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Author Topic: BUG: MC13.152 problem with creating file names that contain ";" symbol.  (Read 1295 times)


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Although there are some improvements in MC13 in organizing pdfs, this is the last bug that prevents me to do that in an elegant way.

MC still has some problems renaming files to contain the ";" symbol. This bug is appears when list tags are converted to filenames, and cause all ";" symbols to be replaced with ";" symbol.

Suppose I have the tags [Authors]= "tom;bob" and [Name] = "paper". If I rename the file using the template
[Authors] - [Name]
Instead of the filename:
"tom;bob - paper"

I get the filename:
"tom_bob - paper"

This makes recreating the tags from the filenames in case of an emergency more difficult.
Although, I can rename the filenames later within MC, that is tedious.

I don't think any experienced MC user would disagree that it is wise to store as much information as possible in the data files, to be on the safe side. Particularly in formats that MC doesn't store the tags on the file (ie. pdf, avi), I try to store most important information on the filenames and want to be able to recreate the tags from filenames automatically, for example when I create subdatabases, or add new files etc.


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This will be fixed in build 160 and later.

Thanks for letting us know.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center
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