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Author Topic: How to perform successive max track length recordings indefinitely in MC 13?  (Read 1525 times)


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I am glad to see that the maximum track length setting has been fixed in the sound recorder in MC 13 (I have 13.100).  But I still have (part of) the problem I had with MC 12.  I want to record from On Air radio broadcasts continuously, breaking the recording into a new track at the top of every hour (less likely to lose content during station ID etc). I can now set max track length at 60 minutes, but the recording FINISHES at that time.  I would like simply to start a new track at that point.  I realize that I can set track duration in the "add tracks" main dialogue box, but to do that, i.e. adding 24 60-minute tracks every day, is terribly tedious. 

Is there any way I can do this automatically?  At a minumum I would like a sub-option under Maximum Track Length in the Recorder Options to either stop recording or split the track at the chosen max length.

What would be even better would be to be able to start and stop recording recurrently at a given clock time (on 24 hour clock) or time of the hour (top of the hour, half-past the hour etc.), using the system clock to see the current time.  While we are at it, why not set a given date and time to start and stop recording, either one time or successively?

Is even the simplest of these options that I have not yet found already available somewhere in MC 13?

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Have you played with the scheduler (in the tree, under Services & Plug-ins)?  It can record web radio on a schedule.

Recurring line-in recording is not currently possible.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Thanks for the speedy reply, Matt!  I currently am using Magix WebRadio Recorder 2 for recording streaming input.  I like it because it can capture ID3 info (if available) and put in track break markers automatically.  I do not believe the MC 13 sound recorder can do that, correct?  (However, at least for me, the WR Recorder title editor does not handle externally recorded .mp3 files very well; I am currently trying to get Magix customer support to work out this problem with me.)

WR Recorder has extensive scheduling functions also.  But the problem is still: How can I use a stream recorder to record non-stream input (i.e., to trap any output from the mixer)?  I purchased SoundTap and find it works fairly well in capturing any kind of audio input, although it does not have a scheduling function.

Can you direct me to some Wiki or whatever that discusses how streaming input is received and managed on the PC?  Might there be some way to convert any audio input (such as line-in or mixer output) into a "pseudo-streaming" format that could be handled by a streaming recorder?

BTW, for the interim I AM using the max. track length workaround in the setup box for ripping a CD that I spoke of earlier.  One thing I did discover: you want to set those track lengths to a fairly moderate time--not more than 15 or 20 minutes--or the MC encoder seems to get clogged up and data are lost (I am using the normalization and encoding AFTER recording option).

Thanks for whatever further suggestion you or others can make.

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