When you copy, move, or rename a file in MC you have the option to create folders defined by Tags or other criteria in which the file(s) will be created,
or not . . .
The dialog for this offers checkboxes for Directories and one for Filenames
In the Directories panel you can select the Drive and or folders under "Base Path",
below that there is an area to describe a "Rule" for further creating folders based on tags . . . leaving this blank will avoid creating folders and/or sub-folders.
Also, once you make your selections you can hover your mouse pointer over the filenemes and it will show you both the current filename & pats as well as the New one which will be created if you proceed. This allows you to backstep and try again if you do not see what you wish.
Oh, and at the very top of the dialog there is a space to define whether the file is to be moved, copied, etc
I hope this was of help. If not, perhaps cire specific examples of what you have, what you want, and what you wound up getting