Right, where to start?

First let's clear this one up;
One question I have - with each new version you put out should we be deleting the itunes columns that are added by previous versions and starting fresh? My guess would be yes but want to make sure. (I didn't do this this time).
No, leave those columns alone. I don't foresee any future version requiring that those fields be deleted.
Ok, your other Q's;
1 - It appears that alot of changes were made to the album rating column. Nothing changed in my library since the last sync so I was surprised to see the below entries for alot of the tracks in my library. Not sure why the Album rating is being changed as nothing changed from the previous sync (here are a few examples - it doesn't appear to be anything consistent and maybe this is the correct handling of these items based off the ratings?)
If the album rating value is different in MC to the value in iTunes, it will change it to the value in iTunes (if the option is selected). Simple as that.
Now, understand the album rating can change in iTunes without you knowing. For instance, you may have an album that has one track that is rated 4. This means iTunes will rate your album
automatically as a 4-star album. If you then rate another two tracks in that album 2 stars then the album rating will automatically drop to 3 stars. And the dance goes on. If you then rate the album yourself as 4 stars, then iTunes will not automatically do anything to it from that point. All these changes would be sent across to MC if you checked the option.
Furthermore, as MC doesn't support Album Ratings out of the box this is an iTunes to MC only thing. That means if you start rating albums in MC, the next time you sync
the new values in MC will be overwritten by the values in iTunes.
2 - I had the option of adding files to itunes checked and the following items happened - it added several songs here is an example of what happened:
<ImportToiTunes Filename="K:\Music Collection Share\Music Collection\VARIOUS ARTISTS\SOUNDTRACKS\American Graffiti - Disc 2\12 - The Big Bopper - Chantilly Lace.mp3">Successful</ImportToiTunes>
And then it messed up the rating on the song:
<Track Filename="K:\Music Collection Share\Music Collection\VARIOUS ARTISTS\SOUNDTRACKS\American Graffiti - Disc 2\12 - The Big Bopper - Chantilly Lace.mp3">
<Rating ChangedIn="MC" OldValue="100" NewValue="0" />
<Category ChangedIn="iTunes" OldValue="" NewValue="Calculated Rating" />
When it is adding new tracks it probably should bring them over with the MC ratings and not re-rate them (as if this is a second sync) - becasue this is the initial time these files are brought into Itunes.
Due to the fickleness of itunes libraries - at least mine - constantly noted as damaged - I am unable to get to a previous version to check if the files that were added were in itunes prior to the sync or not.
3 - I also had the remove dead files from itunes - So in the same run after #2 I found the following entry in the log:
<RemoveFromiTunes Artist="The Big Bopper" Album="American Graffiti - Disc 2" Name="Chantilly Lace - The Big Bopper - Chantilly Lace">Successful</RemoveFromiTunes>
So it is adding them and then turning right around and removing them. But I checed itunes and this file is still listed as in the library and it is still in MC except that the rating is now zero stars. in both places. (Before the sync - this file was previously rated 5 stars)
If you rename a file in MC then run the sync with import & remove both on, it will first add the new filename and then remove the old filename. I'll put a failsafe in to make sure newly imported tracks have their fields sync'd only one-way from MC to iTunes. I can only imagine that the iTunesRatingSync had somehow got to zero before it was added to the iTunes library.
4 - and finally - playlists - I had it checked to add playlists from MC to itunes - the MCsync program hung up about 2/3rds the way through - but it appeared that it added several playlists to itunes - but if I selected the playlist in itunes - it is blank.
What was in the message above the progress bar when MCiS hung up? Did it create all your selected playlists or just some? Could you let me know your desired playlist structure so I can recreate it and test myself?