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Author Topic: Not sure if this has ever been brought up, but.. a chat, or room for us jriver  (Read 4974 times)


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Users, fans?

I think it would be great if there was a chat we could all use in addidtion to the forum... for those of us who are here on a daily basis it would be great to be able to just login have 20,30,40,50 100 users to talk to ask questions, SHOW OTHER USERS AROUND THE WORLD, share ideas etc...  I've been using a program called Paltalk for over 8 years and they have a computer technology room section with many types of rooms, from windows, linux, apps, tips, tricks, WEBSITE DESIGN, tech support(INFO ALL THE WAY TO BSOD'S)  and they ofFer these rooms for free. where i have basically learned EVERYTHING i know about computers TO TODAY. its Mic enabled and text enabled.. you can make your own room, have your own rules, make it an open mic room, have administrators or as they caLl it people with hats who run the room, and ask questions to anything about jriver, electronics, new technology, sorting tagging anything you so desire to allow in the room... you can transfer files, use webcam, scedule mettings with other administrators, and sell post your website in the room on a time basis (every 2 minutes it would say in text come check out JRiver..etc.. ) You as an administrator can block people ban them from your room etc for not following the rules you have set up.


just my 2 cents :) but i know i'd use it there's many times ive had questions here that could have been answered IMMEDIATELLY had there been a chat service... plus its always fun to mingle with others as well. Especially due to the fact you guys are from MN miles from me... just be neat i think to communicate with others, learn, grow, and have some more fun. Also i dont work for paltlak so i'm not selling anything, and maybe there are better ones out there? i just know the ability to have 30-40-100 - 500 people in a room at once all being able to type at once, talk on the mic (when its there turn) has taught me alot and opened up new ideas for me. and maybe it can for all of us?!

And best of all i know you can make up your own "tech" rooms for free, cause i have opened private rooms myself .

Just A suggestions... idea. welcoming comments.


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i don't know if the board gets enough traffic to warrant it, but something like a shoutbox on the forum might work. Live "tech support" :)


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well then what better reason to do it? if there not getting the traffic... put into paltalk or similiar type chat proggy.. and there's your traffic. you wouldnt even have to sell it.. just name it jriver tech support.. and people who use paltalk would go to the room just to see what it is!? good way to get more customers, opinions from others etc...


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It shouldn't be too hard to set up an IRC chat room somewhere.


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I have hosted internal chat at home for quite a while.  If someone can find a usable & complete chat system with web interface for free, I'd be interested in using it myself.  Sometimes free solutions aren't acceptable, though.  Take iTunes for example.  Pathetic.


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i personally dont think irc would work.. not many "average" users have ever heard of it or would know how to use it!?.. plus i dont think irc has voice does it?  just my humble opinion..

the link for paltalk to give you all an idea..

looks as if someone is doing what i describe already right on first page it says jukebox room.. the ideas are endless... but again wouldnt have to be Pal.. i'm just fond of it caus eive used it for so long :D


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IRC chat wouldn't work. There are boards with much more volume than this that barely survive on IRC chat. It would have to be something on the web, accessible from the forums.

Now an IRC chat window might work if it was embedded here. But not as a standalone.


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Sorry but I'm sure this won't happen.  I don't think it is necessarily a good idea anyway.  I have spent way too much time in these forums already.


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How about an embedded video phone inside MC so you could talk with other online users?  Maybe within defined circles.


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was just a suggestion ;)

thought maybe it would bring in more customers, and just be a fun place to chat and learn, and get more ideas for new features etc...  

I can tell you this.. i have sold this product umpteen times to people in pal, and other places on the net.. and literally within 3 minutes of mentioning some of the features of this player i had over 30 responces in the PCtech room.. asking about if it does this\that that winamp, wmp, musicmatch, itunes won't do etc..  asking what the link is, ohh i love that it offers this feature, etc...

anywho.. was just rattling some brains here, to see what you all thought :)


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again being we're throwing suggestions...
WOW JIM... Thats  a HOTTT Idea!

That would be cooooooool  ;D kinda like the display view and mini dispaly.. and one could chose there webcam.. like ya can on pal. and use camtasia to show off there video\screenshot, or even themselves with an overlay of the song they are playing or cool visualization!

or if you checked out my paltalk link.. taking from your video phone idea.. those of us who use messnegers the ability to use our messenger friends from within jriver... meaning say your my friend on msn and you wanna have a vid conference being yahoo msn irc whatever was incorporated into jriver the cam window would popup with in the player instead of having another window flooding your desktop... Thats prolly a little to much... but technology is changing.. there already mirrors outthere with tv's in em and internet... coffee tables that we can use our hands to view pictures\videos.. things are always changing\advancing....



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I can tell you this.. i have sold this product umpteen times to people in pal, and other places on the net.. and literally within 3 minutes of mentioning some of the features of this player i had over 30 responces in the PCtech room.. asking about if it does this\that that winamp, wmp, musicmatch, itunes won't do etc..  asking what the link is, ohh i love that it offers this feature, etc...
That kind of recommendation is extremely helpful to us.  Thanks very much.


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Jim ive mentioned this before here previously.. ive also mentioned about how long it took me to find this software.. in fact when i was looking for the best media player i found u guys through my high end hometheater magazine who advertized cinemar who advertized your guys plugin for there music jukebox... (sold my changers and dont use them anymore.. but it was sure an eyecatcher for parties)

ive said it before.. you guys have the best player... but ive been online for 8 yrs now. 8yrs ago i didnt know what a start button was...
and in 8 yrs. there is NOT one person ive met online that has heard of jriver! not ONE!  and in 8 yrs i have traveled the net pretty well.. tried i bet every messenger, every chat room.  Sad really.. but they all know musicmatchbox, and Winamp, and WMP....

and if i come off a bit blunt in regards to...  "It shouldn't be too hard to set up an IRC chat room somewhere". i apologise.. it's just that i think that the Norm of people wouldnt have a clue 1. how to find irc, or 2. have the patience to learn it.... so getting the info out there i think may be a bit harder that route... but i myself have not used irc that much either so i may be mistaken( but i do know when i did use it there was alot of reading and figuring out and i was SOOOO LOST trying to find that certain room or subject) i just know that the Norm\Average User.. are use to windows and simple usage. meaning the easier to see, click on buttons etc.. the more they would wanna "Try it"

which is why i think JRiver is so hot as well... it has a very Easy interface.... BUT if ya wanna tweak it. Be able to DO EVERYTHING it has that ability... Quote from some friends who have seen just your guys options menu "Holy **** this thing does it alll. that has so many features i wouldnt know where to beign."

And just to give an idea how easy its been for them.. as some of you may know  ive had many topics or mentioned my parties here in this forum.. And ive had 12 yrs old, 70 yrs old, (no offence woman here-(who generally dont like technology) ladies hop right on my machines during a party, find the song they wanna find and play it!  there's playlists, there's a search and there is the internaional symbol for play, stop, FFWD, RWD. and for us Tweakers.... its makes it STUPID simple for them... ya walk up tell the user just double click the cover art and it will play next... and the users at the party just start making there own playlists with out them having to really do a thing and it turns out to be a perfect night. ;)


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asking about if it does this\that that winamp, wmp, musicmatch, itunes won't do etc..  asking what the link is, ohh i love that it offers this feature, etc...

Thought process overload.  This is a tough question, honestly!  Where do you start?


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Not sure if this has ever been brought up, but.. a chat, or room for us jriver

Yes, About 8 Years Ago

The Thought At The Time Was, The Same Questions Would Be Answered Many Times In Chat

Help In The Forum Could Be Searched, And Help Many.
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
Model Trains, Internet, Ham Radio, Music
Fayetteville, NC, USA


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ive personally just said my highlights that i like  about it. give\gave them the link.. and tell them that you guys have a forum and that they can read up\search any inquiry they may have. or feel free to add me to your friends list, and i can help ya or maybe answer more questions.

again as i said earlier the rooms i hang in there are basically tech\HELP rooms.. chat rooms, news rooms etc. are ALL free the people in there are techs, programmers, hackers, scripters, techy type people, audio\video philes, computer tech, engineers, programers, etc.. from all over the world, and they offer there help to people for free (from BSOD's, to viruses, to questions about best convertors, video problems, codec issues, renamers, how to write a certain script, to a person coming in and cant figure out how to install there printer or doesnt know why there printer wont work and it turned out they forgot to turn the power on.LOL) so being they have helped me, i help others there if i can. dont get me wrong it's not like i go in there selling things!!!  cause i don't but if i hear an issue, any programs for tagging? whats the best music player? my nero or windows media player doesnt do this that, anyway i can listen to music away from home.

then lil ole me in the room of 100-500 however many people will go on mic, or in text mention the program i feel that could help them.. well then the ball rolls, and others hear or find an interest in and they inquire check out the link.. or spread the word to others when someone else may come in asking for a proggy that can do a certain thing. or better yet they just sit there for hours on end
TRYING to figure out a program, Playing with it TWEAKING it, all the while commenting on it and the whole room, or WHOEVER comes in hears it all and see all the text about it.  i've seen this happen multiple times a day.. 10-20-30 people in text... hey what proggy was that you guys are talking about? and people would answer  avira, jriver, adobe cs3, etc...

its basically a tech room.. chat room, news room etc.. EXCEPT there are people who watch it and make sure rules are followed. otherwise any subject is fair game.


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and Benn if you mean where do you start to implement this... i'd honestly say by finding the type of service ya like, look into it.. and IT DOESN T HAVE TO BE ABOUT JRiver!!! You can open a tech room. and have one admin in there or 20... PEOPLE WILL COME AS LONG AS SOMEONE IS IN THE ROOM AND IT'S OPEN!!.... and any title ya want... J RIVER Audio\Phile KINGDOM CHAT.... welcome to JRiver Audio Phile kingdom and chat.. Where all Audio\Video Philes get together to talk about latest technology, Newst device, Our Upcoming features, Ask For help, Give help, Or Just sit back And Watch a Movie( meaing an admin would have a movie playing at say certain times.. (Copyright Checked of Course.. or not teeh hee hee)( i know many play movies for people in the rooms and there's YET to be an issues. due to the fact its just being streamed ya cant downlaod it)  OR LISTEN TO SOME TUNES (WHICH IS WHAT WE DO ALOT .. PEOPLE RAISE THERE HANDS TO PLAY A SONG. AND AFTER LAST PERSON PLAYS SONG THEN NEXT IN LINE GETS TO PLAY AND BEFORE THE PLAY IT THEY PUT INTO TEXT WHO THE ARTIST IS AND NAME OF SONG. ...

AGAIN i think possibilities are endless. not to mention be fun along with supporting jriver.. sheesh jriver isnt one of those A**L companies on the net that makes ya buy there software. JRiver offers trials! who won't try something if they hear about it or if its for free.. and no offence to forums. and NO i'm NOT lazy.. but i will tell you this there have been NUMEROUS times where i've not had the time.. and ive mentioned jriver in tech rooms, to get help instead of using this forum.. Why? umm cause there are again 20-30 50 -100 minds listenining and can reply NOW when i need the answer NOW. sad.. but many don't like forums.. whether it's lazyness, or afraid, or not knowedgable etc...  and for your replies you might send to this...about those who come in always asking questions that are already in the forum, and they become a pain.. same thing in room rules. Feel free to Ask us What Google\Our Forum Doesnt Tell You. I can ramble for hours on this... another great point
take all of you here.. i'm a master Goggler.. But im not  a MASTER forum searcher... now say there was a chat room, i could come in ask ANYTHING.. and i guarantee one of you here would know exactly where the lnik to the forum is for the issue i need solved.. Which would be a godsend in itself.. Cause i know i've looked for... Example thumbnail problems (and i have searched through pages of posts to come up with someone who's had an issue similiar to what i was having at that moment and honestly has taken hours. then to get a reply to post that doesnt peak say someone interest!? glance through this forum soemtime how many unanswered posts are there?  i'm not knocking this forum one bit. in fact all forums i think have this same problem. its just the way it is. and liek any thing there are pros and cons for using it.

k done here for a bit, have to finish editing..  (mention that in a chat room and you'll get many replies as well Oh Xtacbyme what ya use for editing? have you heard of? what about for audio conversion?) tee hee ok seriously have to run...



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Some nice ideas. I'm often amazed at how many people i talk to who haven't heard about J River, or think I'm talking about Windows Media Center (now that's a bad association ;)

I have no knowledge of chat rooms and such, but there does have to be a better way of getting the word out past review sites and google searches...


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I'm often amazed at how many people i talk to who haven't heard about J River, or think I'm talking about Windows Media Center (now that's a bad association ;)

Since JRiver have many non JRiver branded MCs out in the wild, maybe they don't care that much about having their product known. Even if MC users are not so many, they are surely enough as beta tester for the much broader (I guess) user base they get from non JR branded versions.  I'm talking about all MC users as beta testers, because we MC users could just be considered their (happy) beta testers for features that in the end will get included in the non JR branded versions.



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I have no knowledge of chat rooms and such, but there does have to be a better way of getting the word out past review sites and google searches...

It should be.... A way of simplifying the setup of MC13 through configuration wizards, and videos (screen grab or what it's called) on how to use the MC would be very helpfull I think. I've wanted to do this my self some time, so I could get the training in editing videos. But I belive that J River them self, or other video editing experts, could make this more professional than I ever could.

J River homepage with easily accessable tutorial videos as well as a link from within the help file it self. Could be 3-4 videos of basic stuff in the front, and more advanced tutorials to cover the most used advanced features in sub categories. That would help alot of users who try MC, but eventually stop using it because the learning curve is so high. I know of some of them...

On topic:
A community chat part built into JRMC13 would be great though. I think such a thing would be a lot easier for people to use if they have problems starting with MC, than to actualy make an account and asking questions on the forum.
- I may not always believe what I'm saying


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or think I'm talking about Windows Media Center (now that's a bad association ;)

Amen On That One..................... YUK!!!!!!!!


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another case in point about forums (Just Posted)....

for those of you knowedagable with forums (owners admins etc.).. check out my posts on 360 or do a search! many others have asked this and this goes to show how forums material just fades away... user asks a question, and others are curious about what that person would like implemented....  which I and others have posted before but it's just not been brought up again... so if the issues fade in the forum whats the diffrence with chat? in fact alot easier to see\hear people speak up in chat again for those who dont wanna join a forum, or just dont feel like replying time it takes, etc...
Just debating...

maybe for forums.... a smartlist like JRiver? LOL  we can 5 star our wants, ideas troubles etc.. to show importance? and Admins,Moderators can see those 5 stars all the way from version 9 and see that its something that is a hot topic or item\feature wanted\ brought up before? 

again imagine all those microsoft users who would love to get rid of WMP.... and they have 360's.... another note... you guys have itunes now.. my GF is like on the verge of dropping her Almighty mac itunes the more she plays with jriver.. well how many topics are there here for itunes.. i bet ya have alot of NEW users that you didnt before Just because you implimented itunes.  be a good poll to see those statistics...

I dunno...

 i just know nothings compared for me... and i have and will continue to test other software. but it never fails in regards to media players, they all get Removed after a little playing.. they may have 1 feature thats diffrent or coool.. but that doesnt hold up for the over all player.



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First, people have to be aware of MC.  We need to get the word out in other forums and chat rooms.

Once people are aware of MC, they need to understand what it has to offer them. I strongly agree with Mr Haugen that better documentation is a key elements in winning more people over to MC.

It is also important that potential users can see what others users say and be able to communicate with them. The JRiver forums are lively and provide lots of information.  Many, many questions have already been asked and answered. The search facility needs to be improved.  The threads announcing each minor version pollute many searches.
I do not agree that a JRiver chat room is important to the process. Looking at the amount of traffic on the current forums, I think the chat room would be pretty dead.  And I think fanboy social chatter would quickly become boring for existing users. Improve the forums rather than start a chat room.

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