I just managed to remove all my ISO Coverart
. I had set it up by the method outlined by
1) Import ISO
2) Change to "Video"
3) use "Paste From Clipboard" to add the desired Coverart
4) Change to "Data"
All was working well until I re-imported all my ISO files (I was missing one file and instead of working out which one, I'd slected the entire list in explorer and did a Right Click --> Media Center --> Import). All of a sudden all my ISO coverart was replaced with the last one I had added (it was also saved in the folder.jpg file as per my MC12 option).
There has to be a better way! At present we have the options for coverart to be:
1) Stored in the File - no go with many file types including ISO
2) In the Same Folder as File (either "as Folder.JPG" or "as [Artist] - [Album].JPG) - a good option if all files in the folder use the one coverart (but not so good if I have under a folder called "Movies" a bunch of different ISO's which I want to have individual coverart or even tracks of a CD where there is track specific album art. So how about a 3rd option:
3) If "SAME NAME AS FILE.JPG" use that else use the default selected in option 2).
Other Idea?