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Author Topic: HHCache Stacks are gone... I think... Help!  (Read 1960 times)


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HHCache Stacks are gone... I think... Help!
« on: March 21, 2009, 10:41:21 am »

Is the HHCache value still used to determine if a file is stacked because it's meant to be used on a portable?

If yes, then is there anyway to manually set that value? I've been manually doing a file conversion everytime I add a new lossless album. I figure when I'm adding and tagging music, I don't mind that I'm spending time also converting the lossless files to MP3 and stacking them in case I ever want to transfer them to my iPod later. When I'm doing an actual sync, I usually want it to hurry up and get on with it. ;)

So anyway... I've been manually creating these stacked files but now it seems that maybe MC won't use the file unless it has the HHCache value in the Stack Tag field... is that correct?

Also... is this field stored in the file itself? Or is it a database only field? I just checked mine and noticed that, apparently by default, it's only stored in the database.

The problem I've run into is that I've started a new library a while back and now none of my files have the HHCache value in them (not even the ones that MC had created for me), and there's apparently no way for me to set it. So I may be stuck with a situation where I have to delete all of these MP3s and then have MC re-create nearly 5000 files all over again.

I'm really hoping there's another way out of this.


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Re: HHCache Stacks are gone... I think... Help!
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2009, 08:16:33 am »



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Re: HHCache Stacks are gone... I think... Help!
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2009, 10:09:54 am »

If you stack the files MC should use the mp3 in the stack.  The "HH Conversion" entry in the stack tag (and it is the stack top entry that indicates the file is in a stack) is just there to let you know where the files came from.  (So they can be whacked without remorse.)

I believe a known issue is that it is possible to have a supported (by the HH device) filetype in the cache but that if it isn't the specified type (WMA instead of MP3) the system will not use it.  (That may have been fixed but I doubt it.)

If this isn't working let us know. 


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Re: HHCache Stacks are gone... I think... Help!
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2009, 11:15:33 am »

Hm... ok. I'll have to check this out. Somewhere along the line I wound up with a bunch of repeated stack files... like I'd have the APE version, an MP3 version stacked with it, and then another MP3 version stacked with those as well. The second file had the (1) tacked on to the filename.

The main reason this came up was because on my primary machine I have APE + MP3 stacks. But then my HTPC imports everything, but doesn't know about the stacks, so I wind up with duplicates of everything. I was trying to find some way that the HTPC could automatically detect a stack member and just filter it out using Access Control. The stack top would be the APE version and would be the one I'd want to actually play all the time. Any suggestions on that?


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Re: HHCache Stacks are gone... I think... Help!
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2009, 11:39:14 am »

I'm not sure.  You should be able to autostack by name.  I THINK autostack by name should take care of it but I'm not in a position to try it.  If that doesn't work you could autostack them, expand all the stacks, select all the apes and set them to stack top.  I think.  It is possible that that can't be run on a list of files.

Give it a try with like 5 files.  2 sets of 2 files that should be in stacks and 1 unstacked file as a control.


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Re: HHCache Stacks are gone... I think... Help!
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2009, 11:50:30 am »

Oh, I know that I can run an autostack command and have it clean things up. I was hoping there was just some tag value I could automatically filter out using Access Control so I wouldn't have to bust the keyboard and mouse out everytime the HTPC ran an auto import.


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Re: HHCache Stacks are gone... I think... Help!
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2009, 12:34:23 pm »

Even if the stack top and member fields were copied over they refer to internal DB identifiers which would be invalid in the new library.
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