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Author Topic: RSS Photo Viewer  (Read 1622 times)


  • World Citizen
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RSS Photo Viewer
« on: February 19, 2009, 09:58:06 am »

I just purchased a Kodak W1020 wireless media frame the other day and it got me thinking. One of the features of the frame is the ability to stream media from a Kodak website named Framechannel. The website allows you to choose from many different RSS image feeds including Flickr, Facebook, Weather Channel, etc. Through the website you can configure your channel to include random percentages of each of your subscribed content. Once configured the frame will display the contents of the feed. For example, I configured about 80% of my own Flickr photos, 15% of my Facebook friends photos and the remaining 5% from weather, news, Snapple Facts, etc. The feeds are regenerated at whatever interval I choose. Its a pretty cool idea.

Of course that got me to wondering whether MC13 can be configured for something similar. Many times I will play a slideshow while listening to music. I can't help but think how neat it would be if other live content could be mixed in as well.

If MC can't do this does anyone know of an application that may do something similar?


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: RSS Photo Viewer
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2009, 05:10:01 pm »

you have it all (already) (~%    limits percentage of hits)

MC Rules  ;D

g=rock ~mix=100,50%,{[Rating]=>3},25%,{[Rating]=1,2},25%,{[Rating]=[]}

Result: play 100 rock tracks, 50% of which are rated 4 and 5, 25% of which are rated 1 and 2 and 25% unrated.


  • World Citizen
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Re: RSS Photo Viewer
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2009, 07:55:55 pm »

I'm not sure thats what I'm looking for. I already have that logic setup for music. I'm actually looking for a way to enhance the VISUAL aspect of MC whil emusic plays in the background. I downloaded a program called Klipfolio that is actually designed to be a dashboard similar to Yahoo Widgets or Google desktop. However, it can be re-arranged and re-sized to fill th eentire screen. The software allows you to add individual panels of RSS feeds, streaming images, etc. I created a full screen dashboard that contains a slideshow, news feed, live Facebook status feed of friends and my recently played tracks from (which gets updated by MC.) I was thinking what a great feature it would be to have a utility like this integrated into MC to allow for interaction.



  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: RSS Photo Viewer
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2009, 03:22:52 am »

ok, i thought you meant "RSS image feeds" was the one's you wanted to mix, an my point was that you could add them as podcasts and from there, you could randomize and get like 25 % from that feed and 50 % from the feed named "Lisas photos" in the last 12 hours etc...and i guess that will work for feeds that MC can read..

the other part regarding weather and stuff, i'm not sure i follow..

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