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Author Topic: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log  (Read 80029 times)


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« on: April 28, 2009, 05:06:56 pm »

Current plugin version 1.0.13

PvdImport is currently released as beta, so expect "issues"...
1. About PvdImport

Personal Video Database (PVD) is a program which pulls metadata and posters for movies and TV shows from online sources (imdb, amg and others) -

PvdImport helps in getting data from the PVD database into MC, allowing us to match PVD fields with fields in MC.

Here are some screenshots (courtesy of Darichman) of MC with data pulled from PVD (using AMG and IMDb info) here:

2. Installation

o Install the plugin msi from here. On Vista/Win7, you probably should run the installer as Administrator.
o You may have to install MS .net framework 2.0
o Install firebird server 2.0.5 with default settings from here
o Install PVD from here

3.1 PVD setup

o from the file menu, select connect to server
o enter the path to your PVD database file (usually under C:\Documents and Settings\[user]\My Documents\Personal Video Database)

Notes on DVD handling: DVD files (.ifo, .vob, etc.) are have [Filename] that ends with .dvd;1 internally in MC. The corresponding filename in PVD must end with .ifo for PvdImport to work. 

3.2 PvdImport setup

o In Media Center, goto "Services & plugins" and select PvdImport
o The lowermost area in the plugin window shows status texts
o You may need to set the folder of the PVD database
o Set your preferred cover art folder mode
o Set your cover art folder

4. Using PVD Import

There are basically three ways you can update fields: Test, from the MC tree using "Send To", and from the Plugin (mass import).

Typically, you would test the plugin the first time you use it to see if your setup is correct. Then, you would do a mass import.

Later, you would do imports from the tree since there probably will be fewer files to import.

It might be a good idea to backup your database before you start testing.

4.1 PvdImport Test

o Press "set file" and select one of your video files that you know exists in the PVD database.
o Press "test" (Warning: pressing "Test will update your library too)
o The fields in the "SqlResult" should now be populated by data.

4.2 PvdImport from the MC tree

o Select one or several files (Currently, about 50 files is the maximum you can update in one batch)
o Right click and navigate to "Send to external" in the context menu
o PvdImport should already be an entry in this menu.
o After you have selected "PvdImport", the fields of your selected files should be populated with data.

4.3 Mass Import

o PvdImport uses an MC Search Expression to select the files that will be updated when you do a mass import.
o You can use search expressions to pick playlists, all video files, etc.
o You can make your own search expression using the wizard in the MC search field (upper right corner of mc).
o Afterwards, change to "Text" in the search context menu and you will see the expression
o Example: All video, tv, data : [Media Type]=[Data],[TV],[Video]
o Enter this search expression in the Edit box to the right of the Import button
o Press the import button and a progress bar + text will indicate progress.


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2009, 05:51:06 pm »

Known Issues 1.0.13:
o If you select too many files (in the hundreds) in "Send To...", the PvdImportContextMenu.exe applications may get confused. Select fewer (50, maybe)!

o Changed: Updated field configuration to contain Darichman's suggestions too.
o Feature: New checkbox "Ignore". When selected all fields marked Ignore are displayed, otherwise, none marked ignore are displayed.

o Changed: Some more comments in the user manual
o Changed: Several new fields/rows and corresponding sql+description, thanks to
o Feature: New Description column in Field Configuration: Contains description of rows
o Feature: New checkbox which allows the user to hide Description column
o Changed: Some cosmetics in field configuration + corresponding tooltip changes
o Changed: "Sucess" -> "Success" :)
o Changed: Internal stuff: Databinding of all controls now works according to how it's supposed to
o Changed: Internal stuff: Split view code from data handling code. Better structure of data handling code

o Fixed: Runtime information in lower Listbox. Added some logging information.
o Fixed: There is a memory leak in the Firebird server. This memory leak is related to PvdImport sql reads.

o Fixed: Test filename would occasionally be truncated so that no data was imported

o feature: Mass import Stop Button
o feature: Removed Indexing of lists.
o Feature: Software User Manual (SUM) is now included in the installation. A button (SUM) invokes Notepad.exe which loads the file.
o Fixed: Some drawing issues when resizing MC.
o Fixed: Tooltip for field configuration headers doesn't show properly. You can deselect tooltips with a checkbox
o Fixed: Don't push test button until sql results are ready, the application will hang
o Fixed: User information (lower window) is not updated properly during import.

o feature: Mass import, uses MC expressions. See User manual for details.
o feature: Write only empty fields
o Improved: Thread handling when importing many files.
o Feature: Progress bar and current import status text
o Improved: Some changes in database handling (open/close)
o Improved: Internal code structure

o Fixed: Plugin doesn't handle DVDs (.ifo, .vob, etc.)
o Fixed: folder.jpg for cover art doesn't work properly.
o Fixed: If a movie filename and or path contains a special character like ' or " (umlaut) then the data will not be imported from pvd.

o Fixed by removing plugin skinning: Critical parts of the plugin are not visible in the ThunderStorm or Blue Steel skins.
o Fixed: An empty MC field leads to an exception

o Cover art Functionality. "Emulates" the setup of the tools/options dialog in MC -- There is no API accessible in plugins for this).
o New Ignore field: Selected fields items will not be updated

o Change installer so that you don't have to uninstall previous version. Thus the "new" versioning
o Change installer so that .xml files from previous version are preserved
o Database location was hardcoded
o save button was removed by error in previous version
o Set default config/pvd file locations when the stored filepaths aren't found
o Avoid additional test button pushes when test is in progress.
o Default install location didn't work properly
o Text boxes for file paths are readonly
o Removed "save" buttons, this is done when file is ok'ed
o Saved file locations weren't updated properly to text boxes.


  • Citizen of the Universe
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  • Posts: 3729
Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2009, 12:25:01 am »

1. Installation
o Install the plugin msi from here

The installation appears to use a fixed path. It didn't detect my plugins directory, which is C:\Program Files\Media Center 13\Plugins (i.e., no "J River").

2.1 PVD setup
o from the file menu, select connect to server

I've reported a PVD bug concerning this. I'm sure it will be fixed soon. As you know, the link you have provided should still be good after the fix is posted.

2.2 PvdImport setup
o In Media Center, goto "Services & plugins" and select PvdImport

Critical parts of the plugin are not visible in the ThunderStorm (my favorite) or Blue Steel skins.

o The lowermost area in the plugin window shows status texts

Regardless of my configuration settings (more on that below), mine shows:

Plugin Initiated OK
Failed to open database (when retrieving filenames);I/O error for file CreateFile (open) "C:\Documents and Settings\Harald\My Documents\Personal Video Database\movies.pvd"
Error while trying to open file

It seems your own path is hard-coded in PvdImport.dll, and the configuration settings are ignored.

The set database and set test file buttons don't work. I had to cut & paste file paths into the boxes. Attempting to save the configuration causes an exception...

Code: [Select]
************** Exception Text **************
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at PvdImport.MainInterface.buttonSaveConfiguration_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

************** Loaded Assemblies **************
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.1433 (REDBITS.050727-1400)
    CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v2.0.50727/mscorlib.dll
    Assembly Version: 1.0.3405.42397
    Win32 Version:
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/Media%20Center%2013/Plugins/PvdImport/PvdImport.dll
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.1433 (REDBITS.050727-1400)
    CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.1433 (REDBITS.050727-1400)
    CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.1433 (REDBITS.050727-1400)
    CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version:
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/Media%20Center%2013/Plugins/PvdImport/DataConfig.DLL
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.1433 (REDBITS.050727-1400)
    CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/Accessibility/
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.1433 (REDBITS.050727-1400)
    CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Xml/
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version:
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/Media%20Center%2013/Plugins/PvdImport/NamedPipe.DLL
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.1433 (REDBITS.050727-1400)
    CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Configuration/
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.1433 (REDBITS.050727-1400)
    CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.1433 (REDBITS.050727-1400)
    CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version:
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/Media%20Center%2013/Plugins/PvdImport/Interop.MediaCenter.DLL
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version:
    CodeBase: file:///C:/Program%20Files/Media%20Center%2013/Plugins/PvdImport/FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient.DLL
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.1433 (REDBITS.050727-1400)
    CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_32/System.Data/
    Assembly Version:
    Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.1433 (REDBITS.050727-1400)
    CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_32/System.Transactions/

Thinking this was preventing a connection, I edited PvdImportConfiguration.xml manually, and restarted MC, but this made no difference—the status area still indicates your path is being used, and I'm unable to connect.

BTW, using the same buttons to save both configuration files makes it too easy to overwrite the wrong file.

  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2009, 01:20:30 am »

It's alpha—I shouldn't give up so easily...  :-\

I've moved my database to C:\Documents and Settings\Harald\My Documents\Personal Video Database\MOVIES.PVD and revised PvdImportConfiguration.xml accordingly. I don't get the "Failed to open database" message, but "Test" crashes MC. The log:

Code: [Select]
Media Center; Version: 13.0.152; Types: 16383
0020009: 5236: General: CMCResourceHelper::GetIsModalPopupShowing: Menu showing
0022472: 5236: General: CMCResourceHelper::GetIsModalPopupShowing: Menu showing
0034369: 5236: General: CMCResourceHelper::GetIsModalPopupShowing: Main window disabled
0034439: 5236: General: RunProgram: Start
0034479: 5236: General: RunProgram: Filename: C:\Documents and Settings\Rick\Application Data\J River\Media Center 13\Log.txt / Parameters:
0034579: 5236: General: RunProgram: Performing ShellExecute...
0034750: 5236: General: RunProgram: Running process...
0034810: 5236: General: RunProgram: Finish (371 ms)
0046296: 5236: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::Update: Start
0046336: 5236: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::Update: Processing completed work threads
0046527: 5236: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::Update: Purging files
0046587: 5236: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::Update: Scheduling downloads
0046687: 5236: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::ScheduleDownload: Start
0046727: 5236: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::ScheduleDownload: No work found
0046767: 5236: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::ScheduleDownload: Finish (80 ms)
0046787: 5236: Podcast: CPodcastScheduler::Update: Finish (491 ms)
0052345: 5236: General: CMCResourceHelper::GetIsModalPopupShowing: Main window disabled
0053677: 5236: General: CMCResourceHelper::GetIsModalPopupShowing: Main window disabled
0069690: 5668: General: TopLevelExceptionFilter: Unhandled exception -- program crashing
0069770: 5668: General: TopLevelExceptionFilter: Message: 0, wParam: 0, lParam: 0, Window class:

Okay, now I give up. ;)


  • MC Beta Team
  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2009, 01:53:04 am »

Thanks for asking :)

I'm giving it a go now...


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2009, 02:05:20 am »

Okay, now I give up. ;)

That's understandable :) By the way, can you see PvdImport in "Send to external"? I'm just wondering (if at least) the registry setting is correct...


  • MC Beta Team
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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2009, 03:31:09 am »

My observations...

Set up Test PVD Database
D:\Tools\Personal Video Database\Ramus Test Install\Test Library\Ramus Test Library.pvd

Dummy Movie Files Created and Imported into PVD. Fields populated with IMDb data.
Same files imported into MC library.

Plugin msi installed in MC default plugin directory

Accessed plugin from Services & Plugins within MC

Bug - Despite Setting the PVD database as "Ramus Test Library" I kept getting the following error:

Code: [Select]
Warning!! Failed to find Pvd database (C:\Documents and Settings\Harald\My Documents\Personal Video Database\movies.pvd)
Plugin Initiated OK

I manually entered Paths for PVD DB and Video File.
Unlike Rick, I got no error on saving the config file.

Upon exiting the plugin and re-entering, the config file had reset to the default.
"Loading" my previously saved config file "Chris.xml" failed to update the field.
I manually entered "C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 13\Plugins\PvdImport\Chris.xml"

Pressing Test has no effect, but I got the following error:

Code: [Select]
Failed to open database (when retrieving filenames);I/O error for file CreateFile (open) "C:\Documents and Settings\Harald\My Documents\Personal Video Database\movies.pvd"
Error while trying to open file
Failed to open database (when retrieving filenames);I/O error for file CreateFile (open) "C:\Documents and Settings\Harald\My Documents\Personal Video Database\movies.pvd"
Error while trying to open file

So yes, it seems despite updating all the relevant fields manually, the plugin keeps defaulting to your PVD database location :)

Looks very promising though! Anything we can do, let us know.

I'll keep fiddling.


  • MC Beta Team
  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2009, 04:02:58 am »

Success ;D

I created a test library at C:\Documents and Settings\Harald\My Documents\Personal Video Database\movies.pvd and everything worked as expected from there. I wonder what happened with yours, Rick? Weird.
The buttons still don't work quite right (eg Set fails to update the video file) but Test worked for me:

Click to enlarge.

I also tried the "Send to External -> PVDImport" which worked just as you described for the two dummy files I had:

Click to enlarge.

I think we have a winner!


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #8 on: April 29, 2009, 04:16:22 am »

I think we have a winner!

Indeed...this sounds as the way to go for me too...I like pvd much better then mymovies.

Mabe the plugin could be extended in the future to have an option to write mc fields info to the pvd database then we even would have a neat two way solution.



  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2009, 04:25:16 am »

I'll keep fiddling.
Great, I'll try and fix those issues with the paths later on today., do you see the "send to external" item?

Which OS are you guys on?


  • MC Beta Team
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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2009, 05:24:15 am »

I'm on Windows XP Media Center Edition, SP3
MC 13.0.160
PVD (Nostra's latest beta, AFAIK)

  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2009, 05:59:35 am »

I wonder what happened with yours, Rick? Weird.

It works! 8)

I tried your approach of trying a small test database. It works fine, other than the fixed directory and other minor glitches mentioned.

I'll try my usual database again tomorrow. Maybe the combination of the size of my database (1,600+ movies, 567 Mb), my tired old computer and my lack of patience is the problem. ::)

Quote, do you see the "send to external" item?

Yes, although I had to change the path (again, to remove the "J River").

Which OS are you guys on?


Good work! Now finish it up quick. Now I'm eager for phase 2—getting all this information displayed in Theater View. :)

  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #12 on: April 29, 2009, 01:30:20 pm »

Quote lack of patience is the problem.

That was it. It takes more than 10 seconds to query a record in my full database. Hitting "Test" while that's in process causes MC to freeze. I don't know if it indicates why, but following is a log of me starting a query and then clicking "Test" 6 seconds later—before the query was complete. MC then becomes unresponsive (the mouse cursor becomes an hour glass), although it can be closed from the taskbar. On restart, MC reports an improper shut-down.

Code: [Select]
Media Center; Version: 13.0.152; Types: 16383
0013780: 924: General: CMCResourceHelper::GetIsModalPopupShowing: Menu showing
0013900: 924: General: RunProgram: Start
0013960: 924: General: RunProgram: Filename: C:\Program Files\Media Center 13\Plugins\PvdImport\PvdImportContextMenu.exe / Parameters: "L:\Oscars\Babette's Feast (1987) 7.7.avi"
0014000: 924: General: RunProgram: Performing ShellExecute...
0014140: 924: General: RunProgram: Running process...
0014271: 924: General: RunProgram: Finish (371 ms)
0014391: 924: Reader: CLocalReader::OpenInternal: Opening: C:\Documents and Settings\Rick\Application Data\J River\Media Center 13\Library\links.xml
0014551: 924: Reader: CLocalReader::Close: Closing: C:\Documents and Settings\Rick\Application Data\J River\Media Center 13\Library\links.xml
0014601: 924: Database: CMJSearchHelper::GetResults: Search: [media type]=audio; Elapsed ms: 0.428
0014771: 924: Database: CMJSearchHelper::GetResults: Search: [Media Type]=[Audio],[Video]; Elapsed ms: 0.489
0014861: 924: Database: CMJSearchHelper::GetResults: Search: [Media Type]=[Audio]; Elapsed ms: 0.427
0014922: 924: Database: CMJSearchHelper::GetResults: Search: [Media Type]=[Video]; Elapsed ms: 0.429
0014972: 924: Database: CMJSearchHelper::GetResults: Search: ; Elapsed ms: 0.198
0020760: 924: Reader: CLocalReader::OpenInternal: Opening: C:\Documents and Settings\Rick\Application Data\J River\Media Center 13\Library\links.xml
0020810: 924: Reader: CLocalReader::Close: Closing: C:\Documents and Settings\Rick\Application Data\J River\Media Center 13\Library\links.xml
0020830: 924: Database: CMJSearchHelper::GetResults: Search: [media type]=audio; Elapsed ms: 0.463
0020870: 924: Database: CMJSearchHelper::GetResults: Search: [Media Type]=[Audio],[Video]; Elapsed ms: 0.520
0020890: 924: Database: CMJSearchHelper::GetResults: Search: [Media Type]=[Audio]; Elapsed ms: 0.462
0020910: 924: Database: CMJSearchHelper::GetResults: Search: [Media Type]=[Video]; Elapsed ms: 0.463
0020930: 924: Database: CMJSearchHelper::GetResults: Search: ; Elapsed ms: 0.249
0021000: 924: General: CMainUIWnd::Resize: Start
0021080: 924: General: CMainUIWnd::Resize: Finish (80 ms)
0000151: 4196: Reader: CLocalReader::OpenInternal: Opening: C:\Program Files\Media Center 13\Data\Languages\English (Canadian)\Language.txt
0000221: 4196: Reader: CLocalReader::Close: Closing: C:\Program Files\Media Center 13\Data\Languages\English (Canadian)\Language.txt


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #13 on: April 29, 2009, 04:03:34 pm »

That was it. It takes more than 10 seconds to query a record in my full database. Hitting "Test" while that's in process causes MC to
Strange, PVD doesn't respond that slowly? What about the other client you installed? I've got maybe 500 files in my collection and one query takes approximately .3 seconds.

I've fixed up some minor issues with the file paths in the new version.


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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #14 on: April 29, 2009, 08:41:43 pm »

Nice work Raldo :) I'm off to work, but will do some more playing around tonight.

  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #15 on: April 29, 2009, 08:45:52 pm »

Strange, PVD doesn't respond that slowly? What about the other client you installed? I've got maybe 500 files in my collection and one query takes approximately .3 seconds.

Whether or not other things are connected makes no difference. I think it's just the slow machine. PVD is not as slow, but nothing happens there in .3 seconds either. :(

I've fixed up some minor issues with the file paths in the new version

What did you change? I still have to use the fixed path, which is wearing thin.

There is one significant change in the wrong direction—the field configuration can no longer be saved. The button remains as "Load fields," no matter what changes have been made. Now I really hate the "one-button-does-all" idea. ;)

Is it really necessary the previous version be uninstalled before installing a new version. It would be so much faster just to overwrite. In any case, something should be done to preserve the user's existing configuration files, or users should be advised to not use the default files for custom configurations (which, surely, most will be).


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #16 on: April 30, 2009, 01:13:22 am »

Strange, PVD doesn't respond that slowly? What about the other client you installed? I've got maybe 500 files in my collection and one query takes approximately .3 seconds.

I've fixed up some minor issues with the file paths in the new version.

I think there are still a few path issues. I pointed the plugin to my .pvd. But doing Test gave this error:

Failed to open database (when retrieving filenames);I/O error for file CreateFile (open) "C:\Documents and Settings\Harald\My Documents\Personal Video Database\movies.pvd"

Ie it still looks for your hardcoded path somewhere.



  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #17 on: April 30, 2009, 02:30:57 am »

There is one significant change in the wrong direction—the field configuration can no longer be saved. The button remains as "Load fields," no matter what changes have been made. Now I really hate the "one-button-does-all" idea. ;)
Yes, that was just a lapse of reason.
Is it really necessary the previous version be uninstalled before installing a new version. It would be so much faster just to overwrite. In any case, something should be done to preserve the user's existing configuration files, or users should be advised to not use the default files for custom configurations (which, surely, most will be).
I agree with you here.


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #18 on: April 30, 2009, 02:33:30 am »

Failed to open database (when retrieving filenames);I/O error for file CreateFile (open) "C:\Documents and Settings\Harald\My Documents\Personal Video Database\movies.pvd"
Hey Peter, thanks for joining in!

Yes, this particular issue disappeared in the noise. I'll fix it in the next update.


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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #19 on: April 30, 2009, 05:56:55 am »

No luck for me with using a custom database file:

Code: [Select]
Failed to open database (when retrieving filenames);I/O error for file CreateFile (open) "D:\Tools\Personal Video Database\Ramus Test Install\Test Library\Ramus Test Library.PVD"
Error while trying to open file

The Load/Save & Set Database buttons all seem to work as expected now though. Exiting MC and loading a saved config file loads all the relevant paths again which is nice.


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #20 on: April 30, 2009, 06:06:38 am »

No luck for me with using a custom database file:

Code: [Select]
Failed to open database (when retrieving filenames);I/O error for file CreateFile (open) "D:\Tools\Personal Video Database\Ramus Test Install\Test Library\Ramus Test Library.PVD"
Error while trying to open file

Can you ckeck if this file is locked by PVD maybe? Try closing down PVD and hit "test" again; you might still be using PVD through the embedded client (which locks down the database).

I'm at work now and I don't have my code at hand, but I'm pretty sure that PvdImport fails in *opening* the file (I.e. PvdImport finds the file).

There is a problem in beta4 of PVD which I've experienced, so for now, I cannot run PVD simultaneously with PvdImport (or Firebird Maestro).

The Load/Save & Set Database buttons all seem to work as expected now though. Exiting MC and loading a saved config file loads all the relevant paths again which is nice.


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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #21 on: April 30, 2009, 06:29:59 am »

Can you ckeck if this file is locked by PVD maybe? Try closing down PVD and hit "test" again; you might still be using PVD through the embedded client (which locks down the database).

I'm at work now and I don't have my code at hand, but I'm pretty sure that PvdImport fails in *opening* the file (I.e. PvdImport finds the file).

There is a problem in beta4 of PVD which I've experienced, so for now, I cannot run PVD simultaneously with PvdImport (or Firebird Maestro).


Was just posting :) Yes, I tried again after closing PVD and the sql results were populated. I noticed that "Test" actually updates the fields in MC as well - this was not expected.
Update of fields via Send To -> PVDImport is also working fine, just as before.

I know we're probably not at graphical interface level of design yet, but the mouseover popups of fields/column headers from within the plugin view (in Media Center) are unreadable. I'm using the default (Noire) skin.

I can start testing out custom fields and a larger library now.

Two questions though... how does the numbered list column work? The checkbox turns it on? Is this an optional solution for preserving artists etc as numbered lists? I'll have to consider this. As you you guys might be aware, MC only alphabetises the field if it is manually edited, so provided you don't touch the entries once they're in MC, it may not be necessary. It's an interesting idea though...

I'll have to examine the language in the PVDexpression part of the plugin a bit more closely. What would the general template for a custom field be?


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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #22 on: April 30, 2009, 06:42:20 am »

Was just posting :) Yes, I tried again after closing PVD and the sql results were populated. I noticed that "Test" actually updates the fields in MC as well - this was not expected.
Update of fields via Send To -> PVDImport is also working fine, just as before.
Good point, we might turn off update when "test" is pushed. Did you make a backup of your library, btw. :)

I know we're probably not at graphical interface level of design yet, but the mouseover popups of fields/column headers from within the plugin view (in Media Center) are unreadable. I'm using the default (Noire) skin.
I know, and I've tried googling this but to no avail..

I can start testing out custom fields and a larger library now.

Two questions though... how does the numbered list column work? The checkbox turns it on? Is this an optional solution for preserving artists etc as numbered lists. I'll have to consider this. As you you guys might be aware, MC only alphabetises the field if it is manually edited, so provided you don't touch the entries once they're in MC, it may not be necessary. It's an interesting idea though...
Yes. Check-> On. desperately wants this :)  For me it's not an issue. You can just deselect the option.

I'll have to examine the language in the PVDexpression part of the plugin a bit more closely. What would the general template for a custom field be?

It's Sql, so fairly cryptic. But very flexible. If you compare,say,  "Author" and "Screenwrite" you'll see a "general template". There is a system, or template if you like, but it's dictated by the PVD database structure.

I suggest you download Firebird Maestro and experiment if you would like some other fields populated, etc.


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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #23 on: April 30, 2009, 07:20:29 am »

Hey Peter, thanks for joining in!

Yes, this particular issue disappeared in the noise. I'll fix it in the next update.

Ok 1.0.4 works as expected.

I did a test with 25 movies. From these 12 had entries in the pvd database. It worked correctly with the right click send to method, those with entries in pvd got updated the others had no changes. Maybe an option could be added to have a popup message with some useful info on the update. Should be an option else it would be annoying...but with a large number of files it would be useful to have...and maybe even an a message like processing x out of total y records...if a large batch takes longer then a few seconds...else people might think the computer hangs.

Thanks for a really useful plugin!  8)


Mr ChriZ

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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #24 on: April 30, 2009, 07:40:52 am »

Sorry could someone explain what this plugin is for?


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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #25 on: April 30, 2009, 08:22:59 am »

Sorry could someone explain what this plugin is for?

Personal Video Database (PVD) is a program which pulls metadata/posters for movies and TV shows from online sources (imdb, amg and others) -

This plugin that raldo is developing should help in getting data from the PVD database into MC, allowing us to match PVD fields with fields in MC.

Edit: I have some screenshots of MC with data pulled from PVD (using AMG and IMDb info) here:


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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #26 on: April 30, 2009, 08:39:30 am »

I found one issue. If a movie filename and or path contains a special character like ' or " (umlaut) then the data will not be imported from pvd.



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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #27 on: April 30, 2009, 09:01:05 am »

I found one issue. If a movie filename and or path contains a special character like ' or " (umlaut) then the data will not be imported from pvd.

Yes, I saw that. It's noted.

Peter, can you test the following, please:
o Uninstall PvdImport.
o Delete the remaining folder in the plugin directory.
o Reinstall.

I'd like to see if a clean install manages to find all te files. Especially the default PVD database location found under my documents.


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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #28 on: April 30, 2009, 09:19:37 am »

I'd like to see if a clean install manages to find all te files. Especially the default PVD database location found under my documents.

Ok :)

Yes it did find:
C:\Users\Peter\Documents\Personal Video Database\movies.pvd

That one exists, but I actually use:
C:\Users\Peter\Documents\VIDEO DB.PVD

Using set I select it and it then works ok.



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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #29 on: April 30, 2009, 09:25:35 am »

Ok :)

Yes it did find:
C:\Users\Peter\Documents\Personal Video Database\movies.pvd

That one exists, but I actually use:
C:\Users\Peter\Documents\VIDEO DB.PVD

Using set I select it and it then works ok.



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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #30 on: April 30, 2009, 09:39:08 am »



I changed in the plugin settings mc [Original Title] to mc [Name] for the title import and that worked as expected :) Maybe I will try to change it to add the pvd translated title when it exist as well...but my sql is very rusty ;) Anyway after you got the special characters thingy fixed I am all set. In the meantime I'll have some "fun" entering all my movies into pvd ;)



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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #31 on: April 30, 2009, 09:47:44 am »


I changed in the plugin settings mc [Original Title] to mc [Name] for the title import and that worked as expected :) Maybe I will try to change it to add the pvd translated title when it exist as well...but my sql is very rusty ;) Anyway after you got the special characters thingy fixed I am all set. In the meantime I'll have some "fun" entering all my movies into pvd ;)


Well, PvdImport does an internal search for filename and sees if the filename is present in the PVD database. If it is present, data is imported.

Have fun!


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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #32 on: May 01, 2009, 03:02:48 am »

Any ideas how to get this working with ripped dvd's? With mc you cant just point pvd to the .ifo file in the VIDEO_TS folder because mc creates its unique filename in the filename field (ie .dvd;1) Actually I would prefer if I could just use .ifo with mc, but I have not seen an option in mc to do just that.


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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #33 on: May 01, 2009, 06:55:40 am »

There is a problem in beta4 of PVD which I've experienced, so for now, I cannot run PVD simultaneously with PvdImport (or Firebird Maestro).

If this is the bug I reported, it shouldn't be stopping you from running PVD and PvdImport simultaneously. If PVD is "stuck" running Firebird Embedded, edit your pvdconfig.ini so the server connection will be used. Mine looks like this:

Code: [Select]
FileName=rix:C:\Data\PVD\MY MOVIES BETA 5.PVD

I've been spending a lot of time with this over the last 36 hours. That's not because of problems with the plugin—it ( has been working well. I've been doing a lot of fiddling to set up dummy media files so I can get information about non-owned media into MC as well (most of my PVD database consists of movies I've seen, but do not necessarily own).

Actually, my problems started with recently with 1.0.4. I was able to get my database moved back to it's normal location, and this reflected in the configuration, but experienced exceptions (like before, I think), crashes (no cause reported by MC), and the plugin did not seem to complete the test successfully. Finally, not wanting to do something else to create a crash, I just ignored the configuration and tried an import. It worked fine. :-\

Don't push test button until sql results are ready, the application will hang

I should have read that first. I'm not sure, but that might have been part of the problem.

If a movie filename and or path contains a special character like ' or " (umlaut) then the data will not be imported from pvd.

Yes, I discovered this. Just to be clear, "special" includes normal accented characters. BTW, PVD's title matching scanner can do replacements, so problem characters like ": " in titles can be replaced with " - " in filenames and the match still made.

The biggest problem I had I haven't yet tried with 1.0.4, but I don't image anything has changed... Trying to update too many movies at once overwhelmed my machine. It seems MC dutifully executes all the Sendto commands at once, and each one is a separate process. I find I can do 100 at a time, but over 150 is likely to cause out of memory errors, and then (especially with a few hundred processes running) everything goes to hell.

Is there a way you can limit the number of processes started at one time? I wonder if even on a much more capable machine this wouldn't result in more efficient processing. In other words, it too many resources are used managing a large number of processes, is there enough left for the server, or does the whole thing bog down?

Yes. Check-> On. desperately wants this.  For me it's not an issue. You can just deselect the option.

So now you tell me, when I'm half done! My anxiety over this diminished somewhat when you pointed out the order won't change unless the field is edited. I have yet to imagine why I might be editing something that's already there. But if it does become necessary... do the entries have to be numbered, or is their order actually controlled by an index? I only suggested the numbering if the only way to keep them in order was to include that in the data.

BTW, I'm putting [actor] - [role] in Actors, using...

Code: [Select]
Select PEOPLE."name" || ' - ' || CAREER."role"
From PEOPLE Inner join CAREER on (CAREER."pid" = PEOPLE."pid")
Where CAREER."ctype" = 0 And CAREER."mid" = @id

What would the general template for a custom field be?

Here's an example...

Code: [Select]
Where MOVIES."mid"=@id and CUSTOM_FIELDS_MOVIES."dispname" = 'Review'

Note different tables are involved, depending on the data type (this one being a memo field for Review).

I suggest you download Firebird Maestro and experiment if you would like some other fields populated, etc.

This is what I'm doing, using Flyspeed SLQ Query. I still don't have a clue what I'm doing, but seem to be getting results. But I believe I've explained my obsessive trial and error methods to you before. ;D

While I'm on the subject of queries, here's Season...

Code: [Select]
Select EPISODES."season"
From MOVIES Inner join EPISODES on MOVIES."epid" = EPISODES."epid"
Where MOVIES."mid"=@id

and Episode...

Code: [Select]
Select EPISODES."epnum"
From MOVIES Inner join EPISODES on MOVIES."epid" = EPISODES."epid"
Where MOVIES."mid"=@id

...which I combine in an Expression Column with If(IsEmpty([Episode]),,SPadNumber([Season],2) EPadNumber([Episode],2)). I generally watch and delete episodes, so I figure that's good enoungh. But...

I haven't been able to figure out is how to get the series title to go with each episode. :(

Any ideas how to get this working with ripped dvd's? With mc you cant just point pvd to the .ifo file in the VIDEO_TS folder because mc creates its unique filename in the filename field (ie .dvd;1)

I don't do DVD, so I can only ask a dumb question... What would MC do if you changed the .ifo to .dvd;1 and associated that extension with MC? I expect it would not recognize it as a valid file type. But if by some miracle it does otherwise, then PVD won't object to .dvd;1 being set as a video file type. Otherwise, all I can say is "uh-oh." :-\


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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #34 on: May 01, 2009, 07:19:15 am »

That was an epic post, Rick ;) I've been doing some reading and playing with Firebird just to get a better understanding of what's going on in the background. Unfortunately I'll be away for a few days and without internet (it's a long weekend over here) so will get back to things on tues :)

I like where this is going. It's very flexible and, once set up, much (much) more convenient than creating/importing export templates. Thanks again raldo.

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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #35 on: May 01, 2009, 08:03:46 am »

I like where this is going.

So do I. It looks very promising.

Have a nice (without internet?! :o) weekend. It's okay if you think about SLQ queries while you're gone—as long as you don't say anything out loud. ;)


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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #36 on: May 01, 2009, 12:20:36 pm »

Ok I also added a few more fields to import, including imdb url > mc web url and length > mc custom field length.
This also worked ok...nice  :)


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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #37 on: May 02, 2009, 12:32:42 am »

Trying to update too many movies at once overwhelmed my machine. It seems MC dutifully executes all the Sendto commands at once, and each one is a separate process. I find I can do 100 at a time, but over 150 is likely to cause out of memory errors, and then (especially with a few hundred processes running) everything goes to hell.

FWIW, here's a handful of error messages I was able to capture from the large number that are generated when this happens. It seems 100 at a time is too much too, so now I'm down to 50. The queries are also taking about 10 seconds each, so it's really not working very well for me.  :'(

Code: [Select]
PvdImportContextMenu.exe - Application Error
Application has generated an exception that could not be handled.
Process ID=0x1cd8 (7384), Thread ID=0x1b50 (6992).
C:\Program Files\Media Center 13\Plugins\PvdImport\\PvdImportContextMenu.exe
Attempt to access invalid address.
PvdImportContextMenu.exe - Application Error
Application has generated an exception that could not be handled.
Process ID=0xc20 (3104), Thread ID=0xcbc (3260).
PvdImportContextMenu.exe - .NET Framework Initialization Error
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\mscorwks.dll could not be loaded

I haven't been able to figure out is how to get the series title to go with each episode.

At the expense of brain cells I'm sure others could tolerate losing better than me (the vacationing darichman comes to mind), I was finally able to figure this out...

Code: [Select]
Select MOVIES1."title"
Inner Join EPISODES On MOVIES."epid" = EPISODES."epid"
Inner Join MOVIES MOVIES1 On EPISODES."mid" = MOVIES1."mid"
Where MOVIES."mid"=@id

That goes into and my custom PVD field for grouping movies into series (e.g., Lord of the Rings, James Bond) goes into The applicable one then goes into my calculated custom Series. field using If(IsEqual([Media Sub Type],TV Show),[Name],[][]). I'm tagging series "master" records (dummy records for information about the whole series) with Media Sub Type="TV Show." This then sets Series. = Name to include the series name (i.e., title) for those items. Here's a screenshot.


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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #38 on: May 02, 2009, 03:54:02 am »

I don't do DVD, so I can only ask a dumb question... What would MC do if you changed the .ifo to .dvd;1 and associated that extension with MC? I expect it would not recognize it as a valid file type. But if by some miracle it does otherwise, then PVD won't object to .dvd;1 being set as a video file type. Otherwise, all I can say is "uh-oh." :-\

Nope, I also tried to set the file name in PVD to end with .dvd;1 but that did not work.



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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #39 on: May 05, 2009, 02:31:50 am »

Back in the land of the living!

I just tried updating 500 movies with 'genre' data from PVD. I deleted some of the other fields from the plugin to simplify things a bit. A few other fields were not deleted, and these had no data present in the PVD library. Test worked fine, importing Genre while returning nothing for the other fields.

I selected the movie files, used Send To > PVDImport and almost immediately, I was getting exception errors in PvdImportContextMenu.exe and "application failed to initialise" errors in dwwin.exe:

Click to enlarge.

Click to enlarge.

Despite these errors, the plugin seemed to be importing the Genre data okay. After a minute or two (and lots of windows error soundclips :)) MC froze. I waited another few minutes, terminated the program and then reopened. The plugin had correctly imported genre data for 227 of the files. Given time it may have completed all of them - but the hundreds of error popups were disconcerting :)

I'll try with smaller batches of files and see if I can narrow down common elements to reproduce the errors. Maybe fields which are empty in PVD? Has anyone else seen this?

Just an aside... is there (or will there be) any way to simply 'disable' import of a field into MC without actually deleting it from the plugin menu?

Nope, I also tried to set the file name in PVD to end with .dvd;1 but that did not work.

This will definitely be a problem. MC handles DVDs quite differently, in that the "Filename" field in MC is more of a instruction of where to find the video files rather than the physical location of the file.
I only have a handful of DVD files and have been able to import the data correctly using plain text export (to MPL) from PVD. The database just has to refer to the *.dvd;1 extension. The fact this works with plain text export and not with the plugin... maybe has something to do with handling of the semicolon ";" ?


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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #40 on: May 05, 2009, 02:36:47 am »

If this is the bug I reported, it shouldn't be stopping you from running PVD and PvdImport simultaneously. If PVD is "stuck" running Firebird Embedded, edit your pvdconfig.ini so the server connection will be used. Mine looks like this:

Code: [Select]
FileName=rix:C:\Data\PVD\MY MOVIES BETA 5.PVD

Dumb question...I also would like to have mc and pvd open at once but I can't seem to find pvdconfig.ini...what am I missing?


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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #41 on: May 05, 2009, 03:44:29 am »

I'll try with smaller batches of files and see if I can narrow down common elements to reproduce the errors. Maybe fields which are empty in PVD? Has anyone else seen this?

It seems to be the same problem I encountered—the system is overwhelmed with 500 instances of the program being launched at once. Using a process explorer, you can see what's going on—until that crashes too. :P I imagine there's going to have to be a way to "feed" the Sent To's at a rate the server can handle (most of) them.

Just an aside... is there (or will there be) any way to simply 'disable' import of a field into MC without actually deleting it from the plugin menu?

Good idea—that would be more convenient than using multiple configuration files.

This will definitely be a problem. MC handles DVDs quite differently, in that the "Filename" field in MC is more of a instruction of where to find the video files rather than the physical location of the file.

What if the .DVD;1 file was put in a playlist file?

I also would like to have mc and pvd open at once but I can't seem to find pvdconfig.ini...what am I missing?

The configuration file is saved in the application data directory. In XP that's C:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\Application Data\Personal Video Database\. In Vista, I believe it's: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Personal Video Database\. If you can't find the application data folder, it's probably because it's hidden.


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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #42 on: May 05, 2009, 04:57:51 am »

The configuration file is saved in the application data directory. In XP that's C:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\Application Data\Personal Video Database\. In Vista, I believe it's: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Personal Video Database\. If you can't find the application data folder, it's probably because it's hidden.

Thanks! now asks for a username and password...I did try my windows user password, the default firebird password and I created a user in pvd but none of them worked...any suggestions what it is looking for?



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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #43 on: May 05, 2009, 11:28:06 am »

It seems to be the same problem I encountered—the system is overwhelmed with 500 instances of the program being launched at once.

Strangely enough, I don't get an exception for that many files.

I'd been hoping that JRiver would expose access to menus from the plugin environment.

The interprocess communication between the plugin and PvdImportContextMenu.exe is really a pain. I had to use named pipes since both Udp communication and Remoting wake up windows security. In addition to that, of course, framework 2.0 only supports named pipes via unmanaged calls, so there is a lot of overhead.

For now, we'll have to do batches of 50 and then I'll maybe look further into forcing one instance of the application + multiple threads when I get the motivation.

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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #44 on: May 05, 2009, 05:19:11 pm »

Strangely enough, I don't get an exception for that many files.

I got the impression it was the out-of-memory errors that triggered the rest. If this is true, the amount of memory you have would have a direct bearing on this. I have 512 Mb, and it happens (for sure) at 150 items. Maybe darichman has 2 Gb, and it happens at 500—and you have more than 2 Gb, so it doesn't?

The interprocess communication between the plugin and PvdImportContextMenu.exe is really a pain.

This stuff is way over my head, but if I understand correctly, you don't have any control whatsoever over the Send To function, so you can't even place an arbitrary limit on the number of files updated at one time. Maybe you should post a separate request for help. Maybe there's someone out there who has a solution, but is not following this topic. Failing that, your plugin is potentially important enough to MC users generally that we might hope J River development staff may offer some advice. Given the nature of the problem (it can crash Windows and corrupt the MC database), I don't think you can "release" the plugin until this is resolved.

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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #45 on: May 05, 2009, 05:29:25 pm »

Thanks! now asks for a username and password...I did try my windows user password, the default firebird password and I created a user in pvd but none of them worked...any suggestions what it is looking for?

What is asking for a username and password? Could this be a Vista thing—because you are changing a configuration in a protected folder? What happens if you copy the configuration file to the installation directory, and then run PVD with the -portable switch (that forces it to use the configuration file located there)?


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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #46 on: May 06, 2009, 12:30:32 am »

What is asking for a username and password? Could this be a Vista thing—because you are changing a configuration in a protected folder? What happens if you copy the configuration file to the installation directory, and then run PVD with the -portable switch (that forces it to use the configuration file located there)?

Pvd is asking for a username and password when I change the ini to connect to the database using the network method.



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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #47 on: May 06, 2009, 01:29:19 am »

Pvd is asking for a username and password when I change the ini to connect to the database using the network method.

Sorry, I haven't seen that one before. I suggest you install and see if that makes a difference—the connect to server problem has been fixed. If that doesn't work, ask for help in the the PVD forum.

But first, maybe try this query—to see if any users/passwords actually exist:

Code: [Select]
  USERS Inner Join

It seems the security, if that's what you've run into, is not very secure. ;)


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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #48 on: May 06, 2009, 02:03:30 am »

Thanks Rick got it working by upgrading to  :)

Uhm better not connect that database to the internet  :o ;)




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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #49 on: May 06, 2009, 04:07:27 am »

Did any of you guys test the new coverart functionality and ignore fields of 1.0.5?
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