UpdateSince I wanted to add some interactivity between my trackinfo plugin and MC's library, I decided to build a new plugin.
Before describing its features there are many people I would like to thank:
- Davjand for his kind help.
- Yaelle (
yaelle.com) for his flash pictureflow.
lyricswiki.org and
lyricsplugin.com for their useful data and API.
- competitors to MC for their inspiration.
Please note that:
- looks like you need to restart your computer after install.
- you should split view in 2 columns for a better experience with 'rok skin.
- the 'flow skin will work with
MC13/14/15 only (thumbnails size issue).
- the 'flow skin requires Flash 10.0.22 or higher.
- both won't work with IE6, please update to IE7.
adobe flash version detection:
http://www.adobe.com/go/tn_15507adobe flash install:
http://get.adobe.com/fr/flashplayer/Features:Trackinfo was limited to basic information regarding the now playing track. It's now possible to extract anything from your full library and current playlist. If you played with other library manager, you know what I'm talking about.
Right now it comes with two skins only:
But compatibility with standard trackinfo skins is preserved,
old keywords will be properly parsed.
Known limitationsLots of them

but the first one you'll encounter is the right click menu.
I don't know how I can make it works, then you have to put your template in the "
C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 1X\Plugins\AdvancedTrackInfo\skin" folder I you want it to work. Rename
skin1 to
skin if you want to switch them.
I was hesitating whether to ask for donations or not. If you think it's pretentious I'll remove it.
But if you feel like thanking me for my work then a few bucks are always welcome.
Donate?Downloadv1.2 - 27 Nov 2009 -
JRMC14 -
JRMC15 JRMC16To do:Requests: