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Author Topic: some help with smartlists please  (Read 1565 times)


  • Galactic Citizen
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some help with smartlists please
« on: August 01, 2008, 09:08:36 pm »

I've got all the rules here but damned if I can get some to work. For example that little squiggly character I see before Limit, for one, that's not on my keyboard. I've created some smartlists, like 3 songs each rated 5 stars for 10 artists. I would like to sort those artists randomly, so 3 songs play by 1 artist, then by another, but the artists are selected in random order. I can only get them to appear alphabetically,or have all songs random.

With all the complex lists you can create, I find it hard to believe this can't be done but damned if I can figure it out.

Is there another guide somewhere?


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Re: some help with smartlists please
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2008, 09:11:11 pm »

For example that little squiggly character I see before Limit, for one, that's not on my keyboard.
To the left of the 1 key on every keyboard I own.
Or you could just use the wizard instead of hand-typing the rule.


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Re: some help with smartlists please
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2008, 09:55:23 pm »

I believe that squiggly thing is called a tilde, and on my keyboards, it's accessed by pressing shift+#. The # key being just above the right shift key!


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  • Galactic Citizen
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Re: some help with smartlists please
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2008, 10:25:49 pm »

Good lord I'm going blind, it is right there to the left of the 1, I knew I had used it before a couple of years ago when I had MC.

Not helping me though with the smartlist I'm trying for. Is it possible it just can't be done, I want to sort by 2 criteria, one to pick a random selection of songs, though with specific criteria, and then take those songs and sort by artist, randomly.  In other words sort by the set of artists. 

If I created playlists of 3 songs by a number of artists, I could then sort the playlists randomly, right? But that's a little different and a lot more work.


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Re: some help with smartlists please
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2008, 10:46:57 pm »

Left of the 1 key on laptops, right? or is that an american thing?

As for the smartlist, this is as close as I can get atm...

[Media Type]="audio" -[Album Artist (auto)]="multiple" [Rating]=5 ~limit=-1,1,[album],[album artist (auto)] ~a ~limit=10,3,[artist]

It keeps the artists grouped randomly, but, the complete album modifier is interfering with the r=5 rule, and the three tracks from each artist are all from the same album.
I'll maybe try kicking it around a bit more tomorrow.


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