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Author Topic: I just have to say it... [iTunes, Touch, MC]  (Read 2757 times)


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I just have to say it... [iTunes, Touch, MC]
« on: December 14, 2008, 02:20:23 am »

Every so often I feel the need to do this. I've been doing a lot of much needed media organization tonight and felt like it was time to do it again... so here goes.

I bought an iPod Touch about a year ago, mainly choosing an iPod over other brands of mp3 player due to the sheer amount of third party support for it and knowing that MC supported iPods. Or so I thought. As it turns out the iTouch and iPhone were the exception. And over time, thanks to Apple, the ability of MC to support it has gone from "kinda" to "cold day in hell" territory. I've been tempted to go buy a different mp3 player, one that MC can support, but truthfully, I didn't really buy the iTouch because it played music. I bought it for all of the other stuff it did. And now that the app store is here and full of some really cool (and some not so cool) apps, I'm loving my iTouch even more.

So with that in mind, it's understandable why I'm doing the MC -> iTunes shuffle in order to get music, pictures, and videos onto the iTouch. Most of my music is in the APE format, which iTunes obviously can't play, so I'm also maintaining MP3 versions of it all using MC's stack feature. Unfortunately I'm often left doing some secondary maintenance in iTunes.

And that's usually when I realize just how amazing MC really is. After spending 15 minutes in iTunes trying to do even the simplest of tasks, it's an absolute joy to come back to MC and be able to crank through even the most tedious of tasks. Seriously, I think I just take for granted just how good MC is until I'm forced to compare it something else.

I could go on a point by point comparison about why MC is better than iTunes, but I'm not sure Interact allows single posts that large, so screw it. I'm probably mostly preaching to the choir anyway. So I'll just sum by saying this:

Great job guys. Thanks for a truly awesome piece of software.


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Re: I just have to say it...
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2008, 07:34:28 am »

On behalf of the guys who do it, a big thanks!  You (and many, many others) have personally added a lot to the program by prodding us in the right direction when we needed it, and by helping us find our mistakes.  So ..

Great job guys. Thanks for the truly awesome support.

We owe you.

And maybe MC's device support will lead in some Apple-less directions next year.


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Re: I just have to say it... [iTunes, Touch, MC]
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2008, 10:28:29 am »

I agree with Doof. I have multiple iPhones plus some iPods. Of course I use iTunes to sync the iPhones, but everything else is done in MC. MC provides amazing capability & functionality. I can't imagine managing my library without it.

Michael Horton

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Re: I just have to say it... [iTunes, Touch, MC]
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2008, 11:54:56 am »

...same situation, same frustrations, same praise for MC13, same "don't know how I'd do it without MC" sentiments, etc...


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Re: I just have to say it... [iTunes, Touch, MC]
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2008, 12:32:33 pm »

I open threads like this wondering what the core comment is: good or bad.  Apple is ok if you follow in their foot prints.  If you miss one, you step into lava.


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Re: I just have to say it... [iTunes, Touch, MC]
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2008, 02:44:39 am »

I agree with benn600: Apple has a good integrated master plan for their products. And it's stylish and easy to handle.

However I like the functionality, flexibility and handling of MC. And even my 12 year old daughter is using MJ. (I did not showed her iTunes  ;D)

And furthermore I love the spirit in the forum / community.

@ MC-Team: Thanks a lot for your good work!
@ MC - Community: Thanks also for your ideas and the support!



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Re: I just have to say it... [iTunes, Touch, MC]
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2008, 02:46:22 pm »

Apple has a good integrated master plan for their products. And it's stylish and easy to handle.

And exclusionary as hell. I've jumped off their train.


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Re: I just have to say it... [iTunes, Touch, MC]
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2008, 07:21:14 pm »

I'm still learning how to use MC properly. Suffice it to say that I decided not to buy a Zune, which in every other way is superior to Ipod, because of its music software.

I don't know if not using superior hardware (and much larger capacity) is a stupid decision  :o, but I feel comfortable with MC and wouldn't be able to manage my huge collection without it.
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