Devices > JRiver Id -- Hardware by JRiver

POLL: Would you consider the JRiver Synapse (a PC to TV connection device)?

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Most of us at JRiver have connected a PC to our TV, but it often feels half baked.  We're thinking of offering a comprehensive hardware/software solution as a package.

If JRiver sourced a very small and good looking PC (example below), configured it with XP or Vista, added MC, a remote and receiver, and made it available for a price that was competitive with other PC's, would you find it interesting?

It would be really interesting to us to hear how you currently solve this problem.  The more detail the better.


Here's an example of the type of box we'd offer:

Mr ChriZ:
Priced well I could be interested.  Price could be a difficulty, in that the likes of WD are producing boxes for £79 that do similar things.  However I'd imagine your system would be far more flexible which would keep me interested if priced well.

Maybe, but I would be more interested in a "hardware media extender" that could display Theater View.  I use an extender from another company now with a plugin that allows you to browse the MC library.  The things I like about extenders are generally all the "anti-PC" characteristics: silent, cheap (generally <$200), no lockups, no keyboard necessary, and no endless fiddling with drivers and settings.

Just to be clear, this would not be a typical consumer electronics device (single purpose, specialized interface).  This would be a PC (general purpose, Windows) tuned for media and for remote control.  No "endless fiddling with drivers and settings" unless you wanted to fiddle.  The point of doing it would be to try to deliver a standard configuration that just worked.

I understand, I was just stating why I would prefer a stand-alone (non-PC) device specialized for MC.  With a PC there is always a chance of Windows Update or some other software coming along and messing things up.


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