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Author Topic: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log  (Read 79457 times)


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #100 on: May 19, 2009, 02:08:07 am »

The "SqlResults are shown ony when I use the "Send To" method.

Btw: If you read some of the earlier posts in this thread, you will find some tips on how to get the server connection of PVD up and running.


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #101 on: May 19, 2009, 12:48:24 pm »

o feature: Mass import Stop Button
o feature: Removed Indexing of lists.
o Feature: Software User Manual (SUM) is now included in the installation. A button (SUM) invokes Notepad.exe which loads the file.
o Fixed: Some drawing issues when resizing MC.
o Fixed: Tooltip for field configuration headers doesn't show properly. You can deselect tooltips with a checkbox
o Fixed: Don't push test button until sql results are ready, the application will hang
o Fixed: User information (lower window) is not updated properly during import.

Known Issues 1.0.9:
o If you select too many files (in the hundreds) in "Send To...", the PvdImportContextMenu.exe applications may get confused. Select fewer (50, maybe)!



  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #102 on: May 19, 2009, 03:56:35 pm »

o Fixed: Test filename would occasionally be truncated so that no data was imported

Known Issues 1.0.10:
o If you select too many files (in the hundreds) in "Send To...", the PvdImportContextMenu.exe applications may get confused. Select fewer (50, maybe)!

  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #103 on: May 19, 2009, 05:25:35 pm »

1.0.10: Fixed: Test filename would occasionally be truncated so that no data was imported

That's better. ;)

1.0.9: feature: Mass import Stop Button

Unlike many such things in Windows, it actually stops the process immediately! Handy for those of us with slow machines.

feature: Removed Indexing of lists.

Agreed. If I somehow lose the correct sort order, I can just re-import the record.

Feature: Software User Manual (SUM) is now included in the installation.

There's no such feature in either PVD or MC. Will users understand what it's for? ;D

Maybe the button should be labelled "Help."

Fixed: Tooltip for field configuration headers doesn't show properly. You can deselect tooltips with a checkbox

This helps a lot—removes ambiguity about what buttons do, etc. Being able to turn them off is also appreciated.

Fixed: User information (lower window) is not updated properly during import.

I see only "Plugin Initiated OK." Perhaps this is by design where there are no errors to report. But this would be more useful if it was more like an activity log—maybe including the last progress message of each import. It would give the user a useful summary of what has been done during the session—particularly the last item updated.

But there does seem to be a problem. The plugin makes the server behave as if it has a memory leak. It adds about 2,000 K "Private bytes" as each item is processed, and releases none—not as it is running, or after it has finished. The memory allocated is only released after MC is closed—so it seems clear the plugin is at fault. As it happened, the test batch was not big enough for me to see what might have happened if there were no more memory to be allocated.

I see no change in this behaviour. Any idea what's wrong?


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #104 on: May 20, 2009, 02:19:15 am »

I see no change in this behaviour. Any idea what's wrong?

Nope, not yet.


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #105 on: May 20, 2009, 04:09:22 am »

There's no such feature in either PVD or MC. Will users understand what it's for? ;D

Maybe the button should be labelled "Help."

Well it's not really just help either. The document explains some necessary steps you need to go through to get PvdImport up and running.

Unless some "better" word comes up which encompasses both "Help" and "Required Setup" I think "Software User Manual" is best for now. The tooltip expands on the abbreviation too.


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #106 on: May 20, 2009, 06:06:16 pm »

o Fixed: Runtime information in lower Listbox. Added some logging information.
o Fixed: There is a memory leak in the Firebird server. This memory leak is related to PvdImport sql reads.

Known Issues 1.0.11:
o If you select too many files (in the hundreds) in "Send To...", the PvdImportContextMenu.exe applications may get confused. Select fewer (50, maybe)!


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #107 on: May 20, 2009, 08:31:16 pm »

Fixed: Runtime information in lower Listbox. Added some logging information.

Perfect! ...except it reports "Sucess!" when I'm looking for "Success!" ;)

  • Include a date/time stamp on each entry...
  • ...and I wonder if there should be an option for the recording of a date/time stamp in a custom field (e.g., if the user creates, say, a PvdImport.Updated field, the plugin will record it).
  • Add results to "log.txt" in PvdImport directory.

Fixed: There is a memory leak in the Firebird server.

Well done! Now it doesn't appear to use any additional memory at all. And as a bonus, the processing seems to be ~20% faster.

The plug seems about ready for prime time. Have you thought about how to "release" it? Or what more we need to do before it's ready? I imagine new users are going to demand help with the SQL statements. Maybe we should work on the default PvdImportFieldConfig.xml so it includes sample (i.e., Ignore="true") queries for each type of custom field, handling of dates and ratings, and various options (e.g., saving actors/roles as a nested field).


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #108 on: May 21, 2009, 06:40:41 am »

Perfect! ...except it reports "Sucess!" when I'm looking for "Success!" ;)

  • Include a date/time stamp on each entry...
  • ...and I wonder if there should be an option for the recording of a date/time stamp in a custom field (e.g., if the user creates, say, a PvdImport.Updated field, the plugin will record it).
  • Add results to "log.txt" in PvdImport directory.

No more new stuff for now, let's stabilize and release...

The plug seems about ready for prime time. Have you thought about how to "release" it? Or what more we need to do before it's ready? I imagine new users are going to demand help with the SQL statements. Maybe we should work on the default PvdImportFieldConfig.xml so it includes sample (i.e., Ignore="true") queries for each type of custom field, handling of dates and ratings, and various options (e.g., saving actors/roles as a nested field).

I think the best thing to do is, as you suggest, to gather up some examples of fields, and include them in the default config file. Tag those examples as Ignore.

Maybe you and Darichman could cooperate on this?

In the meantime I'm going to do some internal "structural changes" which I've been wanting to do for some time.

  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #109 on: May 22, 2009, 02:06:36 am »

I think the best thing to do is, as you suggest, to gather up some examples of fields, and include them in the default config file. Tag those examples as Ignore.

Following is my shot at a default field configuration file. I've attempted to group the fields in a logical fashion, and have included comments to explain things. It's still hard to follow, so I've posted the configuration file and the Excel worksheet I used to create it here.

Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Organizer xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
  <!--Version: 2009-05-21-->
  <ConfigItem McField="Name" PvdExpression="Select MOVIES.&quot;title&quot; &#xD;&#xA;From MOVIES &#xD;&#xA;Where MOVIES.&quot;mid&quot;=@id" />
  <ConfigItem Ignore="true" McField="Original Title" PvdExpression="Select MOVIES.&quot;origtitle&quot; &#xD;&#xA;From MOVIES &#xD;&#xA;Where MOVIES.&quot;mid&quot;=@id" />
  <ConfigItem McField="Year." Type="Integer" PvdExpression="Select MOVIES.&quot;year&quot; &#xD;&#xA;From MOVIES&#xD;&#xA; Where MOVIES.&quot;mid&quot;=@id"></ConfigItem>
  <ConfigItem McField="Series" PvdExpression="Select MOVIES1.&quot;title&quot;&#xD;&#xA;From MOVIES &#xD;&#xA;Inner Join EPISODES On MOVIES.&quot;epid&quot; = EPISODES.&quot;epid&quot; &#xD;&#xA;Inner Join MOVIES MOVIES1 On EPISODES.&quot;mid&quot; = MOVIES1.&quot;mid&quot;&#xD;&#xA;Where MOVIES.&quot;mid&quot;=@id">
    <!--Get series name for episode record-->
  <ConfigItem McField="Season" PvdExpression="Select EPISODES.&quot;season&quot;&#xD;&#xA;From MOVIES Inner join EPISODES on MOVIES.&quot;epid&quot; = EPISODES.&quot;epid&quot;&#xD;&#xA;Where MOVIES.&quot;mid&quot;=@id">
    <!--Replacing SQL that returns index rather than number-->
  <ConfigItem McField="Episode" PvdExpression="Select EPISODES.&quot;epnum&quot;&#xD;&#xA;From MOVIES Inner join EPISODES on MOVIES.&quot;epid&quot; = EPISODES.&quot;epid&quot;&#xD;&#xA;Where MOVIES.&quot;mid&quot;=@id">
    <!--Replacing SQL that returns index rather than number-->
  <ConfigItem Ignore="true" McField="Type." Type="CUSTOM String/List" PvdExpression="Select CUSTOM_VALUES_SHORTSTR.&quot;value&quot;&#xD;&#xA;From MOVIES &#xD;&#xA;Inner Join CUSTOM_VALUES_SHORTSTR On MOVIES.&quot;mid&quot; = CUSTOM_VALUES_SHORTSTR.&quot;mid&quot;&#xD;&#xA;Inner Join CUSTOM_FIELDS_MOVIES On CUSTOM_VALUES_SHORTSTR.&quot;cmfid&quot; =&#xD;&#xA; CUSTOM_FIELDS_MOVIES.&quot;cmfid&quot;&#xD;&#xA;Where MOVIES.&quot;mid&quot; =@id and CUSTOM_FIELDS_MOVIES.&quot;dispname&quot; = 'Work type'">
    <!--Illustration of custom SHORT TEXT, SELECT or MULTISELECT LIST field (field is referenced by "dispname")-->
  <ConfigItem McField="Genre." Type="List" Sep="; " PvdExpression="Select GENRES.&quot;value&quot; from GENRES &#xD;&#xA;Inner join MOVIEGENRES on (GENRES.&quot;gid&quot; = &quot;MOVIEGENRES&quot;.&quot;gid&quot;) &#xD;&#xA;Where MOVIEGENRES.&quot;mid&quot; = @id">
    <!--Replacing standard string field with list-->
  <ConfigItem Ignore="true" McField="Moods." Type="CUSTOM String/List" Sep="; " PvdExpression="Select CUSTOM_VALUES_SHORTSTR.&quot;value&quot;&#xD;&#xA;From MOVIES inner join CUSTOM_VALUES_SHORTSTR On MOVIES.&quot;mid&quot; = CUSTOM_VALUES_SHORTSTR.&quot;mid&quot; inner join CUSTOM_FIELDS_MOVIES on CUSTOM_VALUES_SHORTSTR.&quot;cmfid&quot; = CUSTOM_FIELDS_MOVIES.&quot;cmfid&quot;&#xD;&#xA;Where MOVIES.&quot;mid&quot; =@id and CUSTOM_FIELDS_MOVIES.&quot;dispname&quot; = 'Moods'">
    <!--Illustration of custom MULTISELECT LIST field (field is referenced by "dispname")-->
  <ConfigItem McField="Keywords" Type="List" Sep="; " PvdExpression="Select TAGS.&quot;value&quot; from TAGS &#xD;&#xA;Inner join MOVIETAGS on (TAGS.&quot;tid&quot; = &quot;MOVIETAGS&quot;.&quot;tid&quot;) &#xD;&#xA;Where MOVIETAGS.&quot;mid&quot; = @id" />
  <ConfigItem McField="Country" Type="List" Sep="; " PvdExpression="Select COUNTRIES.&quot;value&quot; from COUNTRIES &#xD;&#xA;Inner join MOVIECOUNTRIES on (COUNTRIES.&quot;cid&quot; = &quot;MOVIECOUNTRIES&quot;.&quot;cid&quot;)&#xD;&#xA;Where MOVIECOUNTRIES.&quot;mid&quot; = @id" />
  <ConfigItem McField="Studios" Type="List" Sep=";" PvdExpression="Select STUDIOS.&quot;value&quot;&#xD;&#xA;From STUDIOS inner join MOVIESTUDIOS on MOVIESTUDIOS.&quot;sid&quot; = STUDIOS.&quot;sid&quot; inner join&#xD;&#xA;  MOVIES on MOVIES.&quot;mid&quot; = MOVIESTUDIOS.&quot;mid&quot;&#xD;&#xA;Where MOVIES.&quot;mid&quot; =@id" />
  <ConfigItem McField="Producer" Type="List" Sep="; " PvdExpression="Select PEOPLE.&quot;name&quot; from PEOPLE &#xD;&#xA;Inner join CAREER on (PEOPLE.&quot;pid&quot; = &quot;CAREER&quot;.&quot;pid&quot;)&#xD;&#xA;Where CAREER.&quot;mid&quot; = @id AND CAREER.&quot;ctype&quot; = 4" />
  <ConfigItem McField="Screenwriter" Type="List" Sep="; " PvdExpression="Select PEOPLE.&quot;name&quot; from PEOPLE &#xD;&#xA;Inner join CAREER on (PEOPLE.&quot;pid&quot; = &quot;CAREER&quot;.&quot;pid&quot;)&#xD;&#xA;Where CAREER.&quot;mid&quot; = @id AND CAREER.&quot;ctype&quot; = 2" />
  <ConfigItem McField="Director" Type="List" Sep="; " PvdExpression="Select PEOPLE.&quot;name&quot; from PEOPLE &#xD;&#xA;Inner join CAREER on (PEOPLE.&quot;pid&quot; = &quot;CAREER&quot;.&quot;pid&quot;)&#xD;&#xA;Where CAREER.&quot;mid&quot; = @id AND CAREER.&quot;ctype&quot; = 1" />
  <ConfigItem McField="Actors" Type="List" Sep=";" PvdExpression="Select PEOPLE.&quot;name&quot; &#xD;&#xA;From PEOPLE inner join CAREER on (PEOPLE.&quot;pid&quot; = &quot;CAREER&quot;.&quot;pid&quot;)&#xD;&#xA;Where CAREER.&quot;mid&quot; = @id and CAREER.&quot;ctype&quot; = 0"></ConfigItem>
  <ConfigItem Ignore="true" McField="Actors" Type="List" Sep=";" PvdExpression="Select PEOPLE.&quot;name&quot; || '\' || CAREER.&quot;role&quot;&#xD;&#xA;From PEOPLE Inner join CAREER on (CAREER.&quot;pid&quot; = PEOPLE.&quot;pid&quot;)&#xD;&#xA;Where CAREER.&quot;ctype&quot; = 0 And CAREER.&quot;mid&quot; = @id">
    <!--Use nested list-->
  <ConfigItem McField="Composer." Type="List" Sep="; " PvdExpression="Select PEOPLE.&quot;name&quot; from PEOPLE &#xD;&#xA;Inner join CAREER on (PEOPLE.&quot;pid&quot; = &quot;CAREER&quot;.&quot;pid&quot;)&#xD;&#xA;Where CAREER.&quot;mid&quot; = @id AND CAREER.&quot;ctype&quot; = 3">
    <!--Use list field (as for other people) instead of standard string field-->
  <ConfigItem McField="Tag Line" PvdExpression="Select MOVIES.&quot;tagline&quot; &#xD;&#xA;From MOVIES &#xD;&#xA;Where MOVIES.&quot;mid&quot;=@id" />
  <ConfigItem McField="Description" PvdExpression="Select MOVIES.&quot;description&quot; &#xD;&#xA;From MOVIES &#xD;&#xA;Where MOVIES.&quot;mid&quot;=@id" />
  <ConfigItem Ignore="true" McField="Review." Type="CUSTOM Memo" PvdExpression="Select CUSTOM_VALUES_LONGSTR.&quot;value&quot;&#xD;&#xA;From MOVIES&#xD;&#xA;Inner join CUSTOM_VALUES_LONGSTR on MOVIES.&quot;mid&quot; = CUSTOM_VALUES_LONGSTR.&quot;mid&quot; &#xD;&#xA;Inner join CUSTOM_FIELDS_MOVIES on CUSTOM_FIELDS_MOVIES.&quot;cmfid&quot; = CUSTOM_VALUES_LONGSTR.&quot;cmfid&quot;&#xD;&#xA;Where MOVIES.&quot;mid&quot;=@id and CUSTOM_FIELDS_MOVIES.&quot;dispname&quot; = 'Review'">
    <!--Illustration of custom MEMO field-->
  <ConfigItem McField="MPAA Rating" PvdExpression="Select MOVIES.&quot;mpaa&quot; &#xD;&#xA;From MOVIES &#xD;&#xA;Where MOVIES.&quot;mid&quot;=@id" />
  <ConfigItem McField="Rating.IMDb" Type="Decimal" PvdExpression="Select MOVIES.&quot;imdbrating&quot; &#xD;&#xA;From MOVIES &#xD;&#xA;Where MOVIES.&quot;mid&quot;=@id">
    <!--Use in expression (column or field) to display as rating stars-->
  <ConfigItem Ignore="true" McField="Rating.AllMovie" Type="CUSTOM Real number (Decimal)" PvdExpression="Select CUSTOM_VALUES_REAL.&quot;value&quot;&#xD;&#xA;From MOVIES &#xD;&#xA;Inner Join CUSTOM_VALUES_REAL On MOVIES.&quot;mid&quot; = CUSTOM_VALUES_REAL.&quot;mid&quot; &#xD;&#xA;Inner Join CUSTOM_FIELDS_MOVIES On CUSTOM_VALUES_REAL.&quot;cmfid&quot; = CUSTOM_FIELDS_MOVIES.&quot;cmfid&quot;&#xD;&#xA;Where MOVIES.&quot;mid&quot; =@id and CUSTOM_FIELDS_MOVIES.&quot;dispname&quot; = 'AllMovie rating'">
    <!--Illustration of custom rating (and any other custom REAL NUMBER) field-->
  <ConfigItem Ignore="true" McField="Rating.Other" Type="Decimal" PvdExpression="Select MOVIES.&quot;orating&quot; &#xD;&#xA;From MOVIES &#xD;&#xA;Where MOVIES.&quot;mid&quot;=@id" />
  <ConfigItem Ignore="true" McField="Rating.User" Type="Decimal" PvdExpression="Select MOVIES.&quot;rating&quot; &#xD;&#xA;From MOVIES &#xD;&#xA;Where MOVIES.&quot;mid&quot;=@id" />
  <ConfigItem Ignore="true" McField="Budget." Type="Integer" PvdExpression="Select MOVIES.&quot;budget&quot; &#xD;&#xA;From MOVIES &#xD;&#xA;Where MOVIES.&quot;mid&quot;=@id" />
  <ConfigItem Ignore="true" McField="Box office." Type="Integer" PvdExpression="Select MOVIES.&quot;money&quot; &#xD;&#xA;From MOVIES &#xD;&#xA;Where MOVIES.&quot;mid&quot;=@id" />
  <ConfigItem Ignore="true" McField="Viewed." Type="Date string" PvdExpression="Select MOVIES.&quot;viewdate&quot; &#xD;&#xA;From MOVIES &#xD;&#xA;Where MOVIES.&quot;mid&quot;=@id">
    <!--Use expression to convert format to YYYY-MM-DD for correct sorting-->
  <ConfigItem Ignore="true" McField="Duration." Type="CUSTOM Number (Integer)" PvdExpression="Select CUSTOM_VALUES_INT.&quot;value&quot;&#xD;&#xA;From MOVIES &#xD;&#xA;Inner Join CUSTOM_VALUES_INT On MOVIES.&quot;mid&quot; = CUSTOM_VALUES_INT.&quot;mid&quot; &#xD;&#xA;Inner Join CUSTOM_FIELDS_MOVIES On CUSTOM_VALUES_INT.&quot;cmfid&quot; = CUSTOM_FIELDS_MOVIES.&quot;cmfid&quot;&#xD;&#xA;Where MOVIES.&quot;mid&quot; =@id and CUSTOM_FIELDS_MOVIES.&quot;dispname&quot; = 'OrigDuration'">
    <!--Illustration of custom NUMBER field;
Standard field not used because it's formated HH:MM:SS and can't be edited-->
  <ConfigItem Ignore="true" McField="MediaInfo.Video" Type="CUSTOM String" PvdExpression="Select VCODECS.&quot;value&quot; || ', ' || MOVIES.&quot;resolution&quot; || ', ' ||&#xD;&#xA;  MOVIES.&quot;videobitrate&quot; || ' Kbps'&#xD;&#xA;From MOVIES inner join VCODECS on VCODECS.&quot;vcid&quot; = MOVIES.&quot;videocodec&quot;&#xD;&#xA;Where MOVIES.&quot;mid&quot;=@id">
    <!--Illustration of custom string CONCATENATION-->
  <ConfigItem Ignore="true" McField="MediaInfo.Audio" Type="CUSTOM String" PvdExpression="Select ACODECS.&quot;value&quot; || ', ' || AUDIO.&quot;bitrate&quot; || ' Kbps'&#xD;&#xA;From MOVIES inner join AUDIO On MOVIES.&quot;mid&quot; = AUDIO.&quot;mid&quot; inner join ACODECS on ACODECS.&quot;acid&quot; = AUDIO.&quot;acid&quot;&#xD;&#xA;Where MOVIES.&quot;mid&quot;=@id"></ConfigItem>

I included most of the standard fields included in PVD, illustrations of each of the four different types of custom fields, and a few tricks. Note that I always use a "." in my custom field names—to make them distinct from MC standard fields. So "Name" is the MC standard field Name, while "Year." is a custom field.

Maybe you and Darichman could cooperate on this?

I hope he, and anyone else who is interested will test this, offer comments and suggest additions. While this covers most of the different fields available, it would be nice to include more options for handling some of the items. For example, I've included the obvious query for Actors, but also darichman's brilliant alternative of creating a nested list with Actor\Role.


  • MC Beta Team
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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #110 on: May 22, 2009, 10:36:14 am »

Yeah, really sorry I haven't been around much lately... I'm getting a bit overwhelmed with things away from the computer (yes, I know, shock horror!!). Have my final set of exams coming up in the not too distant future... eek! :-\

Looking at the change logs for the last few versions it really looks like things are coming together! I'll put in some time in the next week or so - I agree a nice template to begin with, for users to customise the plugin to suit their own fields etc is a great idea.

Alrite, its half past one over here. Bed time for me!



  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #111 on: May 22, 2009, 12:13:06 pm »

Known Issues 1.0.12:
o If you select too many files (in the hundreds) in "Send To...", the PvdImportContextMenu.exe applications may get confused. Select fewer (50, maybe)!

o Changed: Some more comments in the user manual
o Changed: Several new fields/rows and corresponding sql+description, thanks to
o Feature: New Description column in Field Configuration: Contains description of rows
o Feature: New checkbox which allows the user to hide Description column
o Changed: Some cosmetics in field configuration + corresponding tooltip changes
o Changed: "Sucess" -> "Success" :)
o Changed: Internal stuff: Databinding of all controls now works according to how they're supposed to
o Changed: Internal stuff: Split view code from data handling code. Better structure of data handling code


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #112 on: May 22, 2009, 12:48:35 pm »

I included most of the standard fields included in PVD, illustrations of each of the four different types of custom fields, and a few tricks. Note that I always use a "." in my custom field names—to make them distinct from MC standard fields. So "Name" is the MC standard field Name, while "Year." is a custom field.
That dot is actually a pretty good idea. It avoids fields being grabbed by MC - also it's easier to see which fields "belong to you".

I changed the default MC user field names so that the "." is in the beginning of the field name, sorry about that, ! The reason is that I'd like some "more system" in the naming + it's less likely that JRiver adds a field with a "." in the beginning sometime in the future.

I know i said "no more features" but the Description field seemed neccessary...

  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #113 on: May 22, 2009, 02:47:12 pm »

It seems the posted version is still 1.0.11. :(

I changed the default MC user field names so that the "." is in the beginning of the field name, sorry about that,!

That's okay—users are going to have their own preference as to how to handle this. The point is, one needs to have a way of distinguishing custom field display names. Even though the display name can be anything—including the same as that used for the standard field—only the display name appears in lists. So, "Genre" becomes "Genre.", and the "." is reasonably unobtrusive when it appears in a column header (or wherever). ".Genre" works just as well, except for one thing: ".Genre" and "Genre" will not appear together in lists. This matters, as it's often necessary to appreciate both exist in order to choose the one that is appropriate in the circumstances.

Your "more system" consideration, however, is important as well. Maybe it's better to do it this way just to be really clear in distinguishing custom from standard fields in the default. Users will have to create any custom fields they want to use anyway—so they can change the display name according to their own preferences as they do so. BTW, while it's not directly relevant to the plugin, it's probably good practise to name all custom fields "pvd.Fieldname" (with a display name of ".Fieldname" or "Fieldname.")—to distinguish them from custom fields added for other reasons.

o Changed: Several new fields/rows and corresponding sql+description, thanks to

Who is ;)


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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #114 on: May 22, 2009, 03:03:15 pm »

It seems the posted version is still 1.0.11. :(
Sometimes, you're really fast :) . You must have downloaded it between me posting on the forum and uploading to the site...

It should be the correct version now, though.

Who is ;)

Sorry :)

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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #115 on: May 22, 2009, 05:08:42 pm »

Sometimes, you're really fast Smiley . You must have downloaded it between me posting on the forum and uploading to the site...

Nope. It seems the problem was Firefox (or Windows?) was getting the previously downloaded file from cache. Rather than using the link, I had to right-click, select "save link as..." and give it a different name. It would be helpful if you could include the version number in the installer filename. That also makes it easier for those of us who like to keep a few versions of releases.

I know i said "no more features" but the Description field seemed neccessary...

Perfect! As I was working on it, I wondered if you could do something like this, but thought I'd better respect your "no more features" decision. I might have known that would be overridden by "do the right thing." ;D 

I think this will work very well. It will be an easy way do document the purpose of, and provide instruction for the use of the queries provided. It will also provide the user with the means to document their own modifications.

For custom fields, it would be helpful to indicate the recommended Data Type of the field the user is to create. In the interest of brevity, it could be left out if it's the default String. Otherwise, for example:

     McField     Description
     .Genre     McField: User (List)
     .Rating IMDb     McField: User (Decimal)
     .Budget     McField: User (Integer)

I think it's important to avoid the MC default Year field. Unless I've managed to get myself (and/or my MC configuration) confused, this is the display name for the Date (year) field—a calculated field based on the file date modified. So whatever is put in the Year McField will be overwritten by the year according to the date modified file stamp.


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #116 on: May 22, 2009, 06:26:05 pm »

I think it's important to avoid the MC default Year field. Unless I've managed to get myself (and/or my MC configuration) confused, this is the display name for the Date (year) field—a calculated field based on the file date modified. So whatever is put in the Year McField will be overwritten by the year according to the date modified file stamp.
Yeah, I realized this after I'd uploaded the file.

And I'll add those recommended field types.


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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #117 on: May 23, 2009, 08:38:56 am »

Rick's excel doc has inspired me to go ahead and build a config file with most of the fields PVD can pull from IMDb and AMG. My set-up is similar to Rick's. My field name setup isn't very standardised, however... It's probably a bit over-inclusive, as it includes just about every custom field you can pull from AMG and IMDb, using the import plugins Rick and I developed a while ago.

I've also put together a rather colourful (and sortable) excel document which shows which fields are matched to what. My field names are a little different than Rick's, both in MC and PVD, so there are some slight changes to the corresponding SQL queries. It should be easy enough for the user to change the relevant bits to suit their field names, however. I'll also post the PVD settings I used to get the info (import plugin and custom fields, so anyone can replicate it if they need to)

Just a heads up, the plugin doesn't work with MC14, although there's probably not a lot we can do about that at the moment... when you install it into the MC14 plugin directory it doesn't appear in the plugin manager (and you can't import the *.dll's manually either). Have you locked it to a particular version? Other interface plugins I had installed for 13 were picked up automatically by 14. Looks like I'll be version hopping for a bit! - but I can definitely justify it to use this great plugin.

As far as using "Year" goes... "Year" in MC refers to the [Date (Year)] field which is, as you say, used when showing "Date". It is not automatically modified from the file timestamp if you manually put another value in there. I've used the standard Year field for all my movies for a while - I guess it's just a matter of what you prefer.

Thanks again guys for the hard work - it's all taking shape now :)

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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #118 on: May 23, 2009, 04:14:16 pm »

I've also put together a rather colourful (and sortable) excel document which shows which fields are matched to what.

My comments and questions on your worksheet:

  • Are you sure Year "is not automatically modified from the file timestamp if you manually put another value in there"? I haven't actually tested it, but my concern is MC may "detect external changes" (or whatever) and update the field based on a new Date Modified. It may seem unlikely a media file would change, but maybe the effect would be the same even if the file was just moved.

  • You've noted Release date doesn't work. Your query should refer to rdate, not release. Release is a separate string field not currently used by PVD. I use it for recording movie "series" (e.g., Star Wars, James Bond).

  • The query for Original Language returns only a code—revised query below.

  • Production Credits consists of HTML links—have you found a way to use this in MC?

  • How do you use your "Genre / Genre 1 / AMG Genres" fiield?

  • How do you use your "Links" fields in MC—particularly URL, which typically contains more than one URL?

Query for Original Language:

Code: [Select]
Select LANGUAGES."value"
From MOVIES inner join LANGUAGES On MOVIES."origlang" = LANGUAGES."lid"
Where MOVIES."mid" =@id

It's not clear to me what you think should be included in the default field configuration. I believe we need to be careful not to overwhelm the new user (to PVD, as well as the plugin) by including too many queries they are unlikely to use. This is the process I imagine a typical new user is likely to go through:

1. Install and configure PVD in the simplest possible way—using standard fields only, populating them with IMDb only.

2. Install and configure PvdImport. Find that all standard PVD fields are already configured, although some require the creation of custom MC fields to accommodate the data. Create these custom fields according to tips (e.g., data type) included in the row descriptions. Create a view scheme to display this information.

3. Learn that meta data from other sources (e.g., AllMovie) may be added to, or combined with (i.e., for some elements, use one source rather than the other) the IMDb information. Create custom fields to accommodate additional information. Configure overwrite settings to effect desired combination of sources. This step takes some time for one to rationalize their personal preferences as to what information to collect, and this has nothing to do with the PvdImport configuration (i.e., it just needs to accommodate the final result).

4. Add custom fields to PvdImport configuration to accommodate the PVD custom fields added in 3. Create the necessary query by copying and modifying the sample provided for the same data type. Add the corresponding custom field to MC (or map it to an unused standard field, if that works) and incorporate it into view schemes.

5. At this point, it should be appreciated the configuration is not nearly as intimidating as it probably seemed initially. Modifications are easy to make, by direct editing of queries, or using the Ignore feature to switch between alternate queries.

Thus my suggestion the default configuration file should avoid creating any confusion for those at step 2, while providing helpful options and illustrations for those at step 4. Also, I think it's important to make it clear what is a PVD configuration issue (including all matters of personal preference as to what meta data is collected and how) versus a plugin or MC configuration issue. I hope people will go to PVD for the former, and here for the latter.

A few suggestions come out of this:

1. Now that the queries are ordered in a logical fashion, it would be nice to be able to change the order from within the plugin, and/or be able to insert a new query rather than add it to the end of the list. (For those of use who care about such things, however, this is very easy to do using a XML editor.)

2. Maybe the queries provided as an illustration of how to handle a custom data type should be grouped together at the end of the list—so it's clear this is what they are for.

Just a heads up, the plugin doesn't work with MC14...

Did I read something about a new import facility? If so, will this have any impact on the plugin, or user's perception of it's usefulness?


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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #119 on: May 23, 2009, 11:14:18 pm »

Thanks for the updated queries :)

Are you sure Year "is not automatically modified from the file timestamp if you manually put another value in there"? I haven't actually tested it, but my concern is MC may "detect external changes" (or whatever) and update the field based on a new Date Modified.

I'm not a developer, but this is my understanding (disclaimer: based more on experience than actual knowledge of what's going on under the hood!)

[Date] is filled out automatically from the file stamp on first import of any file, unless the file has an embedded tag which contains date information (eg EXIF for images, ID3 for mp3 etc). Unfortunately with video files, embedded tags aren't well supported by any media players that I know of, so any video you import with MC will use the timestamp as the [Date] field by default. [Date] is made up of [Date (Year)] etc but these can be edited independently. Typically, I clear the [Date] field altogether (to remove date and time values) and then just type in a year. The good thing is, once you clear the date field or replace it with another value (eg the release year for a movie) it's there to stay, as it's stored in the database. The time-stamp of a video file won't really change in most circusmtances - Auto-import etc will not change the [Date] fields once you've put a value in there... I've done this for years now with no issues.

The advantage of using the default date fields over a custom one is that Sort by Date etc works natively with default views/sort options.

It may seem unlikely a media file would change, but maybe the effect would be the same even if the file was just moved.

If a file is moved or renamed, MC loses it's connection to the file. If an auto-import is done or the new file is imported manually, MC will import the renamed/moved file as a new file, as it has no way of knowing that it is related to an existing file in the database. This means all metadata will be blank, apart from the default [Date] (based on timestamp) described above -- the file is essentially a new file. The exception is for files which are taggable (eg MC will detect if tagged mp3s or photos have been moved, although these already contain readable metadata so the point is moot I guess).

This affects all fields, so whether you're using the default date fields or a custom one isn't important.

Production Credits consists of HTML links—have you found a way to use this in MC?

My original idea was to use the information in this field, as is, in a track info template - which is really just a generated html page anyway. Then I remembered that you can't use the track info plugin with video (as the file needs to be playing to see it, and with video files the display will naturally be the... err video. So that was a dead end. I would like to have this information, even just as plain text without the link functionality in an extended note field... but haven't been able to come up with a way to filter out the link stuff. So it's just in there to remind me it still exists. It's ignored by default I think.

How do you use your "Links" fields in MC—particularly URL, which typically contains more than one URL?

My "URL" field from PVD only contains the IMDb link (I use a custom one for AMG) - so I have two corresponding custom fields in MC, both string. People have asked for a new field type, "Link" to be available, which would make custom fields like these launchable (either with the existing internal browser interface, or by launching an external browser window). The other thing I was trying to do was use the inbuilt Links feature (in the top right of any view) to launch the url in these fields - I didn't have any luck with this, as I was only able to get it to search, not open a direct URL. Grr... so, I guess these are in there just for storage at the moment, until I figure out how to get either of the above ideas to work!

How do you use your "Genre / Genre 1 / AMG Genres" fiield?

I still haven't decided which Genre system to use for movies (either IMDb's or AMG's). This accounts for my separate [AMG Genres] and [IMDb Genres] fields. AMG's genres tend to me more strictly defined, so I am using those by default at the moment.

I am only using the default [Genre] field temporarily, as it is bizarrely a string field (not a list) but at least displays in the current File Info panel in theatre view. Once the file info panel is customisable, this will go away for good ;)

I have detailed my Type and Genre system elsewhere... briefly I have two type fields [Type 1] & [Type 2] and three genre fields [Genre 1], [Genre 2] and [Genre 3] on which my entire media library is based (not just videos). [Genre 1] is my broadest level, and is currently the only level I'm using for movies (although I was thinking of mapping AMG's type field to [Genre 2], as it's really a more specific classification of genre)

[Type 1] and [Type 2] are used as filters for creating all of my view schemes etc. Eg. [Type 1] might be Film , with [Type 2] as Feature Film, Trailer, Soundtrack etc. Both levels are lists so a soundtrack will have a [Type 1] of Music;Film and a [Type 2] of Film Soundtrack. This allows me, for example, to see all media related to a particular movie (music, pictures, sheet music, trailers, special features, screenplay etc as well as the movie itself) when I click on a movie name. Alternatively, I can limit a view to "Feature Film" which would only show me the actual movie files themselves.

It's not clear to me what you think should be included in the default field configuration. I believe we need to be careful not to overwhelm the new user (to PVD, as well as the plugin) by including too many queries they are unlikely to use.

I do not think mine should be the default configuration. I think we should have a default which contains only the default fields which PVD can grab (ie without any customisation). As you say, exemplary custom field queries could be included at the bottom of the plugin page, ignored by default. This should be the default config file used by PVDImport on a new install.

I also think it's worthwhile including a second config file in the installation folder with an exhaustive list of fields which users can select from. After all, it's easier to delete the ones you don't want than create a million new ones. If this is done, we do need to recognise that no system is the best system and, as you say, people have different preferences for both sources of information and field mappings.

I've made my import plugin (AMG/IMDb) and PVD settings available, as has Rick, so advanced users can replicate our setups if they want to, but I suspect most users will prefer to do things in a way which best suits their individualised needs. Provide the option - a quick, easy default setup which requires little to no customisation, and an advanced option... which would probably require some sort of hand-holding through how the fields need to be set up/imported...

I'd like to post a "MC Users Guide to getting information from PVD  using PVDImport - This could include all the steps you mention. I think the key issue is field mapping and this occurs at two levels (Internet Source > PVD ... and.... PVD > MC). There is plenty of opportunity for confusion, especially if the user is overwhelmed with massive spreadsheets/config fields with every conceivable field. I have documented my setup with screenshots etc as well, so it shouldn't be too hard to put something together... time is the issue though :P

Some feature suggestions, although I have no idea whether the plugin implementation in MC makes these possible or not (or how much work it would take on raldo's end ;))
  • I think it would be nice if the plugin could detect if fields listed in the McField column are present or not. If test mode could detect this and highlight the fields in red or something, this would tell the user they need to create the corresponding field in MC.
  • I like Rick's idea of also showing what field type it is - would assist greatly in mapping fields appropriately

Did I read something about a new import facility? If so, will this have any impact on the plugin, or user's perception of it's usefulness?

No, the change is related to importing files, not metadata (basically detecting folders suitable for import based on a few settings).
Pvd will still retain its usefulness, and will for some time, I'm sure...


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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #120 on: May 23, 2009, 11:39:46 pm »

EDIT: I just noticed a problem. The custom short string values (Moods, Tones, Themes etc) in the config file I uploaded output with a comma "," as the separator, not a semicolon. Something's afoot...!

I think this is because I stored most of my custom fields as "Short Text" fields in PVD. This worked fine with our old MPL export templates which could replace "," with ";". But naturally with PvdImport these are outputting as a string, not as separate values so the ; delimiter is not getting applied. *Bangs head on desk for not realising this sooner*

EDIT Again: I changed the relevant custom fields to Select List, but I'm still seeing this.
Have I stumbled across a problem here, or am I just missing something obvious?

Rick, does your query for Moods return commas or semicolons on your setup?

Code: [Select]
Where MOVIES."mid" =@id and CUSTOM_FIELDS_MOVIES."dispname" = 'Moods'

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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #121 on: May 24, 2009, 05:47:55 am »

Auto-import etc will not change the [Date] fields once you've put a value in there...

I think we both got it wrong.  :o

You convinced me I should be able to use the standard Year field. But when I tried, I found it could not be overwritten. I think it's just a pseudo field that reflects the year of Date. It could be updated by importing a Date, but we don't have the proper date value. It seems importing is different than manually entering something—that will, as you say, will be stored in the database and not changed by anything else.

It occurs to me that if we could convert Release date to an MC date value, it could be saved as Date and that would provide Year as well. The problem with this is the year of release is not always the year of the movie. Sometimes a movie is completed in the year before release, and users may use a later release date (e.g., that for their own location).

So I think we need to accept "movie years" are different from "MC years," and stick with a custom Year field for video.

If a file is moved or renamed, MC loses it's connection to the file.

True, but the plugin has allow MC to finally handle my strange work flow. I tend to download, watch and delete. The "delete" is done with a script that creates a null filename.log file, moves it to a "viewed" folder, and then deletes filename.avi. Filename is "Title (Year)" and the date modified is soon after viewing, so my "viewed" folder is sort of a log of my viewing. The file, of course, is "gone" to MC. But the PVD scanner records the change in filename and path. MC picks up the log as a new file, and then the plugin re-imports the meta data. This way, I get to keep all the information about the movies I've seen, whether I keep them or not. It's convoluted, but more or less automatic.

I have detailed my Type and Genre system elsewhere...

I thought it sounded familiar. Thanks for the recap. ;)

I also think it's worthwhile including a second config file in the installation folder with an exhaustive list of fields which users can select from.

If we provide for standard fields and an example of every possible kind of query, that should be enough. Providing more custom fields just glosses over the fact the user can add whatever they want, and there are only four different query forms needed for them. Or to look at it another way: First, users have to add a custom field to PVD and make sure it's properly populated (e.g., by a script). Then a corresponding field has to be added to MC and format suitability considered (e.g., perhaps an expression is necessary to display it properly). Having gone this far, it's probably easier to copy one of four queries and edit as required, rather than searching "an exhaustive list" for one that best fits—but likely still needs editing.

Anything beyond the most straightforward configuration (which may still be more that what many users need) reaches into areas of pure personal preference. What would help (in a future version) is a field mapping facility that would detect all fields in the PVD database, provide a query, and allow a destination MC field to be matched or created for each one. But even this would have to be kept simple and flexible, recognizing, for example, some users will want to concatenate and map fields in unconventional ways.

Let's not forget there's probably still some room for including some optional queries in the default configuration—not for additional fields, but for different ways of handling the information (e.g., the nested Actor\Roles field). I've figured out a way of handling series that works for me, but I realize people are going to want to do that different ways. Maybe we can provide more tools to help make that easier.

EDIT Again: I changed the relevant custom fields to Select List, but I'm still seeing this.
Have I stumbled across a problem here, or am I just missing something obvious?

A Select List is a field where you select one item from a list—the result is a string. What you want is a Multiselect List—the PVD equivalent of MC's semicolon-delimited list. For example, I save Moods in a Multiselect List and the query works fine—the items are semicolon delimited.


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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #122 on: May 24, 2009, 06:58:44 am »

I think we both got it wrong.  :o

You convinced me I should be able to use the standard Year field. But when I tried, I found it could not be overwritten. I think it's just a pseudo field that reflects the year of Date. It could be updated by importing a Date, but we don't have the proper date value. It seems importing is different than manually entering something—that will, as you say, will be stored in the database and not changed by anything else.

Set McField to: Date (Year)   (NOT Year)

And use the usual query:

Code: [Select]
Select MOVIES."year"
Where MOVIES."mid"=@id

That seems to work okay!

Let's not forget there's probably still some room for including some optional queries in the default configuration—not for additional fields, but for different ways of handling the information (e.g., the nested Actor\Roles field). I've figured out a way of handling series that works for me, but I realize people are going to want to do that different ways. Maybe we can provide more tools to help make that easier.

I was thinking of getting a bit creative and trying to do something to combine all of the "People" fields (Director, Producer, Actor etc) in some useful way. This could be useful for people who have had multiple roles, both acting and production-wise, in films.

If we use queries like:

Code: [Select]
Select PEOPLE."name" || '\' || 'Director'
From PEOPLE Inner join CAREER on (CAREER."pid" = PEOPLE."pid")
Where CAREER."ctype" = 1 And CAREER."mid" = @id


Code: [Select]
Select PEOPLE."name" || '\' || 'Producer'
From PEOPLE Inner join CAREER on (CAREER."pid" = PEOPLE."pid")
Where CAREER."ctype" = 4 And CAREER."mid" = @id

is there any way to link the output of the query so we get: [SQL Result A];[SQL Result B] ?

If we could do this we could emulate the works list you get in PVD when you click on a person (ie, the acting roles they've been in as well as any directorial/production roles)
Might be useful in creating "People" focused views in MC. Just a thought.

A Select List is a field where you select one item from a list—the result is a string. What you want is a Multiselect List—the PVD equivalent of MC's semicolon-delimited list. For example, I save Moods in a Multiselect List and the query works fine—the items are semicolon delimited.

Wow, you'd have thought I'd have picked that up by now. I guess my old way of exporting was masking this for me. Thanks for clearing it up... now to run all the imports in PVD again :)

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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #123 on: May 24, 2009, 12:22:49 pm »

Set McField to: Date (Year)   (NOT Year)

OIC. It's the field name Date (year) with the display name Year. Duh! :-[

is there any way to link the output of the query so we get: [SQL Result A];[SQL Result B] ?

You could do an MC ListCombine of the separate results, but I haven't yet come across a way to combine separate queries into one. That would be less "messy," and would have a more general application—for combining anything that doesn't really need to be in separate fields.


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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #124 on: May 24, 2009, 09:56:15 pm »

You could do an MC ListCombine of the separate results, but I haven't yet come across a way to combine separate queries into one. That would be less "messy," and would have a more general application—for combining anything that doesn't really need to be in separate fields.

We seem to be on the same page with a lot of things ;) I did consider this - in my experience with the listcombine feature, it can really slow down large views. If we put nesting in the mix as well... We can only try it out I guess.

You seem pretty nifty with concatenation - I shamelessly copied your audio/video information queries ;)
This just adds another step (the "\Role" part after each entry). I wonder if there's another way to get an output of: Directorname\Director;Producername\Producer;Actorname\Role etc etc


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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #125 on: May 25, 2009, 12:51:54 am »

Guys, in case you'll worry later, where did the camel's back break, I believe it's my duty to point that that time is _now_, when you started using random inner joins between fields to make the plugin output data in a custom way. :)
I believe this is called the JRiver symptom, and it manifests by a logarithmic explosion of database usage styles, the moment you got your hands on the tools. Doesn't matter what's out there - me, myself and my custom taste rule the world! :)

Please divide time for writing a help file!  ;D

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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #126 on: May 25, 2009, 01:38:49 am »

We seem to be on the same page with a lot of things ;) I did consider this - in my experience with the listcombine feature, it can really slow down large views. If we put nesting in the mix as well... We can only try it out I guess.

Yes, I've already discovered I have a serious problem just selecting "too many" records at the same time from my default "everything" view. I suppose MC is trying to read the whole works into memory. I get around this by using a simpler view for operations requiring the selection of a large number of records.

I wonder if there's another way to get an output of: Directorname\Director;Producername\Producer;Actorname\Role etc etc

There must be a way using sub-queries, derived tables or unions (SQL stuff I don't yet understand), but I haven't been able to figure it out. The best I can come up with is...

Code: [Select]
Select PEOPLE."name" || '\' || CAREER."ctype" || '\' || CAREER."role"
From PEOPLE inner join CAREER on (CAREER."pid" = PEOPLE."pid") inner join MOVIES on CAREER."mid" = MOVIES."mid"
Where CAREER."mid" =@id

...the result of which is rather tacky. :-\


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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #127 on: May 25, 2009, 01:45:23 am »

What's the conclusion on the Year field?! (There's a lot of text above and I am afraid I don't have time to get too involved in your SQL discussions   :) )

Darichman, did you test those extra amg fields in the attachment of your previous post?

If yes, do you guys think a "bloated" config file is ok for initial release?


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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #128 on: May 25, 2009, 01:55:23 am »

Another issue:

Do you think the MC Name field should be omitted from the config file?

When you initially import a video, this field is populated by mc based on the filename. I usually clean up this field and I've seen that an import from PVD can sometimes have weird effects. for example, if PVD doesn't reckognize the video, you may get any kind of result back. Then it's hard to figure out which file you're dealing with after an import from PVD. Also, PVD swaps the location of articles ("The", etc) to the end of the name...


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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #129 on: May 25, 2009, 01:59:28 am »

Guys, in case you'll worry later, where did the camel's back break, I believe it's my duty to point that that time is _now_, when you started using random inner joins between fields to make the plugin output data in a custom way. :)

I think you're exaggerating in suggesting we're there now, but I agree we should be careful not to put ourselves in the middle of users' customization fantasies. Personally, I believe the collection and management of video meta data should be done with PVD—that's what it's designed for. Once that's done, the plugin does a very good job of moving the data into MC on a straightforward 1:1 field mapping basis. As far as I'm concerned, if users then have a problem handling the data in MC—that's an MC issue.

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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #130 on: May 25, 2009, 03:03:09 am »

What's the conclusion on the Year field?!

It's the field name Date (year) with the display name Year.

If yes, do you guys think a "bloated" config file is ok for initial release?

No! It should be similar to the current one, with a few modifications and changes...

I do not think mine should be the default configuration. I think we should have a default which contains only the default fields which PVD can grab (ie without any customisation). As you say, exemplary custom field queries could be included at the bottom of the plugin page, ignored by default. This should be the default config file used by PVDImport on a new install.

When you initially import a video, this field is populated by mc based on the filename. I usually clean up this field and I've seen that an import from PVD can sometimes have weird effects. for example, if PVD doesn't reckognize the video, you may get any kind of result back. Then it's hard to figure out which file you're dealing with after an import from PVD.

I suppose it could go into a custom Title. field—but not because there is any good reason why Name should be something different than Title. I don't agree with the premise the Title in PVD is likely to be incorrect, while Name in MC is correct. If the title in PVD is not exactly what it should be, it can only be because PVD is not correctly configured or updated—user error. But using a separate field and comparing the two might be a helpful way to detect errors. The method of correcting any error, however, would be to fix it in PVD, and then re-import.

Having said that, I personally don't see any point in this. I have no difficulty ensuring the data is correct in PVD—so I would want it to overwrite anything that's different in MC anyway. I think it would be better for the default configuration to put Title into Name, and perhaps include the option of a custom field. The description for the optional query could explain that while PVD's Title should be an appropriate Name, one might prefer to use a custom field so Name can be used as a test for error conditions. Including it, however, may raise more questions than it's worth.

Also, PVD swaps the location of articles ("The", etc) to the end of the name.

This is configurable in PVD. It's a matter of personal preference, but I can't imagine why anyone would want it one way in PVD, and another in MC.


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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #131 on: May 25, 2009, 05:14:42 am »

Darichman, did you test those extra amg fields in the attachment of your previous post?

If yes, do you guys think a "bloated" config file is ok for initial release?

1. Yes, I tested all of them, they work fine - apart from Release & Language (an production credits works, it just contains some html stuff too though). Rick corrected my Release one, but I still can't get original language to work
2. No, keep the default one simple. Rick's one from further up would probably suffice (just fix up the Date reference).

I think we should have a default which contains only the default fields which PVD can grab (ie without any customisation). As you say, exemplary custom field queries could be included at the bottom of the plugin page, ignored by default. This should be the default config file used by PVDImport on a new install.

I did suggest maybe putting an expanded (IMDb +AMG) one in the plugin folder as well, as an option if the user requires it... I've attached my updated one below.

Do you think the MC Name field should be omitted from the config file?

Personally, yes. Perhaps it could be ignored by default.


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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #132 on: May 25, 2009, 05:18:17 am »

I suppose it could go into a custom Title. field—but not because there is any good reason why Name should be something different than Title. I don't agree with the premise the Title in PVD is likely to be incorrect, while Name in MC is correct. If the title in PVD is not exactly what it should be, it can only be because PVD is not correctly configured or updated—user error. But using a separate field and comparing the two might be a helpful way to detect errors. The method of correcting any error, however, would be to fix it in PVD, and then re-import.

Well, the promise wasn't that it was *likely* to be incorrect. It's actually worse when it's incorrect one out of, say, 100 movies because then you'll more likely miss the error. We can't expect everyone to know the inns and outs of PVD the first time they use it, can we?

For example, say the name in MC is complete and non ambigous, and the lookup in PVD has failed because the filename couldn't be resolved in PVD. After an import, you'll have both the "wrong" or ambigous filename in MC and the wrong Name field.

This happened for 4 out of 500 files for me. I ended up restoring and older DB..

What about resolving it as follows: Put "Ignore" on Name and a warning in the field Description?


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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #133 on: May 25, 2009, 05:22:01 am »

I did suggest maybe putting an expanded (IMDb +AMG) one in the plugin folder as well, as an option if the user requires it... I've attached my updated one below.

Ok. That's a good idea.


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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #134 on: May 25, 2009, 05:23:54 am »

Btw, how does 1.0.12 look, did you guys find any snags (apart from the field config stuff)?

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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #135 on: May 25, 2009, 06:52:20 am »

We can't expect everyone to know the inns and outs of PVD the first time they use it, can we?

Exactly—this is the main reason for my concern. I know my PVD data is perfect, and all I need to do is get it into MC. Virtually no other users (I'm aware of) have this perspective. Other users are more likely to be familiar with MC, but know little about PVD, and are primarily interested in the plugin as a means of obtaining video information to add to their MC database. From this perspective, titles/names not agreeing suggests a problem or an unreliability that should be addressed by the plugin. I just think you should do what you can to avoid creating that impression.

What about resolving it as follows: Put "Ignore" on Name and a warning in the field Description?

Yes, that would be fine—with a description/comment something like, "In most situations, the PVD 'Title' would be an appropriate 'Name' in MC. Since MC automatically fills 'Name' from the filename, however, it is recommended 'Title' be imported to a separate custom field. In rare cases where the media has been misidentified or incorrectly updated in PVD, the resulting difference between 'Title' and 'Name' may be useful in identifying the error."

I still can't get original language to work

It works for me. I don't know why it would make a difference, but this one's not a list field—are you putting the result in a string field?
Edit: Oops. Now I see—it only works in a some cases. Back to the drawing board. ::)

Btw, how does 1.0.12 look, did you guys find any snags

It seems solid. I didn't go out of my way so test it in ways not applicable to my circumstances, however. For example, the cover art feature works fine for "InTheSameFolderAsTheFile," but I didn't test other options.

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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #136 on: May 25, 2009, 01:58:08 pm »

Edit: Oops. Now I see—it only works in a some cases. Back to the drawing board.

Query for Original Language:
Code: [Select]
Select LANGUAGES."value"
From MOVIES inner join LANGUAGES on MOVIES."origlang" = LANGUAGES."lid"
Where MOVIES."mid" =@id

I had MOVIES."num" rather than MOVIES."mid". Apparently, details matter. :-[


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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #137 on: May 25, 2009, 04:11:42 pm »

Known Issues 1.0.13:
o If you select too many files (in the hundreds) in "Send To...", the PvdImportContextMenu.exe applications may get confused. Select fewer (50, maybe)!

o Changed: Updated field configuration to contain Darichman's suggestions too.
o Feature: New checkbox "Ignore". When selected all fields marked Ignore are displayed, otherwise, none marked ignore are displayed.

I.e., the default field configuration file is a "Maximum version", but the "Ignore" checkbox makes the display less intimidating when PvdImport is first started..

Sorry,, no version number in the file name. I'm already doing about 10 steps to get every release out there...

Any comments on the field config file? If yes, please post suggestions with the original field names. (Then I can use a diff tool to verify the changes)


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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #138 on: May 25, 2009, 04:21:50 pm »

I wonder if there's another way to get an output of: Directorname\Director;Producername\Producer;Actorname\Role etc

To further darichman's never-ending quest to transform MC—kicking and screaming—into a relational database, I offer the following query. This is for putting all people associated with a movie into the standard People field—nested as Name\Career and Name\Actor\Title: Role for acting roles.

I suggest this be included as an optional query in the default configuration—for those who might prefer a nested list for people instead of a separate field for each of the five "careers." Who knows, a nested field might even be more efficient.

Any comments on the field config file?

Oops. I wasn't fast enough. Well, maybe 1.0.14? :'(

Code: [Select]
Select PEOPLE."name" || '\Actor\' || MOVIES."title" || ': ' || CAREER."role"
From MOVIES inner join CAREER on MOVIES."mid" = CAREER."mid" inner join PEOPLE on PEOPLE."pid" = CAREER."pid"
Where CAREER."ctype" = 0 and MOVIES."mid" = @id
Select PEOPLE."name" || '\Director'
From MOVIES inner join CAREER on MOVIES."mid" = CAREER."mid" inner join PEOPLE on PEOPLE."pid" = CAREER."pid"
Where CAREER."ctype" = 1 and MOVIES."mid" = @id
Select PEOPLE."name" || '\Screenwriter'
From MOVIES inner join CAREER on MOVIES."mid" = CAREER."mid" inner join PEOPLE on PEOPLE."pid" = CAREER."pid"
Where CAREER."ctype" = 2 and MOVIES."mid" = @id
Select PEOPLE."name" || '\Composer'
From MOVIES inner join CAREER on MOVIES."mid" = CAREER."mid" inner join PEOPLE on PEOPLE."pid" = CAREER."pid"
Where CAREER."ctype" = 3 and MOVIES."mid" = @id
Select PEOPLE."name" || '\Producer'
From MOVIES inner join CAREER on MOVIES."mid" = CAREER."mid" inner join PEOPLE on PEOPLE."pid" = CAREER."pid"
Where CAREER."ctype" = 4 and MOVIES."mid" = @id

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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #139 on: May 25, 2009, 07:40:12 pm »

o Feature: New checkbox "Ignore". When selected all fields marked Ignore are displayed, otherwise, none marked ignore are displayed.

This is nice.

o Changed: Updated field configuration to contain Darichman's suggestions too.

This is not. Not that there's anything wrong with darichman's suggestions, but most of them are dependent upon his personal PVD configuration. I have some of the same in mine, and I excluded them from my proposed default configuration because I realized they would just create unnecessary confusion. Users are going to try these queries, find they don't work, and likely fail to recognize it's because they have not created exactly the same custom field in PVD and/or configured a plugin or script to put the same data in that field.

The issue is not restricted to custom fields. To illustrate, darichman and I use both IMDb and AllMovie as data sources. I believe darichman's approach is to populate the PVD standard fields with IMDb data, and to put all of the AllMovie data into custom fields. My approach is to blend the two together, using very deliberate field overwrite settings to do so. Fields are not necessarily used for their original (IMDb based) design purpose. For example, AllMovie Synopsis goes into Description, Tones goes into Tags. Only truly unique, additional AllMovie data goes into custom fields.

My point is, if darichman and I were new users, including these additional queries would not help either of us. All any user needs, regardless of how they do things, is the ability to easily identify the query needed to import any particular field. Standard fields should always be referred to by their proper names, regardless of what they are used for. Custom fields are accessed according to the custom display names the user has given them. Any attempt to guess what data the user has configured PVD to save in a particular field is not useful and only likely to lead to confusion and errors.

I think the default field configuration should be as follows:

1. Include all PVD standard fields that are likely to be used. Some are too trivial to bother. Others might be concatenations—like my examples for summarized media information. Present them in logical groupings of similar data.

2. Use some discretion and mark some of the fields users are least likely to use as "Ignored." The combination of the Ignore feature and the logical grouping of the fields works very well for configuring the level of detail desired. Including a bunch of fields that don't exist obscures this.

3. Include a few alternative queries. For example, nested Actors\Roles instead of Actors, nested People\Career instead of (or in addition to) a separate field for every career.

4. At the end of the list, include queries to illustrate the form required for each of the four custom field data types:

     Data Type          PVD Field Type          MC Field Type     
     SHORTSTRShort text, Select
or Multiselect list
String, List
     LONGSTR     Memo     String     
     REALReal number,
Decimal, Rating

The last line of each of these queries is the only one that needs to be modified. Accordingly, the default could be...
CUSTOM_FIELDS_MOVIES."dispname" = 'your PVD custom field name'
...with the instruction, "This query is for [PVD field type]. Enter your custom field name ('dispname') in the last line of the query."

I'm sorry to be belabouring a point which must seem mundane, but my experience in supporting PVD suggests it will be very important not to confuse the task of configuring the plugin with matters of PVD configuration. Once PVD is configured to produce the results the user wants, configuring the plugin should be straightforward. It's important users understand that, or they will be asking how to configure the plugin in situations where they should be asking how to configure PVD.

What about resolving it as follows: Put "Ignore" on Name and a warning in the field Description?

I see you've done this, but I assumed there would be another query for a custom Title field. It seems to me not importing the title at all is even worse than the situation you were concerned about. Now PVD can get a different title from the filename (or it will be "corrected" by the download source) and get information for a different movie. This will be imported by the plugin with no indication whatsoever that the error has occurred. It would have been better to replace Name with the incorrect title. At least then the meta data would be consistent, but for the wrong media file. ;)


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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #140 on: May 26, 2009, 02:40:37 am »

I think the default field configuration should be as follows:

Should I revert to the previous version of the file, then? I haven't used PVD custom stuff, that's the reason why I ask all the time if you guys have tested the file!

If not, could you do me a favor and trim the file?

Please leave the original order and field names so I can use a diff tool to see the changes...


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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #141 on: May 26, 2009, 05:57:57 am »

How about this one.

- Updated Original Language query
- Date uses Date (Year)
- Removed custom fields Released by, Production Credits, AMG Category, AMG Type, custom genre fields, attributes, themes, tones, moods, flags, colour type, book, set in and review
- Mapped "Tags" to "Keywords" in MC
- Added in standard "Rating" and "Other Rating"
- Added in the People concatenated expression at the bottom, ignored by default
- Added in each of the four custom queries at the bottom, ignored by default (user replaces "FIELDNAMEHERE" with their field name)

As far as I can tell, all the default PVD fields are there, with no custom ones included (apart from the templates)


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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #142 on: May 26, 2009, 12:15:58 pm »

Ok, can we agree on this version of the config file?

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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #143 on: May 26, 2009, 03:53:23 pm »

Ok, can we agree on this version of the config file?

I've only did a quick comparison between darichman's proposal and this one, and decided to trust you reflected his changes appropriately.

Here's a list of the changes I made. The resulting configuration follows.

1. It probably doesn't matter, but I've deleted Sep=";" for fields types other than list.

2. .Title: Changed type to "User string" and deleted comment.

3. Release: Changed name to ".Release Date, type to "User string" and added comment "Use expression to convert format to YYYY-MM-DD for correct sorting."

4. Series: The query is a little different than mine, but looks okay—I'll test it later.

5. .Release: Added as ignored field with comment "A standard field in PVD which is not currently used and therefore available for custom use."

6. People: Changed comment to "Nested field alternative to using separate fields for actors, director, screenwriter, composer and producer."

7. .Rating User: Changed "," to "." in field name and changed McField to "User decimal."

8. .Rating Other: Added "McField: User decimal or integer / Comment: Field type depends on source."

9. .Budget and .Box Office: Changed McField to "User integer."

10. .MediaInfo Video/Audio: Changed comment to "Summary of media file video/audio information."

11. Custom field examples: Changed comments to "This query is for [PVD field type]. Enter your custom field name ('dispname') in the last line of the query."

The revised configuration file is posted here. BTW, why are we unable to attach such things here?! >:(


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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #144 on: May 26, 2009, 04:17:25 pm »

I've only did a quick comparison between darichman's proposal and this one, and decided to trust you reflected his changes appropriately.
Well, the file seems to converge towards something now anyways :)

Can you post a note when you've tested "Series"? I think we can call the package sort of healthy then...


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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #145 on: May 26, 2009, 07:33:01 pm »

What is the expected behaviour for "Series"? (I don't use it so had to make some dummy files with episodes etc)

I just tested it and the current expression is successful in pulling in the name of the episode from PVD.

TV Show Name
 > 1. Episode Title

Code: [Select]
Select MOVIES1."title"
From MOVIES inner join EPISODES on MOVIES."epid" = EPISODES."epid" inner join MOVIES MOVIES1 on EPISODES."mid" = MOVIES1."mid"
Where MOVIES."mid"=@id

Will pull "Episode Title". I'm not sure that's what we want... It goes in the [.Title] field anyway...

Does it serve any other purpose? Cut it?

Otherwise... I just ran the plugin on all my movies (~600) using mass import. No issues noted.
Are we ready to push this out the door?

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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #146 on: May 26, 2009, 08:56:44 pm »

What is the expected behaviour for "Series"?

The expected behaviour is to return the name of the series for an episode record. The query in the default was incorrect—it should be as follows:

Code: [Select]
Select MOVIES1."title"
From MOVIES inner join EPISODES on MOVIES."epid" = EPISODES."epid" inner join MOVIES MOVIES1 on EPISODES."mid" = MOVIES1."mid"
Where MOVIES."mid"=@id

What puzzles me, is this looks the same as the query you've posted. I though I was going to check this because it was different than mine. ?

I have a meeting. Will check more later...

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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #147 on: May 27, 2009, 02:12:27 am »

What puzzles me, is this looks the same as the query you've posted.

I suppose this is what I get when I formulate queries by trial & error, and never really understand why it works.  :P

In my testing, using Select MOVIES1."title" returns the series title, and Select MOVIES."title" the episode title. Are you sure you were using the former?

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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #148 on: May 27, 2009, 02:48:43 am »

Can you post a note when you've tested "Series"? I think we can call the package sort of healthy then...

My testing indicates the series query works. I just don't know why. ;)

I thought it would be a good idea if the default included more of the standard PVD fields. So I added the following—all as "ignored." I think the resulting "coverage" is pretty good. It doesn't include everything, but those left out are rather obscure or of questionable relevance in MC.

.Rating Name (name associated with .Rating Other)

.Date Added
.Date Modified
.Bookmark (so items bookmarked in PVD can be flagged in MC)

.Media Index
.Media Barcode
.Media Location
.Media Quality
.Media Features

The updated configuration file is here.

Are we ready to push this out the door?

I think so, but for one thing. PVD has just been released. I think we should make sure the queries work in it before releasing. I doubt the queries are affected at all, but better safe than sorry. Also, as long as we're sure is stable, it would be preferable to refer new plugin users to it, rather than I recommend waiting a few days at least. Who knows? Maybe a Theater View upgrade (with a video information panel) will materialize by then. ;D


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Re: Personal Video Database Import plugin - Test log
« Reply #149 on: May 27, 2009, 07:37:11 am »

Rick - I don't use series, so maybe I hadn't set something up right when I was testing it? Who knows. I'll trust your judgement :D

I have just installed PVD and set it as the database for 1.0.13 ... It appears to work fine with Rick's new config file (note that my custom fields in MC are named differently to the plugin, so these ones were tested only by looking at the SQL result column - Otherwise mass import and a "Send To" of 100 files worked perfectly)

I think we have a winner.

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