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Author Topic: Spacebar to pause/play?  (Read 4989 times)


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Spacebar to pause/play?
« on: January 11, 2009, 09:23:08 pm »

I have been using MC for several months now.  I have not yet found a way to assign the spacebar to pause/play music or video.  Am I missing something obvious, or is it really not possible?  Nearly every other media software I have used allows the spacebar to pause/play (itunes, Winamp, Audition, Premiere Pro, After Effects, etc...).

It is the intuitive way to start/stop playback.  CTRL-P is crazy!  It's hard for me to take the software seriously without this basic behavior.  Imagine a program that instead of using a right-click to select something with a mouse, you have to hold control and left click.


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Re: Spacebar to pause/play?
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2009, 10:09:03 pm »

JRiver is, in my opinion, a bit like Apple.  They do what they do VERY well.  Everytime I turn around, they have revamped something.  Yes, it's something I really like, but not necessarily what I've been begging for.  What they do is generally magically chosen.

Remember, they have to be very careful with their features because the program is already so feature rich that it could easily become unmanageable.  Space bar for playing only makes sense to me in a player like VLC that doesn't manage a library.  In a media management library, you want more elaborate keyboard shortcuts because space bar would be used for typing a space in a song title, for instance, and the average user might wonder why it doesn't work when editing a title...or not realize they are editing a title at the moment.  It's complicated as you might imagine.

Try a macro program.  I use Macro Express (commercial product) and it lets you activate a macro with a basic key, like "2", and I bet space bar would work.  Then, create a simple macro that just pushes Ctrl + P when the macro is run (run by hitting space bar).


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Re: Spacebar to pause/play?
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2009, 11:13:42 pm »

Now why does spacebar pause/play for me during video/audio playback? Have I been using some mutant MC version for over a year?


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Re: Spacebar to pause/play?
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2009, 08:56:40 am »

I suspect you may have something else in focus.  Perhaps in display view it acts differently.

Correct me but Media Center has never had the ability to control keyboard shortcuts in a custom manner has it?
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