Hey hit_ny,
I'm a stubborn traditionalist who thought the only manager I needed before was total commander. You know... right click, "enqueue in foobar". Then I broke down and got an iPod, and after much hesitation I finally gave in and started using iTunes. I admit, using a manager wasn't as awful as I had anticipated. Only, iTunes is a far cry from perfect.
I had hoped there might be a way to translate the iTunes Library over somehow. My idea was to use iTunes export xml playlist function.
However, when you export a playlist in iTunes it doesn't really export any useful information. I'd love to have MC pick up the "last played", "rating", and "number of plays" fields. iTunes exports none of this with the playlist. Even if it did, I'm not sure if MC would pick it up when importing.
Is there an xml transformation one can do on the iTunes Library xml file itself? I know a little bit of coding. I managed to write up a vb script to extract all my iTunes cover art to folder.jpg. I take it MC has an API as well?
Right now I'm planning on just exporting 5 playlists, one for each rating, then importing them into MC and rating all the tracks that way. I was going to just give up on the "number of plays" and "last played" info.
Thanks for any info/pointers.