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Author Topic: Trouble with DirectShow  (Read 4519 times)


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Trouble with DirectShow
« on: January 05, 2009, 03:39:20 pm »

Every file that doesnt work in JRiver i chose open file location and chose play with WMP and it ALWAYS WORKS.. its getting to be a headache.  if WMP has no problem then jriver shouldnt either. not to mention ive not updated WMP in over a yr.. and it plays anything i throw at it even the files that arent paying in jiver today!?!


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Re: Trouble with jriver codecs
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2009, 03:42:26 pm »

Both JRiver Media Center and Windows Media Player are DirectShow players.  If you use the same DirectShow filters, you will get the same results.

If you like WMP playback, you can tell MC to use WMP whenever possible.  That's in the DirectShow options.

Try installing CCCP.  It often solves DirectShow problems.

Remember that the DirectShow filters aren't ours, and some are not good.


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Re: Trouble with jriver codecs
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2009, 03:49:42 pm »

i have tried cccp nothing but problems. best luck ive had was klite.  still i dont get it! i have like 30 files in a playlist now.. 20 of them show thumbs (and some of those are avi's)and play in jriver the other 10 are all avi's and they dont show thumbs. i double click them, then i also  chose play nothing happens. i chose open file location play with WMP they play instantly.. in my direct show options i have aspect ratio - source aspect ratio, audio renderer - default direct sound, on bottom use wmv acceleration if possible is checked, and on right shows filetypes.... where do i chose this option to fix this issue once and for all please?

ty for reply


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Re: Trouble with jriver codecs
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2009, 03:53:06 pm »

An AVI is a container format.  Whatever is in the files that won't play doesn't have a good DirectShow filter.  Knowing what is in the container would be helpful. 

Try CCCP again and read the DirectShow Guide in our wiki (link above)

Uninstalling DirectShow filters may also help.  I think the guide covers that.

The filetypes on the right side can be edited to change the DirectShow filter used.


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Re: Trouble with DirectShow
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2009, 03:57:45 pm »

ok Jim why do they all work in wmp?

whats the issue with it? so i understand.. it doesnt make sense how wmp never has these problems but my j river does\always has. im not getting the reason why i have to keep deleting\ trying new codecs if the files are working in wmp.. that should mean that things are installed properlly and its a j river setting...shouldnt it?


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Re: Trouble with DirectShow
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2009, 03:59:04 pm »

ok Jim why do they all work in wmp?
Because it is using a different set of DirectShow filters.

A DS filter is not a codec.


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Re: Trouble with DirectShow
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2009, 04:02:02 pm »

ok.. so is there a work around for this for me? anyway for me to use EVERYTHING from WMP? so it fixes these issues ive had through out the years?



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Re: Trouble with DirectShow
« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2009, 04:32:53 pm »

anybody else experience this problem? have a fix please?


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Re: Trouble with DirectShow
« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2009, 04:34:42 pm »

It's pretty hard to help when you're complaining and not providing many details.

What's in the AVI containers?  etc.


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Re: Trouble with DirectShow
« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2009, 04:49:42 pm »

avi containers? not sure what u mean? or how to check those or get that info you need?.. and im not trying to make it sound like i'm complaining... im asking a question and i dont understand why it works with wmp. or other players.. somethings im just not knowledgable on.

But i do like to think i have some common sense, and if codecs have always worked in other proggies, nero show time, wmp, real players, quicktime etc (Since my First days on the computer 8 yrs ago... been with you guys at least 5)..... and i never have\had issues with my codec packs with any of those players.. i like to think i can narrow it down to a particular program.  Sorry Jim.. i'm just not getting it and have obviously been doing something wrong this whole time if im the only one having issues with it..  i'd love to learn how to fix this Because it is a headache. Especially when i use your Software At weddings ,dj events,  etc.. and the Videos miraculously that day wont play!  Also i think i have given more then my share of compliments about this software over the years! So please don't think i'm bashing it! cause i'm not!!!

i took your advice again and uninstalled klite and reinstalled cccp
and those files still wont play in j river, but they still play in the other players. also checked my other smartlists. there's prolly 500 files in jriver that won't play all i see is an icon with no thumbnail but they all play elsewhere.

ty again


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Re: Trouble with DirectShow
« Reply #10 on: January 05, 2009, 05:45:01 pm »

A simple solution for you is to choose "Windows Media Player" as your "Playback Method" in Media Center. The option is in Tools -> Options... -> File Types. Scroll down to "Video" section and highlight the file type (say AVI), and then choose "Windows Media Player engine" from the drop-down list for "Playback Method".

However, you can also try using "JRiver video engine (using DirectShow filters)". If you have problem playing some of the files, it is probably those files require some particular DirectShow filters. While the file is loaded in Windows Media Player, you can right-click the file in the "Now Playing" list, and choose "Properties". You will find Audio decoder filter and video decoder filter listed under "Audio Codec" and "Video Codec". These are filters used in WMP. You can try selecting the same set of filters in MC.

Another thing to try is to de-select "JRiver Bitrate monitor". I do not know if that is the cause of the problem, but it does not hurt trying.
Yaobing Deng, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Trouble with DirectShow
« Reply #11 on: January 05, 2009, 07:45:01 pm »

Seeing as I was already playing around with a screencasting tool, I tried making a quick mc13+ffdshow guide for you to show how I have it working (for the vast majority of videos, this is the only codec you really need). (Flash video)

If you can't even play the video using the ffdshow codec, then download MediaInfo (freeware) and generate some detailed information about at least one of the problematic files. It's a lot easier to help when you know what you're dealing with :)
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Re: Trouble with DirectShow
« Reply #12 on: January 05, 2009, 08:05:50 pm »

thank you guys for your indepth explanations. it will help me alot... much appreciated!!  i will try both ways. one quick note... im really excited about trying the ffdshow.. cause thats what i always use to use. and after all these codec issues. i just gave up.. will get back to you two and let you know the outcome.



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Re: Trouble with DirectShow
« Reply #13 on: January 05, 2009, 09:28:03 pm »

Dirhael.. NICe Presentation.. And smokin babe btw :)

do u suggest i uninstall Klite mega pack.. and just use the ffdshow you suggest from the link?



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Re: Trouble with DirectShow
« Reply #14 on: January 05, 2009, 10:06:02 pm »

Dirhael.. NICe Presentation.. And smokin babe btw :)

do u suggest i uninstall Klite mega pack.. and just use the ffdshow you suggest from the link?


Thanks, if it helped then my goal was achieved :) Uninstalling Klite? Well, unless to have some really special file formats you need it for then yes, I see no reason to keep it (codec packs are generally best avoided if at all possible, because they can sometimes cause more problems than they solve). Peronally, I only install the specific codecs I need, in addition to a few useful splitters.

From memory, here's what I install (that are free. I have a couple of commercial codecs installed as well, such as CoreAVC Pro and NVIDIA Purevideo Decoder):
* ffdshow
* AC3Filter (ffdshow already supports ac3/dts support, but this one is fantastic as well).
* Haali Media Splitter (MP4/MKV/OGM source/splitter and also provides a great video renderer).
* DC-Bass Source Filter (consider the latest "alpha" release if you want full unicode support. This one is very useful if you want ALAC support in DirectShow players).
* DirectVobSub (subtitle support for players that doesn't handle them natively. ffdshow offers subtitle support built-in as well, so it's not strictly required if you use that codec [ffdshow] for most/all of your videos).
* FLV Splitter (useful it you have any *.flv files from sites like YouTube).
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Re: Trouble with DirectShow
« Reply #15 on: January 05, 2009, 10:37:13 pm »

Wow GREAT INFO, TY off to work :)

Will let you know how it turns out :)


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Re: Trouble with DirectShow
« Reply #16 on: January 15, 2009, 12:03:59 pm »

sorry i been away from computer for personal stuff latelly...  I ran into YET ANOTHER issue now. :(

Gf and i wanted to watch a dvd the other night. i threw it in. and the dvd played on jriver on the computer display, then i went to my theater room, and the theater showed the whole computer screen on it, when i hit play to watch the movie it continued to show video on the computer Display, but on theater screen all i seen was the computer screen\ jriver\ icons etc.. but the video was black. audio played throught hometheater equipment though.  i just couldnt get the video to push through to the big screen!?

So again... i tried WMP.. and the video played on The Computer Screen through JRiver and On the big screen with no problems.. Could you guide me please on how to use WMP settings on jriver for dvd playback as well...

Ty for your time and help!


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Re: Trouble with DirectShow
« Reply #17 on: January 15, 2009, 12:28:15 pm »

Be careful where you obtain both DirectVobSub and AC3Filter.  Old versions of both of those filters are well known to cause all kinds of issues and to be very difficult to remove once installed.  The current builds of VSFilter (which used to be called DirectVobSub but was changed a while ago) are fine, as are 1.0+ builds of AC3Filter (though AC3Filter is generally not necessary unless you have special and more advanced AC3 decoding needs).

That's why I recommend CCCP for most people.  It is a DirectShow Filter pack, but it isn't like the "bad ones" that everyone always refers to (which are terrible).  If you want something that "Just Works" then CCCP is likely for you.

CCCP provides:


Among other filters and utilities.  However, they've included a number of custom patches, settings, and other fixes (along with a nice, easy to use settings dialog) that work around a number of bugs in the filters themselves.  It also does a lot to try to fix common compatibility issues during the install process, it is thoroughly tested on a wide variety of systems, and they have a great forum and Wiki that can help people get going without a lot of know-how.
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Re: Trouble with DirectShow
« Reply #18 on: January 15, 2009, 12:55:05 pm »

TY Glynor fo reply...  my question, which i think will help others here too is. what does one do when they have a system built, They do audio\video editing and you check out Gspot and have tons of codecs??
Nero, pinnacle, Adobe, Sound editing software, dvd ripper codecs, tmpgenc, camtasia, any dvd, klite, etc.... how does one know what to safelly remove.. so that they can start from scratch and take your advice to get these codec issues fixed... and as i've asked before... maybe you can give me a more detailed Layman's explanation on why WMP always works for me, and i always have these issues with jriver? is there no setting implemented to make it simple? ive never touched a setting in wmp for codecs. the files no matter what i have (Audio , Video) just always work, but from every version of jriver i always loose the ability to play some files due to codec issues. (and this happens often)  it's great jriver has the ability to be so customized... but personally i think for myself and others, wouldn't it be better if it just always worked, and those audio\video philes who wanted to tweak\use advanced features would then have to go into the settings and choose a diffrent codec and manipulated it Turn it ON THEMSELVES!?

Hope i'm not sounding like i'm bashing again.. cause i'm not. but this has always been a problem for me. and it's really frustrating when ya think ya have it all setup.. ya dont use dvd's in computer for a month and last time ya used it it worked, then ya have company over brag up this software and it never fails... everytime i show them things in my library there is a codec issue ...  some video files play then i have company want to show them funny videos for example and there are 50 videos in the playlist it shows 50 videos but it only plays 30 of them and the rest won't play. then i always have to revert to opening wmp Find the folder where the vids are, open them in WMP all 50 play with no issues.  Very frustrating and personally only big issue i've ever had with jriver.. and ive really never been answered why in Lamens terms this doesnt just work?! simply put its a great player the BEST.. Pardon my ignorance but if they work in wmp then there should be no issues in jriver... right?

Ty Glynor for any simple explantion you can give to me on this.

Alex B

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Re: Trouble with DirectShow
« Reply #19 on: January 15, 2009, 01:03:42 pm »


Regarding your black screen issue, possibly WMP and MC are using a different Video Renderer. Have you selected a specific renderer in MC's DVD playback options?

For instance, I think the Legacy Video Renderer mode can work only with a single monitor.
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Re: Trouble with DirectShow
« Reply #20 on: January 15, 2009, 01:24:21 pm »

For instance, I think the Legacy Video Renderer mode can work only with a single monitor.

Most video card drivers can work around this issue nowadays (even Intel's latest craptastic drivers can, I think), but usually it is a non-default option.

xtacbyme... My solution to those problems is to not install crappy extra software that I don't need.  I don't install any/all of that cruft on my HTPC.  I'm very, very, very picky about what I install and what I allow to install extra add-ons on my system.

My rules:

1. Never EVER install any application using the "easy install mode" of the installshield wizard (the only exception to this rule is MC).
2. When in doubt, uncheck it from the install wizard dialog.  For example, do you NEED Nero to install the ShowTime player with all of it's craptastic codecs?  Heck no!  It is a DVD/CD Burning application.  Stick to that, please.  KTHANXBYE.
3. Isolation, isolation, isolation.  My video editing workstation is my video editing workstation, period.  I generally don't even check my email on it.  It is mission critical to my job, and I don't want ANYTHING on there that doesn't need to be on there.

Some of the applications you listed don't (or shouldn't) install filters or codecs (DVD Rippers and Adobe Creative Suite).  Some do, but I'm picky about which ones I use (and what pieces of them I allow to install).  I generally don't "test out" software on my HTPC or any mission critical media machine.  My "test out" machine is in the basement, and isn't generally used by other people.  When I do test out software, I do it in a methodical manner, and it is uninstalled if I decide not to use it.

I find that most people who have all kinds of problems tend to be "software collectors".  People who install a bunch of crap they never use (or very, very rarely use) just "so they have it".  If you've kept three different high-end audio editing applications installed on your machine, but you've never done anything more complex than maybe trimming an MP3, then what are you doing with all that dreck installed on your machine all the time?  Most high-end software packages come with high-end "ands, ifs, and buts".  Someone who buys a $3000 software suite usually isn't too concerned with spending another $1200 on a dedicated PC just for that software (or just for a selected suite of applications, anyway).

I also noticed you mentioned klite.  Are you using the "full" version of Klite?  If so, that is a huge hunk of your problem right there.  The Klite "minimal" packs are fine, but the "full" pack includes a huge number of things that no one would ever need (and a few things that are known to conflict with each other).  It is designed to be an easy way to get a bunch of files all at once, and then you are supposed pick and choose which of the included codecs and filters you need, not just blindly install it all.

For what it's worth... Once your system is already all messed up, my recommendation is to follow the CCCP Troubleshooting Guide to the letter, including uninstalling all of that dreck.  Then rebuild, going slow, testing each time with each new addition.
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Re: Trouble with DirectShow
« Reply #21 on: January 15, 2009, 01:46:08 pm »

See Alex... thats exactly my problem.. which i don't understand.. since version 10

I have never ever on my own free will ever chosen a diffrent codec\renderer etc... but yet since version 10 every week\month ive had codec issues... then i get it fixed and then they dont work again? :(

my settings say... video decoder 19. automatic selection, use ffdshow video decoder for post processing is unticked, video rendere is automatic, audio decoder is 09. automatic selection, list of dvd filters video renderer, default direct sound device, superdvd audioDec filter 5.0, overlay mixer, line 21 Decoder, superdvd videoDec filter 5.1.0, dvd navigator


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Re: Trouble with DirectShow
« Reply #22 on: January 15, 2009, 01:48:01 pm »

Glynor thanks for the insight... and yes i think i may be one of those software collectors  :o.. i will follow your cccp troubleshooting guide and go from there... i def need to get this squared away. Also.. yes i have tried all codecs pack, and oddly the only one that has actually fixed my issues everytime was the klite Mega pack... but it would only last for a short time. and now that you mention it.. everytime ive reinstalled it i've only checked if it has fixed the issue at hand.. i never have checked all file types after installing it... which is a great idea.. and wouldnt be to difficult to do with the sorting capapbilities of jriver...just sort by file type and test them all and throw a dvd in and i should know  in no time if it has fixed ALL issues or just the one i ran across.. ty will implement that into my installing as well.

and i also think it is time to look for a pc for the Home theater.. and do as you suggest have a video machine, a htpc, and junk machine for testing purposes.. Instead of an all in one as i have been doing.. she's a beast with lots of power.. but thats doesnt prevent these issues i've had obviously! Will save me alot of headaches!!

Thank you very much!
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