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Author Topic: new skin nearly ready..  (Read 4597 times)


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new skin nearly ready..
« on: November 04, 2008, 08:10:19 am »

i just have to wait a bit before i can share. but im to happy with the result that i couldnt wait after all these days of work.. :P

big version here:

big version:




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Re: new skin nearly ready..
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2008, 12:59:57 am »

85 views and no comments!

I probably won't use it. It's just a bit too grey for my liking.

I have to say though, I will most certainly be downloading it for a test run because I love the innovative design approach. Your building inspired skin was completely different, but just as innovative. Keep up the good work gapster, it's appreciated at this end for sure.

I have a skin about 85% complete here too. It's a bit of a departure for me because I don't really like dark skins, I don't really like skins that use an image in the tree, and I don't really like skins that use a full width integrated action window (like yours does) and strangely, my skin ticks all three boxes!!

I've left 'main_frame_top_border' 'til last and it's hard work... I'm really not very good when it comes to attractive buttons and informative graphics that fit into a 16 x 16 area.... I'll get there though.... stay tuned...

When's yours scheduled for release, and what's it called?

Mine is simply called "!New Skin" atm :)

you think this is a bit too much...

I can't make my mind up...
one minute I think it's great, the next, it's too much. personally, I'm leaning heavily towards the "too much" camp...
I'll revisit it later!!


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Re: new skin nearly ready..
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2008, 02:52:24 am »

thanks marco, i was not expecting a shearing crowd after my first experiments.   ;)
i think that the main reason for starting to build skins is that the skins that are available are not to my liking. my old eyes have problems with all the 3d buttons and stuff. they get lost in all the pixel changes it sees. so i try to make flat skins (something i exaggerated in my first 'building' skin). that i made it so grey is because the computer is standing fairly prominent in the living room (where most people have a television i guess) and the grey made it less computerlike shining, from across the room. that is also why i made the play buttons bigger and took some other things more or less out of sight.

i had not thought about a name, until a minute ago i called it Omnium Gatherum, after my never to be released plugin. but i just came up with the name 'east side'. the two guys for the playbutton are from the traffic lights used in east germany, the bike is from a picture we took in Prague, well and the grey is just a bit darker than the pieces of 'the wall' that are still around here (the east side of the wall did not have any the graffiti of course).

i wanted to release it when the new version would be released on the 13 forum. because of the new player bar. but i just notice it made it yesterday. so i think this weekend or just after. have to find the places were some elements show up that i have not changed yet. could always release it as 'beta'... :D

i think i like your skin. the colours have style and fit together, although the blue could be a bit much. but it looks beautiful. im curious how the main page will look.

have fun


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Re: new skin nearly ready..
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2008, 04:19:34 am »

I could put that skin to good use.  Most nights I use MC to sleep to.  Most dark skins are not very usable in low light. 


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Re: new skin nearly ready..
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2008, 05:14:57 am »

How you getting on gappie?

working on mine is like walking through treacle!!

"options" now looks like so and is probably final:

The player buttons are really tough for me, and not helped by the little bug in the skinning engine that stops the mainframe_top_border image from refreshing correctly...
It will most likely boil down to a choice from two...

1. Blended buttons:

2. Glassy buttons:

Edit: Just tried some black glass and that's much better. Good enough, I'd say :)


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Re: new skin nearly ready..
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2008, 07:04:25 am »

very nice marko. those buttons are sweet. and i think the blackish background in the options is indeed nicer then the blue one.

im as good as ready. have to test it a bit with mc13 and i can not find where i change those small triangles in the splitter and where the custom tabs show up. some small last things.

my wife also loves the new skin, but that is mainly because i never show her all the fabulous stuff the others make around here.  ;)

tonight ill finish it.

edit.. i need new spectacles 8)



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Re: new skin nearly ready..
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2008, 04:02:51 pm »

well... its finished for now..  8)
there are some more pics here:
in the pictures you can see that there is no border around the option etc forms. i need this for some forms of my plugin, and it looks good with a detached display (ctrl 5).
besides that, underneath the 12 playerbar, there is a picture where you look through the 'berlin' wall looking at a fence (in potsdam). the other with the 13 playerbar shows the original picture of the bike used for next and previous.
its here:

for people who want to see if i have learned anything the last months, here is my first skin:




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Re: new skin nearly ready..
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2008, 02:07:25 am »

Start a new thread for it's release, surely?

Love the sailing boat, that's too cool :)
Super 'repeat' button too!

Only way I found to close DSP studio is by right click on its task bar button which I understand is something you need, but may well have some users scratching their heads!

Really interesting skin, very 'light', as in 'not heavy', easy on the eyes.
I like it a lot more than I thought I would from the screenshots. Good work indeed.


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Re: new skin nearly ready..
« Reply #8 on: November 13, 2008, 10:01:22 am »

thanks marko.. glad you like it.. yes, i should start a new thread...  :)

i forgot to mention about the dsp, its as far as i know the only form that does not have a close or cancel button. right clicking on the taskbar is indeed the way to close it. i tried some alternatives, none made me happy, so i will leave it this way for now.




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Re: new skin nearly ready..
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2010, 07:47:00 am »

Hi very good skin gappie and without 3D like my old eyes loves too!

The little boat is so cute in the playerbar.And like you're other skin the approach is something different well done!
I like too youre first skin specially the tab parts beside this i really don't like the fancy buttons but i understood that they need to be here because it's for the callgary house of the Doctor.
I haven't so much time now.But this work inspire me and i want to work on a new skin.
Maybe a Crysis or Umbrella(resident evil) skin...

Ps:The little boat is definitively so cute :>


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Re: new skin nearly ready..
« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2010, 01:42:16 am »

thank you, im glad you like it.  :)


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Re: new skin nearly ready..
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2010, 11:24:05 am »

i updated the skin, i had changed some small things (maybe some bigger also) since i posted it, a year ago.

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