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Author Topic: Library Server questions  (Read 1532 times)


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Library Server questions
« on: April 07, 2009, 01:20:01 pm »

Thanks you guys for creating such a great product! I connect every day to my media center 13 from work using the Library server feature.

1. When connecting to the server it needs to download the complete database every time i start media center even when nothing is changed.
   -> Possible to cache the database local and compare version before downloading everything? It will save time and bandwidth for me :-)

2.  When connecting to my Music server over the WAN link the username & password window isn't active on startup and the splash screen is on top of it.
   -> Is it possible to give the username password window focus by default?
   -> Have the possibily to automaticly login using the password without user intervention?

3.  after entering username and password to connect to server it takes a long time before Media center shows a sign of life
   -> Maybe it's an idea so show what media center is doing or a status bar?




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Re: Library Server questions
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2009, 01:24:03 pm »

1.  It might be possible, but we're probably not going to do it.

2.  You could disable the splash screen on the client side.  Auto-login isn't possible.

3.  Could be the same focus issue as #2.


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Re: Library Server questions
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2009, 01:32:44 pm »

Thank you for your rapid response!

I turned off the splash screen in the MC13 client.

After starting MC13 I almost instantly see the username and password screen, when I press connect It downloads the library in a couple of seconds but then.... it is quiet for almost a minute before it shows me my Media Center. :-(



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Re: Library Server questions
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2009, 02:19:36 pm »

I'm use MC as you describe but not the Library function, I use an USB disc (1,5Tb)  and use that disc both on work and home as backup disk, I have 91000 Files and library is 340Mb.

I have changed the library path to another location (shorter path) like Regfile below on all my computers.
I only add albums from one computer and after that I run CMD file whos copy changed library files to my network disk (USB disc),
And then I use Microsoft program called SYNCTOY and backup new or changed files to my USB disc  (synctoy have a function called ECHO)
When I take disc to work and run Synctoy then CMD file (reverse type) and always use same network drive map on both places (like M:\Music) becouse path is stored i library.

I have try'ed library function but this example is mutch faster, becouse library is always on local disk and music files is on network or usb drive.
You proberly could run this example, you could run library on local disc and music files over wan (internet) I dont know if you can separate files and library the you connect in libraray mode?
The library you can copy to an usb stick and plug it in on work and copy that to local disk.

sorry for the bad english... (Im from sweden)  ;D
And at last thank all programers who done a superb work with MC, I have test many music program and none can run such large music libraray but MC is like heaven for me.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JRiver\Media Center 13\Properties]

"Library Directory"="C:\\J River\\Media Center 13\\Library\\"
"Library Name"="Default"

"Thumbnails - Version"=dword:00000003
"Thumbnails - Base Path"="C:\\J River\\Media Center 13\\Thumbnails\\"

"Thumbnails - Clean Mode"=dword:00000001

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JRiver\Media Center 13\Properties\Libraries]
"Default"="C:\\J River\\Media Center 13\\Library\\"

CMD file whos copy library to my network
C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c "xcopy "C:\J River\Media Center 13\Library" "M:\J River\Media Center 13\Library\" /s /e /y & xcopy "C:\J River\Media Center 13\Thumbnails" "M:\J River\Media Center 13\Thumbnails\" /s /e /y"
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