85 views and no comments!
I probably won't use it. It's just a bit
too grey for my liking.
I have to say though, I will most certainly be downloading it for a test run because I love the innovative design approach. Your building inspired skin was completely different, but just as innovative. Keep up the good work gapster, it's appreciated at this end for sure.
I have a skin about 85% complete here too. It's a bit of a departure for me because I don't really like dark skins, I don't really like skins that use an image in the tree, and I don't really like skins that use a full width integrated action window (like yours does) and strangely, my skin ticks all three boxes!!
I've left 'main_frame_top_border' 'til last and it's hard work... I'm really not very good when it comes to attractive buttons and informative graphics that fit into a 16 x 16 area.... I'll get there though.... stay tuned...
When's yours scheduled for release, and what's it called?
Mine is simply called "!New Skin" atm

you think this is a bit too much...

I can't make my mind up...
one minute I think it's great, the next, it's too much. personally, I'm leaning heavily towards the "too much" camp...
I'll revisit it later!!