So I have MC12 running on a box that also runs MainLobby Server. All my music resides on a Windows Home Server box (running witht the latest power pack that fixes the "corruption" bug). I have MC12's media libraries pointed at \\SERVER\Music (the share on the WHS box). Ever since I started using MC12 I get warning messages from my WHS box saying-
Conflict: The File is Open
Name: lock.jmd
Location: \\SERVER\Music
When I got to Micsosofts "How Do I fix conflicts" help it says the following-
If you have file conflicts, you can use the following information to try to resolve the issue:
The file is open
Close any application that may have opened this file. This could be an application that is running on your home computers or an add-in on your home server.
Does MC12 need this file to work? Any work arounds? If I close MC12 the conflict goes away, but I need it running all the time. While both MC12 and WHS seem to run fine, I hate having WHS keep nagging me with "Network at Risk" messages.
Please help.