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Author Topic: Media Center 13.0.36 Preview #1  (Read 8449 times)


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Media Center 13.0.36 Preview #1
« on: September 10, 2008, 06:36:38 pm »

This is the latest version of MC 13.0.  An MC12.0 or MC13.0 license will work with it.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted or moved.

This latest build (usually safe) of MC13.0 is here:

13.0.36 (9/10/2008)

1. Changed: Tuned how static text is drawn in the program to better center a label with its control.
2. Fixed: In low signal conditions, television playback could stall the user interface for several seconds.
3. NEW: Flickr uploader has an option to create a playlist of the upload.
4. Fixed: The on screen display could show incorrect values when seeking TV.
5. Changed: Television playback handles low-signal playback with dropouts better. (no longer timesout after ten seconds, pauses playback, etc.)

13.0.35 (9/10/2008)

1. NEW: Added new tool "Cover Art > Save Cover Art To External Location Specified In Options" to save the current cover art to the location specified in options.
2. Fixed: Television playback was not working properly (only applies to build 34).
3. Fixed: Media Center could fail to detect an iPod in some cases.
4. Fixed: The cursor was not updating over links in thumbnail lists.
5. Fixed: If a toolbar ended with a very narrow button or a divider, an unnecessary chevron could appear.
6. Fixed: Creating a new playlist by dragging files to "Playlists" in the tree would not allow in-place rename.
7. Fixed: 3D visualizations would not apply rotation of image editor changes when loading images.
8. Changed: Tuned aspect ratio of 3D image cube visualizations.
9. Fixed: Some keyboard accelerators could cause display plugins to crash.
10. Changed: During import, the database is saved and memory is compacted every 1000 new files.
11. Changed: On minimize of the program, a full database save + compact is performed instead of only a memory compact.
12. Fixed: TV would not resume from data buffering state.

13.0.34 (9/9/2008)

1. Changed: Moved view addition (add playlist, library view, etc.) to the "View" menu.
2. Changed: "Run Auto-Import Now" no longer warns if there are no folders configured (since auto-import does several tasks other than just import new media).
3. Fixed: Shell extensions could fail to load.
4. Fixed: (Hopefully) When TV went into buffering state due to lack of data it did not recover from it.
5. NEW: Added new default audio view: "3D Albums".

13.0.33 (9/8/2008)

1. Optimized: TV time-shifting performance does less disk I/O when playback is on the same machine as recording.
2. Changed: Revised the layout of the Customize View dialog to better integrate simple presets (JVI files) and settings.
3. Changed: Removed warning shown when editing stock / locked views.
4. Fixed: Showing some menus from a toolbar could cause a problem.
5. Optimized: Large import jobs use less memory.
6. Changed: Internal changes; should not effect functionality.
7. NEW: Separated the view preset picker [View Selector] from the view configuration dialog (creating a new view shows picker [View Selector], customize existing view shows configuration).
8. Changed: Picking "Load view..." from the Customize View dialog shows the graphical view loader.

13.0.32 (9/5/2008)

1. Optimized: Improved the performance of the links bar, resulting in faster view switching / updating time.
2. Optimized: Improved performance of list grouping by about 400%. (note that groupings that include various values in a sorting field will now be sorted by the extreme value in the group instead of the average)
3. Fixed: Right-clicking a non-selected tree item and choosing a command that showed a popup box could cause the command to be routed to the current view instead of the clicked view.
4. Fixed: The command to "Save A Copy & Edit" could edit the original view if invoked from the tree right-click menu.
5. Fixed: It was not possible to set grouping to "None".
6. Changed: When parsing XMLTV files, if no time-zone information is present, the time is assumed to be local time instead of UTC.
7. Fixed: When customizing a toolbar, the window did not update for the new toolbar size until resizing the entire program.
8. Fixed: TV time-shifting stalled when time-shifting limit was reached (build 31 only).
9. Fixed: TV time-shifting could leave invalid index data in the indexing file when time-shifting had lasted longer than the time-shifting limit.
10. NEW: Finnish and Updated French DVB-T frequency tables. Thanks to Alex B, leezer3, and mouffy.

13.0.31 (9/4/2008)

1. Optimized: Television playback optimizations.
2. Fixed: Skin Manager was not working properly.
3. Fixed: Customize Toolbar was not working properly.
4. NEW: Added the ability to load and save views to .jvi files using Customize View.
5. NEW: Added graphical view switcher (based on .jvi files) to Customize View.
6. NEW: Sound recorder now prompts to save the current recording when 'Exit' is clicked.
7. Changed: Switched the library view settings "Always show files", "Display an alphabet" and "Show as fanned" to per-view settings from global settings.
8. Changed: View settings for view schemes and playlists are stored with the playlist or view scheme objects instead of in the view state database. (sorry, will cause loss reset of view settings for these views)
9. NEW: Added new library view setting "Allow tree select".  When disabled, selecting a view will redirect to the last used child view.
10. NEW: Added new library view setting "Lock view" that causes a warning to be shown when editing. (warning allows saving a copy and editing the copy)
11. NEW: Introduced new library view layout.  For now, requires Edit > Reset All Library Views To Default.

13.0.30 (9/2/2008)

1. Optimized: OSD is more responsive during video (TV in particular) seeking.
2. Fixed: Logging did not work in TV time-shifting writer and reader filters.
3. Optimized: TV time-shifting uses key frames for seeking if available.
4. Optimized: TV time-shifting writes data to disk in larger chunks, reducing fragmentation.
5. Optimized: Playback of TV time-shifting reads from memory instead of disk when playing close to live.
6. Fixed: Flickr uploader was creating a new set for each upload foto.  (If an entry was set for add to new set.)
7. Fixed: Flickr uploader timeout extended from 60 seconds to 240 seconds.
8. Fixed: The cache building thread didn't clean up nicely if there was nothing to do.
9. Fixed: The plugin was not installing properly.
10. Fixed: The format conversion tool did not work properly.

13.0.29 (8/27/2008)

1. Optimized: Improved TV time-shifting performance.
2. Optimized: Seeking during TV time-shifting should be crisper.
3. Changed: Removed "Channels" from TV right-click menu, as it didn't change channels in the newer "channel in database" way.
4. NEW: Theater View "Television" view lists programs instead of channels.
5. NEW: Can select multiple sets to add an image to in flickr uploader.  (If this looks solid I'll enable it for groups.)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Media Center 13.0.36 Preview #1
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2008, 09:49:57 pm »

Crashes on installing mini-view skins: Attacker, pioneer, pwei, sony

also crashes on selecting 'Web Media\My Web Media'


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Re: Media Center 13.0.36 Preview #1
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2008, 02:24:51 am »

I don't know if this is a bug or not, but if you remove one of the "top" view schemes (Audio, Images or Video), the icons for the others disappears.

This is what happens if I, for example, delete the Video view.

Dutch Peter

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Re: Media Center 13.0.36 Preview #1
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2008, 06:19:57 am »

Following stream works with MC12.0.533, but not in MC13:
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Re: Media Center 13.0.36 Preview #1
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2008, 08:17:26 am »

Works in MC12, but displays no files in MC13 (Customize View\Advanced\Set Rules for File Display\Import-Export):

Code: [Select]
[Media Type]=[Audio] OR [Media Type]=[Image] AND [Genre]=[Artwork] ~sort=[Artist],[Album],[Disc #],[Track #]
Also, I'm having a lot of trouble with "Sort Inside Groups By". Selecting it from either the tab, or via Customize View,
then trying to assign a custom sort expression, it doesn't save it, and just keeps the current setting. Also, I can't see
any changes when I switch back and forth between the preset "Sort Inside Groups By" values if I'm grouping by Album.

btw, the link bar, the new customize view dialog and the "save view" ability, ... great!

Vali Mihai

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Re: Media Center 13.0.36 Preview #1
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2008, 10:01:39 am »

...and the all right-click menu? >:(


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Re: Media Center 13.0.36 Preview #1
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2008, 10:06:47 am »

View/Customize View.


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Re: Media Center 13.0.36 Preview #1
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2008, 10:20:20 am »

You took one over from MC12 ;):

If you create a user field (Tools -> Options -> Library & Folders -> User Library Fields -> Add field...) and then configure it to be shown in Action Window (upper left AW icon -> Also Show -> [New field]) and then delete the user field again via options, a empty line remains in AW. Even after a restarting MC it stays there. You have to recreate a field with the same name and deseleced it for showing in AW to get rid of it.


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Re: Media Center 13.0.36 Preview #1
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2008, 10:22:50 am »

Customized sorting does not appear to be working.

I set my main Audio view to "View As" -> "Album Thumbnails"

I want to sort using custom fields I have in my tags - ARTISTSORT and ALBUMSORT

I can go into the sort box, go to "Custom", set it up, save it, ang get it to appear..... but there are many issues.

-There is no obvious way on the UI to "accept" or "apply" or "finish" when you are setting up a custom sort - do you just click outside the box?
-When I went back into the view customization, it showed (default) and my saved 'Artistsort' both with checks - which is it using?
-When I clicked Artistsort, it appears to be selected
-It never sorts using these fields.

-If I set the view to 3D - the sort is correctly applied.  If I then go back to album thumbnails, it is sorted correctly.  So it appears to be an issue getting sorting to Apply/refresh at the right time.


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Re: Media Center 13.0.36 Preview #1
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2008, 02:14:36 pm »

Customize View, 'Show Categories in this Order' -
when dragging items in ListBox to reorder, entire Dialog Box goes blank.


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Re: Media Center 13.0.36 Preview #1
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2008, 02:32:44 pm »

Lots of my album artwork is not showing up that was in MC12.

A spattering of files are not being found despite still being located where they have always been (my Beatles Abbey Road album, for example)


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Re: Media Center 13.0.36 Preview #1
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2008, 05:29:00 pm »

If I enter this into an Expression column, every file shows a value of "F" (a single-cd album)

Code: [Select]
If(IsEqual(IsEmpty([Disc #]),0),T,F)
If I enter the same thing into 'Rename, Move & Copy Files \ Filename", it tries to rename everything "T" (ie "T.ape" instead of "F.ape")

sorry... just tried this in MC12 and got the same result. I don't get it but then that's not unusual.


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Re: Media Center 13.0.36 Preview #1
« Reply #12 on: September 12, 2008, 01:22:34 pm »

MC13 came out at the date 10-9-8 (DDMY) European standard date.


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Re: Media Center 13.0.36 Preview #1
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2008, 07:08:33 am »

Selecting several albums file-by file will sort them by track number, not by albums when imported into playing now.. Can supply pictures if needed.


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Re: Media Center 13.0.36 Preview #1
« Reply #14 on: September 16, 2008, 03:38:12 pm »

When I try Video>Web Media>My Web Media MC13 crash.
I have reinstalled.


Media Center 13.0.36 Registered -- C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 13\

Microsoft Windows XP 5.1 Service Pack 3 (Build 2600)
AMD Unknown 1193 MHz MMX / Memory: Total - 1964 MB, Free - 1237 MB

Internet Explorer: 7.0.5730.11 / ComCtl32.dll: 5.82.2900 / Shlwapi.dll: 6.0.2900 / Shell32.dll: 6.0.2900 / wnaspi32.dll: 4.71 (0001) , ASPI for Win32 (95/NT) DLL, Copyright ᄅ 1989-2002 Adaptec, Inc. / Aspi32.sys: 4.71 (0001)

Ripping /   Drive D:   Mode:Normal  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Digital playback: Yes /  Get cover art: Yes /  Calc replay gain: Yes /  Copy volume: 32767
  Eject after ripping: Yes /  Play sound after ripping: No 

Burning /  Drive D: Optiarc  DVD RW AD-7540A    Addr: 3:0:0  Speed:24  MaxSpeed:24  BurnProof:Yes
  Test mode: No /  Eject after writing: Yes /  Direct decoding: Yes /  Write CD-Text: Yes
  Use playback settings: No /

Portable Device Info
  Removed devices:

Interface Plugins: (Active)
  Library Server (Active)
  TiVo Server (Active)
  UPnP Server (Active)

Dutch Peter

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Re: Media Center 13.0.36 Preview #1
« Reply #15 on: September 17, 2008, 02:24:29 am »

Following stream works with MC12.0.533, but not in MC13:

I discovered that the stream has a hard time starting up. After several hickups it seems te work fine.
So in that sence starting this stream is bumpy, while in MC12 it starts nicely after buffering.
Stupid questions do not exist, only stupid answers.


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Re: Media Center 13.0.36 Preview #1
« Reply #16 on: September 19, 2008, 03:02:42 pm »

UNC paths do not work in Favorites

Steve C

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Re: Media Center 13.0.36 Preview #1
« Reply #17 on: September 25, 2008, 06:00:53 am »

Selecting My web media causes MC13 to stop responding and closes down when selected, Vista SP1, Also how do you elect the 3D view?? ?


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Re: Media Center 13.0.36 Preview #1
« Reply #18 on: September 25, 2008, 11:08:33 am »

What happened to Update Order when right clicking on a Playing Now sequence?  The context menu has completely changed purpose.  Maybe it can be returned just for the sequence column?


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Re: Media Center 13.0.36 Preview #1
« Reply #19 on: September 26, 2008, 02:14:39 pm »

Trying to copy mp3s from a CD to another location using "Rename, Copy, and Move Files" doesn't work but gives the message
"Not all of the selected tracks can be renamed."

morten vorgod

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Re: Media Center 13.0.36 Preview #1
« Reply #20 on: September 28, 2008, 05:35:58 am »

Works in MC12, but displays no files in MC13 (Customize View\Advanced\Set Rules for File Display\Import-Export):

Code: [Select]
[Media Type]=[Audio] OR [Media Type]=[Image] AND [Genre]=[Artwork] ~sort=[Artist],[Album],[Disc #],[Track #]
Also, I'm having a lot of trouble with "Sort Inside Groups By". Selecting it from either the tab, or via Customize View,
then trying to assign a custom sort expression, it doesn't save it, and just keeps the current setting. Also, I can't see
any changes when I switch back and forth between the preset "Sort Inside Groups By" values if I'm grouping by Album.

btw, the link bar, the new customize view dialog and the "save view" ability, ... great!

Yes - there must be a issue with sorting 


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Re: Media Center 13.0.36 Preview #1
« Reply #21 on: September 30, 2008, 02:22:10 am »

Problem with polish diactrical characters when editing name of file

Cant write ą - it is alt+a it makes delete...


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Re: Media Center 13.0.36 Preview #1
« Reply #22 on: September 30, 2008, 12:12:52 pm »

Sort order isn't working consistently for me. 

Example: Message In A Box: The Complete Recordings (Disc1)

Clicking on the Track column, Track 17 will sort first no matter what.  All other tracks are in correct order.  I do not have the Disc # field set for any track on this album.  I have deleted the Track field and re-entered, same result.  All the normal shared tags are equal except the year.  Also, the year in the album header displays 1992 even though the Date field is set to 1993. 

This behavior also manifests on other lists, but typically when a Disc # is involved.


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Re: Media Center 13.0.36 Preview #1
« Reply #23 on: September 30, 2008, 08:41:32 pm »

MC won't pop to front when app window is clicked.  With MC12, a MC window behind one or more windows will pop to font if clicked anywhere on the app.  With MC13, it will not pop to front when clicked.  It will, however, switch to MC13 if I click on it in the Windows task bar.
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