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Author Topic: File naming on microSD card (Windows Mobile Phone)  (Read 1336 times)


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File naming on microSD card (Windows Mobile Phone)
« on: May 07, 2009, 09:13:57 am »


just wanted to ask for a feature:
When burning mp3-CDs, MC can use the folder style of the original files on the harddisk.
It would be great to have this feature in mobile device sync as well.

I use my windows ce based mobile phone for mp3-playback (with bluetooth a2dp headset  ;) )
I found no player that offers a database that can sort your files accoring to the composer field of the tag, only artist and album.
As I tagged my classical music correctly using all tag fields, I can only search for the playing interpret.
So I would like to use the folder structure for sorting the music here.
Normally I use [Album Arist(auto)]\[Album], which is good for pop music and pop samplers, but bad for classic.
So I have to switch between different path rules all the time.

A rule "sort as in original" as available for CD burning would solve all these issues.

Another idea here:
When dropping a playlist on the mobile device, it would be a good option to create a folder with the playlist name and put all files belonging to the playlist there.


P.S. Or does someone know a PPC mp3 player that can sort by composer?


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Re: File naming on microSD card (Windows Mobile Phone)
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2009, 11:32:23 am »

I have a similar thing I do to a USB drive for my car which doesn't recognize M3Us or have Artist/Album from the USB port.

I have not had a chance to test creating different devices on the same memory card root folder and see if MC can save the file path profile by device. Have one device and file path for the songs I want in playlist folders and the other for Artist\Album. I made a rather complicated structure I will post below to group files by Genre which may help you for composer. I only check the playlists for the songs I want to transfer using this profile.

File Path String:
If(IsEqual([Grouping], Album), Various Artists\[Album], if(IsEqual(AlbumArtist(), Multiple Artists), if(IsEqual([Genre], Classical), Classical\Various Artists\[Album], if(IsEqual([Genre], Country), Country\Various Artists\[Album], if(IsEqual([Genre], Kids), Kids\Various Artists\[Album], if(IsEqual([Genre], Christmas), Christmas\Various Artists\[Album], Various Artists\[Album])))), if(IsEqual([Genre], Classical), Classical\[Artist]\[Album], if(IsEqual([Genre], Country), Country\[Artist]\[Album], if(IsEqual([Genre], Kids), Kids\[Artist]\[Album], if(IsEqual([Genre], Christmas), Christmas\[Artist]\[Album], [Artists (grouped)]\[Artist]\[Album]))))))

To solve the Playlist songs in the same folder I had to create a user field for Playlist name and save the playlist name in the field for the files I wanted to include in that folder. I then replace the file path and check the playlists I what to transfer and have in playlist folders and use the below profile.

File Path String for Playlist songs in same folder: [Playlist] Is the user defined field I created and stored the name of the playlist.
If(IsEmpty([Playlist]), [Artist]\, [Playlist]\)

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