I like to sync to my laptops by creating virtual handhelds and use folder locations on the laptops.
Anyway, I wish there was a way to do the following:
Width>is not greater than>Height ....and vice-versa; instead of using pixels.
This would make life easier when trying to establish smartlists of widescreen/vertical/horizontally oriented photos.
MC can not automatically convert images correctly i.e. discern which are vertical as opposed to horizontal, so one must convert without the most "accurate results" due to the wide range of aspect ratios in a large collection.
For now I'm just setting to 800x600 and converting all at once to have a web-ready archive (and lossy backup). It works okay.
Just thought it would be really useful to have this function and maybe it could apply to other uses. Maybe a custom smartlist is even currently an option but I'm not really up on this aspect of MC.