Hi all
v1.2 released. Only a few new features - improved keeping of files and a few bug fixes. I haven't had time to implement the other things - I've only just had time to compile and upload etc. I wouldn't hold out for any new releases anytime soon as I'm very busy at the moment. However don't stop adding feature requests as I will look into them when time presents its self.
I've also added the source code if anyone wants to have a play etc
Anyway have fun with it, please read the readme and take note of the following:
You must uninstall the previous version before installing this
You must enter the correct login data on the radio tab for any kind of streaming to work.
NEW in 1.1 Volume levelling
Overview - you can enable this on the radio tab and set the volume percentages in the numeric boxes.
The normal volume is the volume you want normal tracks to be played at.
The stream volume is the volume you want streamed tracks to be played at.
If you change the volume from MC when tracks are playing then this will update values - if you are streaming then this
value will update and vice verca. Note that this won't happen within the first 3 seconds of playback.
Also if the volume is set to increase then change will be delayed on track change by 1 second to allow MC's buffer to clear
This prevents sudden loud bursts of songs if you try and skip a track etc.
NEW in 1.0:Stream music from Last.Fm's radio.
YOU MUST ENTER THE CORRECT LOGIN DETAILS FOR THIS TO WORK.Note that your passoword is saved even though it isn't displayed in the password box once MC has been restarted.
Also, saved passwords are hashed (encrypted) so there is no chance of someone stealing it!
Two stream modes:
AutoDJ this integrates with the standard AutoDj from previous versions allowing the current playing track to be looked up and similar tracks selected.
The key difference is that similar tracks that aren't in your library can be streamed so you can discover new music.
Radio Here you select a radio type (user, similar artist or tag) and click Run Radio. The plugin will connect to the Last.FM radio station and
stream tracks from that. This will continue until you either cancel the operation or click 'stop radio'
Track Skipping
If you don't like the currently selected song the you can skip it, either the dj or radio will remove that song from the now playing list and
attempt to get another song from last.fm, either streamed or normal. Note there is currently no code to prevent the same song being selected so
if you are using the library dj with low variety then the chance of getting the same song is high.
Other featuresLooks up the currently now playing track on lastFm and searches for similar tracks that are in the music library.
Based on the track list returned, this is cross referenced with the MC database and then recently played tracks are removed.
The tracks are weighted according to the match given to them by Last.Fm and track is selected. Tracks by artists who have recently been played
can be weighted negatively, preventing them being selected unless there are no other tracks.
A track will be added to the Now Playing list that is hopefully similar to the last track played.
This operates on the last track on the now playing list, hence instead of looping or stopping, a new track will be added.
The plugin comes with it's own interface pane.
The file downloads from Last.Fm occur asynchronously so there is minimal freezing for MC. The operation can also be cancelled at any time.
If no similar tracks are found then a MC query can be executed, the default one is "[Number Plays]=0 ~n=200" which gets
un-played tracks for the user. If this query returns no tracks then a random track is added.
The slider control gives simplified control over the advanced settings. I'm not completely happy with how I implemented it but it may be enough, the most
important thing is feedback with regards to it!
InstallPlease uninstall any previous versions
If you encounter errors/bugs, please post here and let me know
I currently have some more features planned that I will work on when I get chance (see readme)!
Also if you have any feature requests or suggestions then please let me know.
YOU MUST UNINSTALL THE PREVIOUS VERSION BEFORE INSTALLING 1.01.2 Installer v1.1 betaHere is a link to the installer v0.51 - thanks to
v1.2 Source codePaulSinnema for the template by the way

Change Log:1.2 (05/10/2008)
? May be other things but it is a while since i did any coding and my memory is a bit vague
Added: Support for Media jukebox and hopefully mc13 if j river can sort the problems out
Fix: Various fixes that should improve stability and reduce .NET errors
Added: New method of keeping files. Files to be kept are copied to a /keep directory. They are then imported into
Media center so that they can be played. (You could run 'move and rename' within media center to copy them to
your music directory
1.1 BETA (07/09/2008)
Fix: File Error when displaying the number of temp files if no temp file directory existed
Added: Volume levelling, since Last.Fm streams can often be quiet, you can set a volume for streams to be played at.
Change: If there is a download error when you are running a radio, the radio will attempt to restart
This will be indefinately until you stop the radio (either stop button or cancel task)
1.0 BETA (05/09/2008) - Major release
Added: Streaming from Last.Fm Radio stations (users/tags/similar artists). YOU NEED TO BE REGISTERED WITH LAST.FM FOR THIS TO WORK
Added: AutoDj streaming, autodj can stream songs similar to the current playing song. YOU NEED TO BE REGISTERED WITH LAST.FM FOR THIS TO WORK
Added: Option to enable streaming DJ.
Added: Slider to vary how often the auto dj will get a track from the libary as opposed to streaming from Last.Fm
Change: Many interface changes to accomodate new streaming features.
Added: Specific radio interface tab. Here you can alter radio options and see the status of current streaming track.
Added: Option to skip a track, this applies to any mode, whether it be streaming or radio dj
Change: Renamed to LastFmDj!!
Change: Timeout code added. Will prevent the DJ running forever when trying to download a file.
Change: Downloader will attempt multiple times if a download fails.
0.51 (25/08/08)
Fix: Bug When there was an error downloading data which resulted in the Dj being run repeatedly
0.5 (24/08/2008)
Added: Interface slider control
Change: Interface redesign, seperating into more specific tabs.
Added: Run the DJ when a track has played a certain percentage instead of at the start.
Added: Placeholder support for the alternative query. The only placeholders available are via the interface.
They insert the placeholder at the current cursor position.
Added: New algorithm mode to search for similar artists and use any tracks from these.
Code rewrite to support this and also make it more extensable should other modes be added.
Added: Button to clear the debug file.
Fix: To the "Only select songs from a playlist" dropbox now saves its value correctly.
Fix: Various bugfixes within the code
Added: Option to switch algorithm modes (advanced settings)
Added: Option to allow different modes to be executed if no tracks are found (advanced settings)
Operates in the following order so will have no effect for 'similar artists, all tracks'
track -> similar artists, top tracks -> similar artists, all tracks
0.4 (18/08/2008)
Added: Asynchronous Downloads (when downloading mediacenter won't freeze!)
Large code rewrite for this
Change: New tabbed interface, thanks to neFAST for design work and input into this.
Added: Interface now autosaves, except for entering the query to use if no tracks are found.
Added: Option to only use the similar artist method, more info in the options section
Added: Option to hide the progress bar
Fix: Uses correct search syntax for querying the MC database, should reduce errors
Added: Option to only select songs from a certain playlist
Added: Option to input an alternate query to execute if no tracks are found.
Change: Altered the sorting algorithm so tracks have a higher match/reach from last.Fm are more likely to be played.
Added: Tying in with the above, recently played artists will now be played but will be significantly negatively weighted in the selection
algorithm so are 'unlikely' to appear unless no other songs can be found.
Added: Cancel button to progress window.
Added: Cancel Button to Interface pane.
Many other little things/tweaks that I may have forgotton to record
Added: Now uses Last.Fm's similar track function, this should decrease the time it takes to run significantly
If no tracks are found with this method then it will look up similarArtists and topTracks which takes longer
but will also yield more results.
Added: Track processing functions.
If no tracks are returned from last.fm then attempts are made to clean the song title and artist name
by removing anything in and after brackets()[]{} and slashes \/, anything after and including featuring, ft, feat.
The plugin will then look up the songs with cleaned data.
This applies to both similar track and similar artist methods, so the order of processing is:
unclean similar track
clean similar track
unclean similar artist
clean similar artist.
Change: Many code tweaks for efficiency and debug ease
Change: A few interface changes, thanks to neFAST for the input.
Fix: Globalization fix, should fix problems encountered mainly by French people or any other language
where a comma(,) instead of a period(.) to represent a decimal point.
Change: Second Release, not enough to warrent a new release
Stopped the progress window from always being at the front
Fix: Removed a small amount of unneeded debug code
Initial Release
More InfoFor more info, please see the readme in the installation package