personally I use snapstreams FireFly (I beleive can be configured to work direct with MC but I prefer the easier route of using it with Girder (see using Glynor's GML [which I believe is already loaded into the Girder default package now])
Me too. And they packaged my GML file with it? Wow! Didn't know!
I LOVE my Firefly+Girder setup. It is RF and has great range (works outside in the back yard quite well), it's reliable, it can be programmed to do anything I want, and is flexible (buttons can do one thing in one application, and another thing in others). The only other thing you really need is a USB-UIRT so that you can use the remote to control your other AV equipment too (turn on and off the TV and amp and whatnot).
Girder 4 and 5, while not free, are not anywhere near as scary as older versions of Girder to get set up and working well. My only complaint is that Girder 4 is not super-stable. It crashes about once per week on my machine at home. You only have to re-open the application when this happens, but it's annoying when you suddenly can't turn on the TV anymore. The Girder Run Time is much more stable, but I found that it didn't perform as well with simulated keyboard actions (arrow up/down), so I keep the "full" Girder running all the time in my task tray.