how "Your Library" is displayed in the cover art dialog to be more clear when art is in your library and on the server.
10. Fixed: The tab / arrow order on confirmation popups was reversed.
11. Fixed: Closing the image editor could shift the focus to a different program.
12. NEW: For DX video playback, "Crop Edges" option and video center offset (scroll position) are saved in the database.
13. NEW: "Crop Edges" option for DX video playback is now available on right-click menu.
14. Changed: Change of options that are saved in the database is no longer saved in registry when they are changed by means of right-click menu or OSD menu. Changes carried out on Options window are saved in the registry and become the default settings for all files that do not have individual settings.

12.0.475 (4/11/2008)

1. Fixed: Opening the handheld action window, then dropping items on a handheld in the tree would not update the Action Window.
2. Fixed: Wait messages could contain truncated text.
3. NEW: DirectShow video playback properties "Aspect Ratio" and "Zoom level" are saved in database (in "Playback Info" field).
4. Changed: Image editor rotation uses the toolbox like other tools, and adds 3D rotation.
5. NEW: Added white balance system to image editor -- can get white point from image, or be adjusted with parameters. (saved parametrically)
6. Fixed: Thumbnails view was creating (and destroying) stack icons on every draw of every stack thumbnail.
7. Updated: Dcraw updated to 8.85.
8. NEW: Recommendation page now shows cover art and tracks can be double-clicked to directly play 30 second samples from Amazon.
9. Changed: Text stamp tool in image editor is parametric, so that it can be saved in the library more efficiently.

12.0.474 (4/10/2008)

1. Changed: When expanding thumbnail sizes, the view will center on the selected item if it's visible instead of the center of the viewport.
2. NEW: Clicking the stack icon (when in thumbnail view) will expand or collapse the stack.
3. NEW: Clicking the stack icon column (anywhere in that column) when in details view will expand or collapse the stack.
4. NEW: Can use [Alternate Settings] token in "Customize Display..." of the player text display. ( example: If([Alternate Settings], Alternate, Normal) )
5. Changed: Audio Analyzer will no longer process Audible files.
6. Fixed: Bitstream errors in old APE files (v3.92 or earlier) could cause a crash.
7. Changed: If an input plugin encounters an unhandled error during decoding, the player may be able to catch it and treat it like an end-of-file instead of crashing.
8. NEW: Recommendation page (Services & Plug-ins/Suggestions) now has links to Amazon pages (if they exist) for preview and purchase.
9. Fixed: Jpeg files; keywords didn't get removed from XMP tags (so they reappeared).
10. NEW: Image editor saves changes to the library and doesn't alter the physical disk file.  Open the editor again to undo / redo.  Use "Save File..." to save a physical disk file.
11. NEW: Added USM sharpening to the image editor.
12: NEW: Revised how the image editor toolbox and history is presented.

12.0.473 (4/9/2008)

1. Changed: After an automatic cover art lookup failure or background audio analysis failure, the player will wait one year to try again instead of thirty days.
2. Changed: The "Get Cover Art" dialog works in batches of albums when doing large lookups.
3. Changed: Slight modifications to how the /NoAssociations installer switch works. (shows page with nothing selected on a fresh install, but can still associate with user selections)

12.0.472 (4/9/2008)

1. Fixed: Access violation in DX video player engine.
2. Changed: Reversed a previous change of using VMR9' "YUV Mixing Mode" for Hauppauge WinTV PRV analog TV devices (and other TV devices using hardware MPEG2 compression). The "YUV Mixing Mode" caused video problem when displaying video on secondary monitor.
3. Changed: Making changes to the Playing Now list using the SDK will update the Playing Now view.
4. Changed: Some stack menu items removed if the selection is not appropriate.
5. Changed: Default for show stack icon is now on.
6. Changed: Stack Icon column for details view is added to the default list.  (Blue stack == collapsed stack.  Red top == expanded stack top.  Red Middle == expanded stack member.)
7. NEW: When copying files to the clipboard, the files will also be added as a format that can be pasted to Explorer for file copying. (text, CSV text, and image still also added to clipboard)
8. Fixed: Restore button (added in build 470) for TV channels did not work.
9. Changed: We automatically convert the old HH Cache to a HH Stack.  (If we have not already done so or given the user the opportunity to do so.)
10. Fixed: Double ampersands (&&) could get drawn in some menus.
11. Fixed: Aspect ratio of images on certain iPods was not correct.
12. Fixed: EXIF rotation would not be honored on an iPod.
13. NEW: Added Sweden DVB-T frequency table.
14. Fixed: In-place editing in the lists was incorrectly possible in the get cover art dialog.
15. Changed: When leaving a library view, tagging mode is switched off instead of staying on for the duration of the session.
16. Changed: Renamed "Tagging Mode" to "Pane Tagging".
17. Fixed: Photo thumbnails show up correctly on an iPod but clicking on them shows a blank screen.
18. Changed: Scheduled TV recording now respects the name entered by user on Media Scheduler.
19. Changed: Reworked how circular smartlist references are handled to fix a few corner case issues.
20. Fixed: A shell-extension import could fail with a warning message if any auto-import tasks were running in the background.
21. Fixed: When playing audio using Wave Out, the volume control would not always control the correct line if the "Default" line was used instead of a specific line.
22. Fixed: Image editor status bar was not working.
23. Changed: Image editor displays zoom level as a percentage instead of a ratio (like regular image playback).
24. Changed: Image editor uses standard zoom stops when zooming in or out. (i.e. 15%, 20%, 30%, 40%, etc.)
25. Fixed: Image editor did not correctly handle coordinates when an image was fully zoomed out, causing strange tool behavior.
26. Fixed: Image editor could draw a border on and image that was the wrong color.
27. Fixed: Revised how image editor renders the screen to be more efficient.
28. Changed: Silent cover art submission (if enabled in options) only submits files between (100x100 to 1250x1250, and less than 500kb).
29. Fixed: When pasting a cover art change to files as image data instead of from a URL the change would not be submitted to YADB.
30. Changed: When manual cover art submission finishes, it shows a statusbar message but no popup message.
31. Updated: Stack icons.
32. Fixed: Ipod transfer was not working under vista when run as a normal user.
33. Changed: Tweaks to how likely radio playback is to repeat a song.

12.0.471 (internal release)

12.0.470 (4/4/2008)

1. Changed: Default for show stack icon is now off.
2. Fixed: Arrow buttons did not work when playing DVD "extra features" that require user interaction.
3. NEW: Added "DVD Menu" to OSD menu.
4. NEW: Stack Icon column available for details view.  (Not by default.  It is in the column list.  Better artwork in future builds.)
5. Changed: Digital TV channels' registry location is changed. This should be transparent to users.
6. NEW: Backup and Restore buttons on TV Channels property page, to backup TV channels to a disk file, and to restore them from the disk file.
7. NEW: The handheld conversion cache stack will save video conversions.

12.0.469 (4/2/2008)

1. Changed: Grouping file items no longer draw a stack overlay.
2. Changed: Stack right click submenu only appears when viewing a file.
3. Fixed: Remapped field names for iTunes playlist importing.
4. Fixed: User's choice of not using JRiver Audio Renderer for DirectShow playback of Wav files was not honored.
5. Changed: If stacks are used as the handheld cache any stacked mp3 file will be used if none is found under the stack directory.
6. NEW: Filters from "DMO Audio Effect" and "DMO Video Effect" categories are added to the list of transform filters for DirectShow playback.
7. NEW: Added "build cache" option to the handheld cache options.  (Only builds audio files.)
8. Fixed: Double ampersand's (&&) appearing in phrases throughout MC.
9. Fixed: MC could use old iPod image specifications after the firmware is updated by iTunes.
10. Fixed: MC's iPod firmware update utility could report the wrong current firmware version.
11. Fixed: Recommendation system was garbling non-Latin characters in the returned information. Tracks in the database are ok.
12. Changed: For Hauppauge WinTV PVR 150 (and some other TV device with hardware compression to MPEG-2), Legacy Video Renderer is used for time-shifting instead of VMR9 if user chooses to use software compression filters (i.e. not using MPEG-2). This solves the problem of bad video when using DivX compressor.
13. NEW: (Experimental, may not work and may be removed) Hauppauge WinTV HVR 1600 can record/time-shift using a software compressor.
14. Fixed: Initialize iPod was not working for the iPhone and iPod Touch.

12.0.468 (3/31/2008)

1. Fixed: Get Cover Art could draw incorrectly when resizing.
2. Changed: Revised how searching works for the files list below artists, albums, etc. in the library.
3. Fixed: Searching could steal the focus from the search box in some library views.
4. Changed: Show Stacks on view menu changed to Show Fanned Thumbnails.
5. NEW: Show Stack Indicator on Thumbnail option added to view.
6. Changed: In Get Cover Art, renamed "Existing" to "Your library".
7. Fixed: MC always wants to resync photos on iPods (introduced in 12.0.467).
8. Fixed: Tooltips could incorrectly appear when a right-click menu was showing.
9. Fixed: Keyboard navigation would not work nicely around grouping items in lists.
10. Fixed: Maximized windows could fail to render the two right-most pixels.
11. Changed: Rename Files From Properties dialog preview can handle hundreds of thousands of files without slowing the dialog down.
12. NEW: Added a full-size preview tooltip to the Get Cover Art results.
13. Changed: TV does not allow seeking / jumping to within 2 seconds of the live time.
14. Changed: Pane headers better resize to accomodate large fonts.
15. Fixed: Options dialog page picker could use incorrect colors for some skins.
16. Fixed: The "Alt" key would not properly draw underlines in a menu.

Dutch Peter

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Re: Media Center 12.0.476
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2008, 02:00:42 pm »

Reported this one earlier:

I am using the PixOs skin with a Negative Effect.
When i go to Drives & Devices and select a drive the files a shown.
At the bottom there will be a box with different selection possibilities: 'single folder', 'recursive' and 2 more.
In this version of MC that box is totally white (white font on white background). Only after selecting the box the options get visible.

The same for the area on the right of the options for the Last FM plugin. It shows up white, but should be dark.
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Re: Media Center 12.0.476
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2008, 07:25:51 am »

I'm using 3 view with tabs.
since one of these recent build, the tabs view are not retained anymore when closing and relaunching the application.
1 or sometimes 2 of the tabs are displaying the "start" view instead of the view they had when closing.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.476
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2008, 04:34:40 am »

Silly little && bug....

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