Looks like your question about playing streams was right after all. I did not realize that I was actually playing streams. I had thought that all of the podcasts were being buffered to disk before playing, but it turns out that the ones I was having a problem with were playing direct from the stream.
I found that if I manually download, or set the Download All Episodes option, the playback resumes normally after a pause. It is good to have found out what is going on, and I now have a workaround.
Please recommend to the development team:
* In the Playback Display, add an indication that an Internet stream is being played.
* Add an indication that the connection to the playback stream has been lost.
* Have the player reconnect to the stream, and locate to the last position when resuming a lost stream.
* Improve the explanation of playing podcast streams in the help file.
Thanks for your help.