Hi all,
Not sure if I am doing anything wrong here. Recently I got myself an iPhone 5 and have been trying to use MCiTS to sync just some playlist over to iTunes.
The problem is that the sync always take ages (I've to leave it running overnight.). It doesn't matter if it is the first sync or the second sync, but it will always take ages.
Below is my setup:
My music is store on H:\Media Center Music
With the following structure underneath it: [Genre]\[Album Artist]\[Album]\
And the filename of the songs are: [Track #] - [Artist] - Left([Name],30)
I've setup a handheld sync using MC to sync and convert music to a folder for iTunes called: F:\iTunes Cache\ and it only syncs certain playlists.
I've setup my iTunesFileKey library field as:
F:\iTunes Cache\[Genre]\[Album Artist]\[Album]\if(regex([Filename (name)],/#\.(mp3|mp4|m4v|m4p|m4b|m4r|jpg)$#/),[Filename (name)],Filename(,0).mp3)
(PS: Thanks MrC)
If I check the iTunesFileKey field for m4a, flac, ape, it shows the file:
H:\Media Center Music\Soundtrack\Various Artists\C Soundtrack\07 - C Soundtrack - Weldgun.flac
F:\iTunes Cache\Soundtrack\Various Artists\C Soundtrack\07 - C Soundtrack - Weldgun.mp3
Which seems right.
So I've setup MCiTS to sync as follow:
Synchronize MC playlists to iTunes playlist folder: To Root Folder
Check playlists: Two of the same playlists that I sync for the handheld device settings in MC.
Fields to aggregate all unchecked.
Fields to export from iTunes all unchecked.
Fields to export from MC all unchecked.
Use alternative File Keys checked
Only synchronize files of types: mp3
Fix broken links in iTunes checked
Import files to iTunes of types: mp3;wav;m4a;flac;ape
Log: <ImportToiTunes> (fail) unchecked <FileNotFound> unchecked, the rest of it checked.
I am not sure if I am doing anything wrong but every time I run a synchronization, it takes up to a few hours to complete it.
Just a note is that I got about 65,000 songs in my library. I understand if the first time it is slow, but I am not sure why it is so slow every time.
Hope someone can guide me to solving this issue.
