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Author Topic: Updated Plugin: YARS - JSON/HTML Server Plugin & Squeezebox Duet Client  (Read 5783 times)


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I put up a new 0.3 version of YARS remote server plugin and my J River SqueezePlay/SqueezeBox Controller Applet.


Here are screencasts of the 0.3 version Squeezebox Controller client (Note: the screencasts show an emulator app of the Squeezebox Duet Remote Control, seen at: )


Squeezebox player output:

J River Media Center Output:

Note: These screencasts show a small sample J River library that I use for testing. The Applet performance on a Squeeze Controller on larger libraries (1000+ albums) is fairly reasonable as well.

Version 0.3 adds the following features:

- Optional direct output of audio through the controller's currently selected Squeezebox player (Squeeze output or J River output are now selectable)
- playing/queueing of a folder-style menu item plays all tracks that recursively are represented by that menu item
- Experimental Context Menus:
 -- Play button: when navigating menus and tracks, pressing play once brings up a context menu of play options. Clicking play again then plays the track or you can select other play options, including on-the-fly track rating.
 -- Plus button: when navigating menus and tracks, pressing plus once brings up a menu of queueing options. Clicking plus again then queues the track to the currnet playlist or you can select other queueing options (the other options are tbd - examples (as next to play), add (shuffle remaining), add(play now), add(shuffled))
 -- Home button: Click home once brings up a general purpose context menu. Click home a second time brings you to now playing (either the native Squeeze now playing for Squeeze output or a custom now playing for J River output). You can also select control functions like Shuffle mode/Repeat mode, and Applet Exit.
- On the fly track rating - Select a track click the play button to bring up the play context menu. The current rating will be shown. Select the rating and click the center go circle or right to change the rating.
- (for J River output) Now playing view. (Click home twice) shows now playing list with currently select track focused and marked. You can select any track and hit the play button to switch playback to that track.
- (for J River output) Volume control
- (for J River output) Rewind/FF control (30 second advance / 7 second rewind for video content)
- Track metadata - (hit the center Go button on any track) - displays all track metadata fields that J River holds for the track.

To run the applet, you will also now need to install the YARS plugin. Both the applet, and the J River plugin (and source) are available at:
The tcp port for the applet and the plugin is fixed at 18887.

1. Run the YARS setup (found at )
2. Restart J River Media Center. Optionally you can see the log output of the plugin under Plugins & Services->Yars Plugin
3. Download and unzip the Applet ( (found at )
4. Scp the unzipped applet folder to the squeezecontroller as described at under Manual Instructions.
5. Restart the Controller.
6. Now a new top level menu item will appear for the applet "Take Me To The River". I find that I need to wait a bit after a controller reboot for the wireless connection to be set before trying to use the controller.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Updated Plugin: YARS - JSON/HTML Server Plugin & Squeezebox Duet Client
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2008, 01:57:16 pm »

Hello Streaker

I have a Squeeze Controller and I have tried to use your application, but it doesn't work. Could you help me?
I have installed the YARS pluggin, and it show me this output in MC:

Plugin Initiated
JSON Server listening at http://+:18887/json/
Plugin dir: C:\Archivos de programa\J River\Media Center 12\Plugins\YARSPlugin
Static Server listening at http://+:18887/

I have installed Applet in the squeezecontroller, and I see the "Take me to the River" but when I make click, nothing happen.

Have I to install something more in computer with JRiver, like the SqueezeCenter?

Thanks for your help and regards



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Re: Updated Plugin: YARS - JSON/HTML Server Plugin & Squeezebox Duet Client
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2008, 12:20:25 pm »

>I have installed Applet in the squeezecontroller, and I see the "Take me to the River" but when I make click, nothing happen.

Thanks for giving it a try.  It seems I left out a crucial step: In the controller code the ip address of the server is hardcoded right now. I'll work on a fix for that, making it configurable.

In the meantime, the controller code is just a text script file so you could edit JRMCApplet.lua and change the following line (near the top of the file):

local BASE_URL = ""


local BASE_URL = "http://your-jriver-app-ip-address:1887/json/"

Then copy the lua file back out to the controller. You might need to reboot the controller for it to take effect.


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Re: Updated Plugin: YARS - JSON/HTML Server Plugin & Squeezebox Duet Client
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2008, 06:20:51 am »

There is a new version of the Controller applet available at:

You'll still need to manually set the ip address where MC is running :

>I have installed Applet in the squeezecontroller, and I see the "Take me to the River" but when I make click, nothing happen.

Thanks for giving it a try.  It seems I left out a crucial step: In the controller code the ip address of the server is hardcoded right now. I'll work on a fix for that, making it configurable.

In the meantime, the controller code is just a text script file so you could edit JRMCApplet.lua and change the following line (near the top of the file):

local BASE_URL = ""


local BASE_URL = "http://your-jriver-app-ip-address:1887/json/"

Then copy the lua file back out to the controller. You might need to reboot the controller for it to take effect.



  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Updated Plugin: YARS - JSON/HTML Server Plugin & Squeezebox Duet Client
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2008, 05:21:38 pm »

I have upgrade the software, and change manually the IP address, but I continue with the same problem. Nothing happen after press "Take me to the river"

I have made a network trace, and Controller is not sending any messages when I press Take me to the river. any idea?

Thanks and regards



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Re: Updated Plugin: YARS - JSON/HTML Server Plugin & Squeezebox Duet Client
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2008, 07:24:06 pm »

On the SBC can you select "Settings->Advanced->Software Update" and post what software version your controller is currently running?


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Updated Plugin: YARS - JSON/HTML Server Plugin & Squeezebox Duet Client
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2008, 05:09:12 pm »

Running version 7.2 r2873




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Hi Streaker,

I have only half of the DUET, a receiver that I configured using the Net-Udap script. I'll search out the controller emulator so I can try out your app. I would like some clarification wrt output and your app. When you select a song to play is the actual output from the Squeezebox receiver or is it from the soundcard on the machine running JMRC?

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