Has anybody done any work with smartlists to check their tags against Musicbrainz style guides? I'm working on a set and wondered if I was reinventing the wheel? As an example, here is my current smartlist for checking the use of 'The' against [album] and [name]:
[Media Type]=[Audio]
(([=isequal([name],/ The , 7)]=1 and [=isequal([name],/) The , 7)]=0 and [=isequal([name],/, The , 7)]=0 and [=isequal([name],& The , 7)]=0 and [=isequal([name],. The , 7)]=0 and [=isequal([name],- The , 7)]=0 and [=isequal([name],// The , 7)]=0 and [=isequal([name],: The , 7)]=0)
([=isequal([album],/ The , 7)]=1 and [=isequal([album],/) The , 7)]=0 and [=isequal([album],. The , 7)]=0 and [=isequal([album],/, The , 7)]=0 and [=isequal([album],// The , 7)]=0 and [=isequal([album],& The , 7)]=0 and [=isequal([album],- The , 7)]=0 and [=isequal([album],: The , 7)]=0))

This catches most of the misuses of 'The' according to Musicbrainz style guides; I have a couple of extra sublists for specific cases that cannot be included in the above list.
When a list of entries is highlighted for fixing it's a simple case of using the rename tools to fix the highlighted files.
I'm leaving [artist] alone for now as MB tends to follow artist intent and automatic corrections need to be avoided.
I currently have similar lists for other words that require attention and am now attempting to optimise and extend coverage.
I'm doing this as I have hundreds of CD's imported prior to the time I started using MB for all my imports and I'd rather do the work inside of MC for those albums to avoid the issues or reimporting for tag changes.